We started off tonight with the Knockouts Battle Royale, featuring Jordynne Grace, Madison Rayne, Kiera Hogan, Scarlett Bordeaux, Tessa Blanchard and more. Grace and Rayne have had their problems with Knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie in the past, and the 5-time Women's Champion Rayne hopes to prove she deserves a shot at the belt with a huge performance tonight.
Before the match could commence, Glenn Gilberti came out and talked down to the ten contestants in the ring, claiming that the only way people would enjoy this match was if it was a bra and panties match. The knockouts immediately stomped him out and sent him out under the ropes scurrying to the announcer's desk.
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Knockouts Battle Royale

Blanchard and Grace were targetted by the rest of the knockouts, with four a piece taking on each one. Both women fought their way out and met in the middle of the ring, but the other combatants jumped back on them.
Blanchard was tossed into the corner with a hurricanrana by Tasha Steeles, who was attacked by Alisha Edwards. Edwards took several strong kicks from Solo Darling, but managed to get back on top and drop her with a reverse mat slam. Grace came in and interrupted the brawl, bringing Darling down with a piledriver.
Rayne took Grace out with a whipping crucifix bomb. On the outside, Karissa Rivera and Ashley Box were brawling on the apron. Tessa Blanchard took advantage, eliminating them both. Kiera Hogan rocked Steeles with a side kick, nearly knocking her from the top of the turnbuckle to the ground. Darling eliminated Steeles, but was dropkicked off the apron by Grace. Blanchard sent Edwards over the top with a military press slam, landing on top of three of the eliminated competitors.
Kiera Hogan avoided a muscle buster, connecting with a side kick to the jaw. In the ropes, Grace evaded elimination for a time, but was taken out by Hogan while she was distracted with Blanchard. As Madison Rayne was on the apron, she was taken out by Knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie. Valkyrie beat her down, but she wasn't officially eliminated. It didn't take long for three of the remaining four contestants, Hogan, Blanchard, and Bordeaux, to toss her out, though. The fourth? Glenn Gilberti.
After a quick commercial break, we saw Hogan was hung up in the turnbuckle, and was dropped with a Codebreaker. Blanchard turned around and was planted with a brutal powerbomb from Bordeaux. Bordeaux and Hogan went at Blanchard 2-on-1. Hogan ruined the alliance quickly, rocking her with a superkick as she ran in for a clothesline on Blanchard. Hogan sent her over the top with a clothesline.
Hogan nearly sent Blanchard over the top with a hurricanrana, and found herself on the apron with Blanchard. They traded shots while attempting to hold onto the ropes. Hogan avoided a punch and tried to German suplex the former champion off the apron, but Blanchard held on and tossed her off.
Gilberti snuck in while Blanchard tried to celebrate, leaving her in a daze after a clothesline. Gilberti then sent her out, picking up the win.
Results: Glenn Gilberti won the Knockouts Battle Royale.
Footage was shown from last week after Impact went off the air. Willie Mack was attacked by Michael Elgin in the parking lot, sending him into one of the trucks with a powerbomb.

Michael Elgin was caught backstage, where he was asked why he was focused on injuring other talents. Elgin said that he's decided that he enjoys hurting people. He's sent Impact World Champion Brian Cage to the hospital, followed by Pentagon and now Willie Mack, and he said he didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.
Rich Swann came out to defend his friend, getting in a brawl with Big Mike, leading to a match later on in the night.
Next up was the Demon Collar Match. After over a year of bad blood brewing between these two, Rosemary and Su Yung would finally try to end their masochistic rivalry tonight. The rules were simple, similar to a bull rope match. Both competitors were chained together, this time chained at the neck, and the winner could only be decided by pinfall or submission.
Demon Collar Match: Su Yung vs. Rosemary
Both knockouts tried to end it quick, spraying mist at each other to no avail. Rosemary took over quickly, wrapping the chain around Su Yung's neck and tossing her across the ring. Rosemary locked Yung in the Upside Down on the ropes, then dropped her to the ground.
The Demon Assassin came down on the other side of the turnbuckle, pulling the chain across the top and choking Yung out. Back inside, Rosemary pandered to the crowd, allowing Yung to recover, rolling outside and pulling her into the steel ring post. Tied up in the corner, Yung repeatedly pulled her face first into the post.
She set up a chair and placed Rosemary in it, then took her out with a rolling senton from the apron. Eventually, the supernatural competitors rolled back inside. They traded blows, but Yung tripped Rosemary up with the chain. She tried to whip her several times with the chain, only for Rosemary to avoid the assault, driving her down with a reverse DDT.
Rosemary went for a German suplex, but Yung rocked her with the chain, catching her right in the nose. Rosemary kicked out. Yung brought her back to her feet and sent her head first into the middle turnbuckle with a head scissors. An elevated Pedigree from the middle rope nearly secured the win for Yung, but Rosemary kicked out.
Yung broke out the glove and took Rosemary down again with the Mandible Claw. Though she held it for several seconds, she didn't go for a pin. Yung went up top, but was yanked off and met with green mist to the face. Rosemary cut her in half with a spear and spiked her head first with the Red Wedding.
Results: Rosemary defeated Su Yung via pinfall.
Rosemary dragged Su Yung by the chainout of the arena. For now, it appears that Rosemary has finally won the Dark War.

Melissa Santos met Madison Rayne backstage, who was frustrated after the Knockouts Champion ruined her run in the Knockouts Battle Royale. Rayne said that Valkyrie's 30-day title defense clause is up, and next week she'll have to defend her championship.
Madman Fulton w/Sami Callihan vs. Randy Shawn
Shawn took the fight to Fulton first. Two right hands didn't phase him, though, and Callihan told Fulton to "kill him." Fulton tossed Shawn across the ring like a lawn dart but gave him time to get back up. More strikes from Shawn were, like before, ineffective.
Fulton planted Shawn with three chokeslams, deadlifting him on the last two. He finished off Shawn with a spin out STO.
Results: Madman Fulton defeated Randy Shawn via pinfall.
Fulton tried to jump on Shawn after the match, but Callihan pulled him off. After another attempt at mauling Shawn, Callihan finally got control of him.
Santos interviewed Rob Van Dam backstage, who said that wherever he goes, that's where the action is. RVD said that next week, he's facing off against the Hardcore Icon Tommy Dreamer.
A doctor revealed that Impact World Champion Brian Cage has suffered "significant spinal trauma" and, for most people, it would be a miracle to see them walk again, let alone wrestle. However, Cage is no normal man, and is already walking again. While it's unknown when he'll return, it's assumed it'll be sooner rather than later.

While Impact Wrestling was in Toronto, Killer Kross stole Eddie Edwards' kendo stick Kenny and has been in his possession for weeks. Tonight, Edwards looked to retrieve Kenny and get some much-needed revenge on the Anti-Machine.
Killer Kross vs. Eddie Edwards
Edwards rushed the ring, allowing Kross to leap on him early, attempting to catch him in the Kross Jacket. Edwards fought out and took the fight to Kross, sending him outside for a pair of suicide dives. Back inside, Kross dumped Edwards on his head with a judo throw.
Kross pounded Edwards' face into the mat with taped fists, then tried to take him over for a suplex. Edwards escaped, then countered with a suplex of his own. Edwards ran into a knee to the gut and was taken down with a clothesline.
Kross raked at the eyes of the former World Champion and tied him up in the ropes for some more punishment. The ref pulled him off, giving Edwards some reprieve. It didn't last long, though, as he shot Edwards into the corner spine first. Edwards eventually got to his feet thanks to the ropes, but after three high kicks, was sent back down to the mat. He got back up for one more, dodging for the Blue Thunder Bomb.
Edwards launched Kross across the ring with a top rope Hurricanrana. A shining wizard levelled him, but Kross kicked out at one. A Tiger Driver gave Edwards a two-count. A Boston Knee Party was countered by Kross, who raked the eyes again. Edwards picked up Kenny on the outside, but thanks to the ref trying to pull it away, Kross spiked him with the Doomsday Saito.
Results: Killer Kross defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall.
After the match, Kross leveled a defensless Edwards with another high kick to the face. Edwards was then zip-tied to the ropes. Edwards tried to break away as Kross put on gloves and picked up Kenny. Edwards and the rest of the Impact crowd assumed Kross was going to pummel him. Kross teased it, but instead broke Kenny across his knee, leaving Edwards to scream and cry while the monster laughed.

Backstage, the Rascalz were seen freaking out over their upcoming Impact Tag Team Title match. Dez and Trey fought over who was going to eat grilled chicken, while Wentz was pent-up after quitting meat and animal products for a week now, going full vegan.
We were then shown a Rocky-style training montage, where the trio was outpaced by a group of children.
The North were shown backstage arguing about Rob Van Dam. Moose tried to intervene, telling Josh Alexander not to worry about the tag titles because they're there for the taking. What they should focus on instead is being the first guys to take out RVD, and Moose is looking to help.
Michael Elgin vs. Rich Swann
Elgin easily bullied Swann early, overpowering him and tanking strong strikes from the X-Division Champion. Big Mike stood tall after two shoulder tackles and landed on his feet after a Hurricanrana attempt from Swann. Swann finally landed some serious offense with a dropkick to the jaw and a Hurricanrana, sending Elgin onto his back.
Swann chopped Elgin in the ropes, but Elgin caught the handspring cutter. Swann escaped his grasp but was left crotched in the turnbuckle and clobbered in the back of the head with a rolling forearm. A nasty German suplex saw Swan land face first, nearly perpendicular to the ring mat. Somehow he kicked out, but that seemed to be out of instinct.
Elgin drove Swann chest first into the turnbuckle, and at this point, Elgin probably could've ended it. However, he wanted to continue to punish Swann for trying to avenge Willie Mack. Swann caught him with a boot in the corner and shoved him off the top rope to the mat. However, as he went for a crossbody, he was met by a standing dropkick. Swann kicked out at two.
Finally, Swann rocked Elgin with a hard right hand. Elgin shook it off and set up for the Elgin Bomb, but Swann countered into a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Elgin ran at him, but Swann leapfrogged, sending him to the outside. A running senton over the top rope and a corkscrew senton rocked the Unbreakable One. Swann wasn't done and went up top for a Swanton, landing on top of a standing Elgin.
Elgin was rolled inside, but could not avoid a big elbow drop from the top rope from the X-Division Champion.
Back from commercial break, Elgin avoided the Phoenix Splash, but Swann landed on his feet. Elgin brought him into the corner for a Diamond Dust and a Michinoku Driver. Swann kicked out. Elgin picked Swann up and pelted him with three massive clotheslines. Swann looked to be out on his feet but countered the fourth with a superkick and a spinning back kick.
Elgin managed to catch Swann coming off the ropes with a fourth clothesline and a tilt-a-whirl sidewalk slam. Swann kicked out. Elgin took Swann up top, setting up for a huge power move. Swann fought out but was caught going for a Hurricanrana. Elgin tried for the Elgin Bomb but was launched with a Hurricanrana anyway.
A handspring cutter connected and a 450 Splash from the second rope seemingly signalled the end. Still, Elgin kicked out. Swann, with nothing left in his arsenal, went for the Phoenix Splash. Elgin rolled out, causing him to land face first. A running clothesline and an Elgin Bomb, somehow, wasn't enough to put away Rich Swann.
Elgin sent Swann into the turnbuckle with a buckle bomb and went for another Elgin Bomb. Swann countered, spiking Elgin with two reverse Hurricanranas and another spinning back kick. Elgin kicked out.
Swann followed Elgin outside and tried to drive him into the steel post with a Hurricanrana. Elgin caught him, driving him spine first with a powerbomb into the post. A second powerbomb forced the referee to step in. He went out and told Elgin that if he continued, he'd be disqualified. Elgin shoved him away and hit another vicious powerbomb.
Results: Rich Swann defeated Michael Elgin via disqualification.
Willie Mack made the save as Elgin tried to continue the punishment. A Samoan Drop and standing moonsault left Elgin crawling to the corner. Before Mack could finish his assault, he was stopped by Johnny Impact. Impact delivered a springboard kick to the jaw, laying out Mack, then drove his knee into the face of Rich Swann.
Impact and Elgin stared each other down to end the show.