IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship: The North vs The Motor City Machine Guns (c)
Chris Sabin and Josh Alexander kicked off the IMPACT Wrestling main event. Sabin was caught coming off the top, allowing The North to take him out with some tandem offense.
Alex Shelley rushed in only to get planted with a tilt-a-whirl flapjack followed by a splash from Alexander. The North focused on Sabin, keeping the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion in their corner. Sabin managed to avoid an elbow from Alexander, which hit Ethan Page instead.
Shelley tagged in and came in like a house on fire. MCMG rocked both Alexander and Page with some tag team offense, leaving them on top as we moved into the final commercial break.
MCMG focused on the knee of Josh Alexander. A single leg Boston Crab worked over the leg, but Ethan Page broke it up. Sabin and Shelley took Page to the floor, but it gave Alexander enough time to recover. With the ref's back turned, Alexander used Page to drive Shelley into the mat with an assisted spinning impaler DDT.
Page and Alexander continue to punish Shelley. A pair of backbreaker left Shelley battered, but Sabin was able to break up the pin. Page tagged in as Shelley made it to the corner and was planted into the turnbuckle with a flatliner. Sabin finally got the tag and rocked Page with a striking combination and neckbreaker.
Sabin followed up, laying out Alexander with a kick to the jaw before moving up for a missile dropkick to Page. The IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions were on fire here. Shelley tagged in and held the ropes open to see Sabin rock Alexander with a suicide dive.
Shelley trapped Page as Sabin hit a missile dropkick, planting All Ego with a flatliner. Page blocked the Sliced Bread No. 2, and was attacked by Alexander. However, Sabin, after a tag, rolled in and sent Shelley overhead for a double Sliced Bread.
MCMG and The North came to blows, with Page and Alexander getting the upper hand. After preventing the ASCS Rush, The North planted Sabin with their double Gotch Neutralizer. However, Sabin kicked out.
The North went for the Lochness Lowdown (Burning Hammer/Spinebuster), only for Sabin to counter with a roll-up. Shelley failed to hit Sliced Bread No. 2 again, and The North took him out with an assisted. backbreaker/superkick combination.
Sabin took out Page but was rocked with a forearm. Shelley saved Sabin, as the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions sent Alexander to the floor. The Guns were able to pin Ethan Page after hitting the Skull and Bones.
Results: Motor City Machine Guns defeated The North via pinfall at IMPACT Wrestling Emergence.
Grade: A+