It's been a wild ride on the way to Against All Odds. We saw Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie turn their backs on Brian Cage and the fans a few weeks back, much to the delight (maybe) of Killer Kross. Tonight, Kross would take on the Machine in a one-on-one matchup.
Also, after months and months of build, leading to Allie losing her soul and aligning with Su Yung and Father James Mitchell, Rosemary looked to return to the Undead Realm tonight to bring back the Bunny she loved so much. Would the Demon Assassin prevail, or would "He" be too much for the former Knockouts Champion to handle?
Speaking of the Knockouts Championship, the title would be on the line tonight as Jordynne Grace would face off against Taya Valkyrie. Last week, Grace earned a shot at Valkyrie when she defeated Tessa Blanchard in singles action. It was considered an upset victory then, but would she be able to defy the odds tonight?
Tonight would also see the in-ring debut of Scarlett Bordeaux as she took on the chauvinistic Glenn Gilberti, hoping to shut up the dirty dancing dynamo.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Finally, the opening segment featured another top-tier tag team contest between two of the greatest tag teams in all of professional wrestling. LAX looked to earn one more rematch against the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Titles recently. However, the Lucha Bros denied them on multiple occasions, forcing Ortiz and Santana to take matters into their own hands. Tonight, Fenix and Pentagon Jr. would answer the latest challenge from LAX; an Unsanctioned Street Fight.

Konnan came out with LAX and spoke to both his team and the Lucha Bros about their recent actions. He said that they were all family to him, but he had warned them many times not to get too heated when it came to the titles. Neither team listened, and at this point, there was no turning back. They would continue to attack the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions until they got a rematch for the titles. However, tonight, they challenged Pentagon Jr. and Fenix to an Unsanctioned Street Fight.
Lucha Bros rushed the ring after a promo from Konnan. LAX quickly turned the tables, but the four men were quickly broken up by security. The champions were sent outside but quickly took out security with a handful of superkicks. LAX handled the guards inside, sending them all out to the ramp and launching the final one over the ropes.
As they turned around, they were met by chairs to the head launched by Pentagon and Fenix. The Lucha Bros set up two tables in opposite corners. They looked to powerbomb both men into the wood, but LAX countered and drove both champions into the tables.
Konnan entered the ring and directed traffic. LAX pulled both of the tag team champions into the middle of the ring, laying broken as Santana and Ortiz held the titles high above their heads.

Backstage, LAX and Konnan vented about the situation with the Lucha Bros. Santana and Ortiz said that it didn't have to be this way. They didn't have to
On April 28th, LAX is looking to challenge the Impact Tag Team Champions to Full Metal Mayhem at Impact Wrestling Rebellion. Konnan let it be known that they either accept, or they'll continue to get jumped by the former champions.
Next up tonight was the intergender match between Glenn Gilberti and Scarlett Bordeaux. Gilberti had made some incredibly derogatory remarks towards women in general and had recently been heard putting down women's wrestling. Bordeaux decided to take matters into her own hands and three weeks ago challenged Gilberti to a match at Against All Odds in her in-ring debut.
Glenn Gilberti vs Scarlett Bordeaux
Gilberti gave Bordeaux an opportunity to walk away, but she simply told him to "shut up and wrestle, Turkey Boy."
Bordeaux then shocked Gilberti with a roll-up, a double leg takedown, and a few chops, forcing him to the outside to think up a plan.
Back inside, Bordeaux dodged several attacks from Gilberti, but he grabbed her hair and took her down with an elbow to the back. Bordeaux rolled to the apron and countered another hair pull, dropping Gilberti across the top ropes. A modified stunner was followed up by a top-rope crossbody.
Gilberti kicked out and withstood a few clotheslines before blocking a third, sending Bordeaux crashing to the mat with a running forearm. He picked her up and launched her across the ring, then stomped her shins and hands.
Bordeaux screamed in pain as Gilberti continued to stomp her out. Bordeaux sat up but was sent back down with a boot to the face. She refused to give up, however, countering a few strikes with body shots. Gilberti cut her off with a knee to the gut and whipped her into the corner. He ran in for a clothesline but Bordeaux escaped, catching him with a clothesline of her own.
A few more running attacks left Gilberti stunned in the bottom of the turnbuckle where she hit him with a running hip attack. Back to his feet, Gilberti looked to catch her with a strong punch but was dropped with a stunner.
Gilberti kicked out and brought Bordeaux down with a Russian Leg Sweep followed up by the Village People's Elbow. He mocked the crowd and the ring crew, telling Josh Matthews and Don Callis that he would give her ten punches in the corner. Bordeaux raked his back as he attempted it and powerbombed him, picking up a win in her in-ring debut.
Results: Scarlett Bordeaux defeated Glenn Gilberti via pinfall.
With a win over Gilberti, what's next for Scarlett Bordeaux?
Melissa Santos interviewed Taya Valkyrie and Johnny Impact backstage, asking the Knockouts Champion if she had a strategy for Jordynne Grace. Valkyrie said that, though Grace is strong, she's not Wera Loca strong.
Impact said that after the Knockouts Title match, he was going to sit back and grab some popcorn while he watched Killer Cross take on Brian Cage. Impact hinted at the possibility of another concussion heading the Machine's way tonight.

At Impact United We Stand, Josh Matthews revealed that Johnny Impact would not be competing in the 4-on-4 Impact vs Lucha Underground match. He refused to team with any of his teammates (Brian Cage, Moose, Eddie Edwards) and would instead compete in his first ever Ultimate X match hoping to earn a shot at the X-Division Championship.
A vignette played of Impact Wrestling's recent signing, the Walking Weapon Himself, Josh Alexander. Alexander was recently announced as a new member of the roster, and it looks like he'll be making his debut very soon.
Tessa Blanchard was backstage with Melissa Santos, who said that Gail Kim stated last week she would do what needed to be done. Blanchard said that's what she should do. She said that Kim deserved everything that's happening to her for costing her the Knockouts Championship all those months ago against Taya Valkyrie. Blanchard then stormed the ring looking to get her apology from Kim.
Last week, we saw an unknown knockout going for a jog, getting ready for competition. This week, it was revealed that it was none other than the former 5-time Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne. Rayne looked to reclaim her throne.
The Lucha Bros didn't take long to consider Konnan's challenge, as they officially accepted LAX's terms. The Tag Titles would be on the line at Impact Rebellion in Full Metal Mayhem.
Blanchard demanded that Kim make her way to the ring. Kim walked out while Josh Matthews ran down the history between these two, going all the way back to Impact Wrestling Homecoming where the special guest referee Gail Kim caused Tessa Blanchard to lose the Knockouts Championship to Taya Valkyrie.
Blanchard told Kim to apologize for everything that's happened over the past few months. Kim said that she was coming out to do what she had to do and that she was sorry. Kim said she was sorry for attacking her. Blanchard continued to get in her face, demanding that she apologize for costing her the championship.
After Kim did so, Blanchard demanded she announce her resignation from Impact. Kim revealed that she'd given her resignation to the company earlier in the day. Blanchard looked to bury the hatchet, but then made fun of Kim and everyone in her era for being known for bra and panty matches. She finished off by saying that Kim couldn't cut it in this era, and couldn't even lace her boots.
Kim stopped Blanchard's celebration, though, revealing that she turned in her resignation so she could come out of retirement and kick her a**. Blanchard was beaten down by the Impact Wrestling Hall of Famer and eventually backed up the ramp with her tail between her legs.
Later in the night, it was announced that Tessa Blanchard will take on Gail Kim at Impact Wrestling Rebellion.

In a video recorded by Sami Callihan, oVe were shown forcing Mad Man Fulton to join the group, brainwashing him in a similar fashion to Alex DeLarge in A Clockwork Orange. In the end, it was shown that the brainwashing worked, with Fulton whispering "everything."
Knockouts Championship Match: Jordynne Grace vs Taya Valkyrie (c)
The two started out trying to outmaneuver each other, with Grace picking up the lead early thanks to a snapmare and crucifix pin.
Jordynne Grace looked to overpower the champion, dropping Valkyrie with a shoulder block and chasing her into the corner. Valkyrie avoided and found herself on the apron, catching her with a shoulder block into the gut. Grace quickly recovered, taking Valkyrie down for a pinfall. Valkyrie kicked out at two.
Valkyrie rocked Grace with a kicking combination, then leaped onto Grace as she was trying to get off of the ropes. On her shoulders, Valkyrie looked for a Death Valley Driver. Grace escaped, sending her into the corner and doubling her over with a German suplex.
Valkyrie rolled outside. Grace looked to follow up with a baseball slide, but Valkyrie avoided it and sent her into the ring post. Back inside, Grace kicked out. In the corner, Valkyrie chopped her across the chest, then connected with a running hip attack to a seated Grace, followed up by a running double knee. The Last Pure Athlete kicked out again.
Grace finally escaped the corner, vaulting over Valkyrie but was cut in half by a spear. Grace again kicked out.
Jordynne Grace countered a suplex from Valkyrie due to the champion's arrogance, allowing her to get back on top. She sent Valkyrie into the corner and caught her with a running double knee strike followed by a sliding forearm smash. Valkyrie was laid out near the corner, allowing Grace to hit her with a body splash from the second rope.
Valkyrie broke the pin, but Grace stayed on top of her. The undefeated Grace attempted a Muscle Buster, only fro Valkyrie to break out, escaping a superplex attempt as well. Valkyrie went for a moonsault as Grace hit the mat, but Grace escaped.
She then attempted the Grace Driver, but Valkyrie escaped. She screamed that she may have broken a rib, claiming that she couldn't breathe. The ref began to count her out as Johnny Impact came down to comfort her.
Results: Jordynne Grace defeated Taya Valkyrie via count-out.
Impact and Valkyrie tried to leave up the ramp but were cut off by the returning Brian Cage. Valkyrie went back inside and was immediately run over by Grace. Impact then used her as a shield as they backed away from Cage. Thankfully for Impact and Valkyrie, Killer Kross came down and attacked the Machine, driving him into the ring post.

Killer Kross vs Brian Cage
The match immediately began as we came back from commercial break. A hurt Cage was assaulted by Kross as he came into the ring, but Cage was able to quickly overpower him. Sending him head over heels with a back body drop, Kross was scrambled to the corner, where he was met with repeated clotheslines by the Machine.
Cage sent Kross into the opposite corner, but when he chased after he was met with a big boot. Kross went after Cage's arm with a hammerlock slam. He continued to target the arm and shoulder of Cage, connecting with an arm breaker. Cage made it back to his feet, setting himself up in the corner. Kross went after him with a clothesline and dropped him on his head with an exploder suplex.
Cage kicked out and was immediately locked into an armbar. Cage powered out and sent Kross over the ropes, stunning him with an enziguri and going for the deadlift suplex. Kross countered, dropping his arm across the rope, slingshotting Cage back to the middle of the ring.
Cage kicked out of a pinning attempt, forcing Kross to punish him some more with an arm wrench. Cage again got back to his feet but was flipped onto his back, with Kross keeping the arm locked up. Kross attempted the cross arm breaker, but Cage blocked it twice, finally breaking it when he got to the ropes.
Kross followed Cage around the ring to each corner, beating him down as he exclaimed, "I own you!" Cage countered another toss into the corner, rebounding with a springboard DDT, giving him some much needed time to recover.
With both men vertical, they traded strikes. Cage leveled Kross with the discus clothesline. Kross stood back up and avoided a second one, nearly locking in the Kross Jacket. Cage backed him into the turnbuckle and caught him with a rolling powerslam. A moonsault nearly gave him the win.
Kross quickly got Cage down to the mat with the Doomsday Saito. Cage kicked out and bulked up, powerbombing Kross followed by a powerbomb backbreaker. Another discus clothesline nearly gave him the win.
Cage wasn't able to use the Drillclaw after all the damage to his arm and instead brought Kross down with the F-5. Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie ran down to the ring and interfered, with Impact putting Kross's boot on the ropes and Valkyrie hitting Cage with a low blow.
Kross then dropped Cage with a pair of Doomsday Saitos. Though it looked like Cage kicked out, the ref called for the bell.
Results: Killer Kross defeated Brian Cage via pinfall.
Kross looked on as Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie beat down the Machine. Impact connected with a knee to Cage's face before pelting him with the chair. Cage's left arm was locked inside of a chair, and Impact drove another chair into it, possibly breaking the challenger's arm.

Rosemary prepared for her trip to the Undead Realm, arming herself with a cleaver and a chain, the latter of which was wrapped around the neck of Dark Allie. The two then traveled to the Undead Realm. However, Kiera Hogan followed them, against the wishes and warnings of Rosemary.
The Demon Assassin and Dark Bunny went through a curtain which led them to a ring, with Father James Mitchell entertaining tormented souls. Mitchell told Rosemary that she was setting Rosemary up for a meeting with "Him" but there was already a huge line ahead of her. Rosemary then had to face off against one of the spirits. With Allie tied up on the post, she took on the first challenger, spitting mist into his face and killing him with a wrench.
A tag team came in and beat down Rosemary, but she grabbed the cleaver and slit the throat of the two men. Next up were Su Yung's undead bridesmaids. In a four-on-one situation, things looked dicey, but Kiera Hogan tossed her a sword. Rosemary sliced the throats of all four bridesmaids.
Su Yung was next, unlocking the chain which was wrapped around Allie. Yung shoved Allie into Rosemary while she went after Hogan. A knife was slid to Allie, but she couldn't bring herself to stab Rosemary. Yung looked to choke her out, only for Rosemary to overpower her. Before she could deliver the final blow, she was interrupted by "Him" who was none other than Kevin Sullivan.
Rosemary demanded Allie's Soul. He denied her request, saying that everything she had done was in vain. Yung went after Rosemary with a clawed glove, but Allie pushed her out of the way, taking the blades in her throat. Hogan and Rosemary shed tears as Allie comforted them, letting them know that she was whole again.
Allie then disappeared from the ring, leaving her two friends alone as she passed on.