The latest episode of Impact Wrestling was taped at the ‘Impact Zone’ in Orlando, Florida that saw a big return and an iconic main event title match. The show started off with a video package of the events of last week where Alberto El Patron beat Magnus for the GFW Championship.
GFW Tag Team Title Tournament (First Round Match) – #1 LAX (Santana & Ortiz) w/Konnan, Diamante & Homicide vs. Laredo Kid & Garza Jr.
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Santana started the proceedings with Kid. Santana hit Garza is the money maker and this forced Ortiz and Garza Jr. to get into the ring. Garza Jr. then lifted Kid, allowing him to dropkick both members of LAX. Garza Jr and Kid then leapt to the outside onto Santana and Ortiz.
The action again shifted to the ring when Garza Jr. tagged himself into the match. Garza dove off the top onto Ortiz. Santana then hit a dropkick on Garza. Ortiz and Santana then double teamed with a back breaker leg drop combo.
With the referee distracted, Homicide took the opportunity to attack Garza Jr. on the outside. Garza then slipped out of his tights; Kid and Garza went for a combo superplex off the top. Santana then dove off the top rope with an awkward looking frog splash. The show went to a break with all four men on the mat. After the break, LAX pummeled Kid.
Kid somehow managed to surprise Santana with a tornado DDT. Garza fought Santana and Ortiz until Diamante caught him on the apron and hit him with a hurricanrana. LAX then hit a blockbuster type doomsday device on Kid for the win.
Winner: LAX advance in the GFW Tag Title tournament
In a backstage segment, Magnus confronted Bruce Prichard and blamed him for losing the GFW Championship last week. Bruce told Magnus to stop complaining and get himself back in contention for the title. Magnus promised some action from his side and stormed off.
#2 Kongo Kong w/Laurel Van Ness vs Braxton Sutter w/Allie
In a surprisingly short match, Kongo Kong got the better of Braxton Sutter. Sutter tried to use his speed to his advantage over Kong but failed miserably. Kong dominated Sutter for the most part with Laurel celebrating Sutter’s beat down. Kong finished the match with a sideways Michinoku driver on Sutter and pinned him for the win.
Winner: Kongo Kong
As the match ended, Sienna and KM made their way to the ring and attacked Sutter. Mahabali Shera then ran into the ring to make the save. Bruised and battered, Sutter challenged KM and Kongo to a tag match next week on Impact.
In another backstage segment, Karen Jarrett announced that there would be a mixed tag team match next week pitting Eddie Edwards and wife Alisha, against Davey Richards and Angelina Love.
An Ultimate X video package aired next showing the history of the division. The major stars to have held the title such as AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal were shown in the vignette. The current crop then spoke about their chances and their favourite stars of the bygone years.
Another video package hyped the match between EC3 and James Storm and highlight Carter’s actions last week where he whipped Storm.
#3 Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm
Magnus joined the commentary team for the match. Storm rushed to the ring and went after Carter; James took the initiative early on but Carter retaliated and grounded Storm. He then taunted Storm and the crowd; Storm tried to get back into the match but his offensive was shut down quickly.
The action shifted to the outside as Carter rammed Storm's head into the ring apron repeatedly. Taking the match back to the ring, Carter went for the TK3 but Storm got out of it. He then grounded Carter with a stiff kick. Storm then went for a belt at ringside to give Carter a taste of his own medicine.
Magnus then got into the picture as he confronted Storm. Bruce Prichard and Impact officials came running down to ringside and Magnus was escorted away from ringside.
As the action returned, EC3 had Storm in a camel clutch but Storm fought out of the hold and hit a flurry of moves on Carter. EC3 then connected with the TK3 on Storm. He did not cover Storm and instead went to the outside to get the leather strap.
He was about to bring it in the ring but the referee stopped him; Carter then hit another TK3 on Storm but bafflingly did not cover him. EC3 then let go of sanity and got the leather strap again while also knocking down referee Brian Stifler. Carter then pulled up his shirt and started whipping the referee repeatedly. The bell was called, bringing the contest to an end.
Winner: James Storm wins by disqualification
As the bell was rung, Storm attacked EC3 and caught him with the backstabber. Magnus then ran out and assaulted Storm and the former then confronted Carter. Prichard rushed to the ring and announced that the three men would square off against each other at Slammiversary to determine the number one contender. Prichard then sounded off on EC3 but Carter pushed him and Prichard landed on the mat face first.
#4 Sienna (c) w/KM vs. ODB for the GFW Women's Championship
ODB started the match with an all-out brawl. Sienna got to ODB sending her crashing to the outside of the ring. As the action moved back to the ring, ODB got the better of the champion with a succession of signature moves.
She then rammed Sienna's head into the turnbuckle from a seated position. ODB tried to jump off the top rope but Sienna side stepped her and ODB crashed down to the mat. Sienna then utilised the opportunity to hit the silencer finisher on ODB and secure the victory.
Winner: Sienna retained the GFW Women’s Championship
Jeremy Borash walked to the ring and announced that he had arranged for an attorney and that he had been reinstated. Matthews asked who had agreed to be Borash’s attorney, and Borash then introduced TNA Legend Joesph Park aka Abyss.
Park took a microphone and said that he had missed the Impact Zone, and challenged Matthews to a tag match at Slammiversary.
#5 Low-Ki (c) vs. Trevor Lee w/Shane Helms vs. Andrew Everett ‘Ultimate X' for the X Division Championship
All three men go at it at the start the match. Low-Ki kicked down the competition early and then went on to climb the metal structure to the title but was knocked to the outside. Everett took down Lee and then hit a standing rana on Low-Ki. He then tried to scale the structure but suffered the same fate as Low-Ki. The two took the battle to the apron but Lee pushed both of them into the steel barricade.
As the show returned from the break, Trevor Lee took control. Low-Ki tried to sneak in a shot at the title but he was pulled down. Lee then continued his work on Everett hitting him with a dead weight German Suplex. Low-Ki again tried to climb up the structure but Lee pulled him down.
Trevor started his climb off the steel structure, hung tightly to the cable and tried to reach the centre of the ring. Everett managed to pull Lee off the cable and the two exchanged punches.
Trevor took down Low-Ki by biting him and then punt kicking him in the head. Andrew got back up and hit a shooting star press onto Low Ki and Trevor Lee. Low-Ki was the first to get up and made his way towards the centre of the cables.
Everett then hit a springboard drop kick on Low-Ki, bringing him crashing down. Shane Helms entered the fray and handed Trevor Lee a steel chair at ringside. Lee threw Low-Ki into the steel barricade and rushed across the ring to hit Everett with the chair, but Lee accidentally struck himself with the chair.
A few moments later, Lee recovered and hit Everett with the chair. Low-Ki once again came back and punched the solid steel chair into Trevor Lee's head. Low-Ki moved up for the title, and Lee followed him.
The two men were back down to the mat and Lee connected with a standing double foot stomp. Everett then hit a reverse franken driver on Lee; Low-Ki got up slowly and headed up the structure. Everett went hard after Low-Ki and left him hanging upside down from the steel structure. Helms got involved in the match and hit a top rope neck breaker on Everett. This helped Lee to recover, while Helms got Trevor to stand on his shoulders to reach the X title.
Low-Ki recovered and knocked down both Helms and Lee. He once again tried to work his way up, walking over the metal structure. He climbed down from the centre of the steel structure and reached the cables. He knocked down both Lee and Everett, who were in touching distance of the title. Low-Ki then reached down and grabbed the X division championship to win the match.
Winner: Low-Ki retains the X division Championship