IMPACT Wrestling Results (April 14th, 2020): Winners, Grades, Highlights and more 

The contract signing didn't go as planned
The contract signing didn't go as planned

Last week was a rough one for The IMPACT Wrestling World Champion. Tessa Blanchard teamed with Eddie Edwards in hopes of becoming a dual champion when they challenged The North for the IMPACT Tag Team Titles. However, thanks to some arrogance, and plain stubbornness from the Undeniable One, they would lose the match.


Edwards gave up on trying to work with Blanchard after that, leaving her alone as she was attacked by Michael Elgin. Edwards looked back and saw, but decided against getting in the ring, remembering that Blanchard said she didn't need his help.

Tonight, it was officially revealed on IMPACT that Rebellion would now be a two-part special, airing over the next two weeks, starting on April 21st.

We kicked off the night with Johnny Swinger, who stated that he was bringing in a "Young Buck" to IMPACT. M Jackson to be precise. However, it wasn't the Jackson wrestling fans were thinking. No, but it was legendary "Action" Mike Jackson.


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Mike Jackson, a 70-year old veteran, stood up for the youth in the locker room that Swinger was attempting to bully over the past few months.

Johnny Swinger vs Mike Jackson

Jackson was hit with a cheap shot early on, but was able to take over the bout with two roll-ups before sending Swinger to the floor with a tilt-a-whirl headscissor takedown. Following that, the 70-year old hit a suicide dive on Swinger.


Jackson avoided all of Swinger's patented offense, sending Swinger into the corner shoulder first before dropping him with a shoulder breaker. Moving up top, Jackson walked the ropes for Old School, managing to walk all the way around the ring while the fans cheered him on.


Swinger bounced Jackson off the turnbuckle before taking Jackson to the mat with a suplex. However, Jackson made a comeback, catching Swinger coming off the top with a punch to the gut. A hangman's backbreaker earned him a two-count. In the corner, Jackson connected with ten mounted punches.

Jackson was clearly in control the majority of the bout, but Swinger was able to drop him to the mat for a pin using the ropes.


Results: Johnny Swinger defeated Mike Jackson via pinfall.

Grade: B+ (It was REALLY good)

Backstage, Ace Austin addressed his #1 contender, Willie Mack. The "XXX" Division Champion ridiculed Mack for abandoning Rich Swann and their hopes of becoming the IMPACT Tag Team Champions, even though Swann had suffered a nasty injury months ago.


Trey Miguel came in to defend Mack, calling out Austin for only being able to beat his opponents thanks to his disgusting mind games. Austin asked how Trey's mother was, leading to a brawl.

IMPACT's tag division put on an incredible show tonight
IMPACT's tag division put on an incredible show tonight

We witnessed Ken Shamrock arriving at the building, with Scott D'Amore meeting him just after he walked through the doors. D'Amore reminded him to be on his best behavior and not cause any trouble. Shamrock said he wouldn't be an issue, but D'Amore should keep a leash on "his boy".


The Rascalz (Wentz & Dez) vs XXXL (Acey Romero & Larry D) vs Reno Scum (Adam Thornstowe & Luster the Legend) vs TJP & Fallah Bahh

Acey Romero and Adam Thornstowe started the match, with Romero easily overpowering Thornstowe. Larry D tagged in, leading to a double avalanche body splash in the corner on Thornstowe.


Thornstowe ducked a clothesline and hit a jawbreaker, sending Larry D into The Rascalz. Wentz tagged in but was immediately taken to Scum's corner where Luster the Legend entered the fray.


Wentz lit up Luster with a striking combination capped off with a roundhouse kick, but Thornstowe managed to tag in and knocked Dez to the floor. Wentz, again found himself back in the corner of Reno Scum. Luster sent Wentz into Thonrstowe's armpit, driving him right to Pity City.

Wentz was caught in a cobra clutch before Thornstowe tagged in, leading to Thornstowe dropping him on Luster's knee with a bulldog. Wentz fought off Thornstowe and finally tagged in Dez, who fought off both members of Reno Scum with fast paced elbows and kicks.


A slingshot/superkick into a backbreaker/double stomp combination earned Dez a two. Thornstowe sent Dez into another corner, allowing TJP to tag in. As he did, Wentz caught him in a springboard cutter.


Fallah Bahh was in next for a spinning belly-to-belly on Wentz. Dez pegged him with a rolling kick, but Luster sent them both to the floor. XXXL rolled in and dropped Luster for a running senton splash. Larry D and Acey Romero launched themselves through the ropes to hit a pair of suicide dives on The Rascalz and Fallah Bahh.

Back inside, Reno Scum nearly hit the Doomsday Device on TJP. The former X-Division Champion escaped, sending Luster to the floor. Bahh came in and planted Thornstowe with a massive Samoan Drop.


TJP followed that up with a frog splash, earning a win for Team TJ-B.

Results: TJP & Fallah Bahh defeated Reno Scum via pinfall.

Grade: A-

Immediately after the match, The North rushed the ring to confront what could be their new #1 contenders. Ethan Page & Josh Alexander have beaten TJP & Bahh before, but it was an incredibly close bout. This time around, The North will have to come up with a new game plan.


Backstage, Rohit Raju was complaining about his bout with Hernandez later tonight. Gama Singh said he knew what was best for Raju and every member of the Desi Hit Squad. He slapped Raju before walking off.


At Rebellion, Raju has a 4-way X-Division match. If he wins, it could propel him to the X-Division Championship. However, walking in battered and bruised from a beatdown from Super Mex would definitely hinder his performance.

Ad P. Ryan demanded the media truck play a #CancelCulture tape, which was simply a tape of Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes rubbing in their great lives in the faces of the fans. So, business as usual.

Rohit Raju w/Gama Singh vs Hernandez

Raju was able to avoid a lot of offense from Hernandez. Every time Super Mex set up for a big move, Raju managed to slip through his grasp. However, a shoulder tackle would nearly send Raju to the floor.


The Border Toss put Raju away in no time.


Results: Hernandez defeated Raju via pinfall.

Grade: C-

Next up was "Locker Room Talk" with Madison Rayne. Her co-host Johnny Swinger was still celebrating his win over Mike Jackson as Rayne introduced the newest member of the Knockouts Division, Kylie Rae.

Rae avoided a hug and kiss from Swinger. Rae said that everyone's been incredibly nice, though Rayne promised that would end soon enough. Rae said that it was her dream to be a part of such a caring division like the Knockouts, but was cut off by Johnny Swinger kissing his biceps.


They went over her upcoming match at Rebellion, where Rae would be facing Kiera Hogan in her first PPV singles match. Rayne did her best to drag out Kylie's true feelings about Hogan, hoping to drum up some more heat for the match.


Rae refused to talk bad about Hogan, though Rayne tried her best to trick her into it. Hogan was the next guest, and she essentially ignored Swinger (as best as anyone can) to tear down Rae.

The newest Knockout wasn't to thrilled with their showdown, leaving after stating that Hogan "wasn't very nice".

Courtesy of QPW and Kinshasa Wrestling
Courtesy of QPW and Kinshasa Wrestling

We were shown a match from Qatar Pro Wrestling where Eddie Edwards battled Michael Elgin for the Middle Eastern Championship.


Michael Elgin vs Eddie Edwards

Edwards attacked Elgin before the bell, but Elgin shook off the offense, slamming Edwards on the mat. Edwards looked for a leapfrog, only to get dropped with a pop-up powerslam.

Elgin brought Edwards up for an incredible stalling vertical suplex. Big Mike set up for a nasty lariat in the ropes but was sent outside by Edwards. As he hung onto the ropes, Elgin shook off some more offense from Edwards, but a superkick would send him to the floor.


Edwards dragged Elgin to the barricade, where he insulted some young fans who were big fans of Big Mike.

We cut to some later footage with Elgin getting the crowd behind him as he laid into Edwards with a few big clotheslines. A third one was ducked, as Edwards spun him around for a blue thunder bomb. Elgin kicked out at two-leading to a standing trade between the two rivals.


Elgin peppered Edwards with a series of elbow strikes and a superkick before laying him out with the discus forearm. The crowd fired up as Elgin set up for the running lariat. The ref was hit instead when Edwards ducked, allowing Edwards to send Elgin into the ring post and pick up the Middle Eastern Title.

Before he could connect, Brian Cage ran in and turned Edwards inside out with a spinning back kick and a running clothesline. Elgin launched Edwards into the corner for the buckle bomb before hitting the Elgin Bomb.


Results: Michael Elgin defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall.

Grade: A

With that, Michael Elgin became the new QPW Middle Eastern Champion, reuniting with his old rival Brian Cage in the process.

Could Trey finally shut Ace Austin up for good?
Could Trey finally shut Ace Austin up for good?

Ace Austin vs Trey Miguel

Ace Austin avoided Trey for a while but was dropped with a heel trip before getting sent to the floor with a dropkick. Though Austin avoided the tiger feint kick, Trey held onto the ropes and rebounded for a hurricanrana.


Still, Austin was able to get back in the bout when he dropped Trey on the apron with an electric chair facebuster. On the inside, a release gutwrench powerbomb earned Austin a two-count. Austin berated Trey, claiming that he didn't have the aggression it took to be a champion.

Trey built up some steam after dropping Austin with a backbreaker, tripping Austin up in the corner and connecting with a step-up enziguri in the ropes. A missile dropkick sent Austin to the apron as he struggled to regain his composure.


Trey's triangle dropkick was avoided as Austin countered with a double jump springboard roundhouse kick. Trey managed to escape the Fold and trapped Austin in the corner for a Cheeky Nando's kick. The 619 sent Austin crashing to the mat.

Austin narrowly dodged a standing double stomp and rolled up Trey, holding the tights for the win.


Results: Ace Austin defeated Trey Miguel via pinfall.

Grade: A-

Willie Mack cut a pre-taped promo on Ace Austin's past few feuds. Eddie Edwards got the last laugh in their run, with the former IMPACT World Champion destroying the Ace of the X-Division. Though he's continued to pull out narrow victories over Trey, he's got a whole new challenge in Mack at Rebellion.

Tenille Dashwood and Taya Valkyrie tore down the house in the main event
Tenille Dashwood and Taya Valkyrie tore down the house in the main event

Taya Valkyrie w/John E. Bravo vs Tenille Dashwood

Taya Valkyrie was dropped with a neckbreaker in the ropes, dumping her to the floor. Tenille Dashwood followed up with a running senton, flattening Valkyrie. As Dashwood moved to the top, Bravo yanked Dashwood down, allowing Valkyrie to get back in it.


A superplex earned Valkyrie the two-count. An elbow/clothesline, and running hip attack nearly took out Dashwood in the corner. Valkyrie followed up with the running double knee strike. Again, Dashwood kicked out at two.

Valkyrie locked in a single leg Boston Crab, but Dashwood managed to roll it into a pinfall. The former Knockouts Champion kicked out and bulldozed Dashwood with another clothesline.


Dashwood hammered Valkyrie with a back elbow and connected with the running body splash in the corner. A double underhook suplex gave her a nearfall. Valkyrie countered the boot and laid out Dashwood with a spear. Dashwood refuse to give in.


Valkyrie would hit the Road to Valhalla, but Dashwood was able to grab the bottom rope. Bravo slid Valkyrie a chair, but it was torn away by the ref. Dashwood managed to roll up Valkyrie for the win.


Results: Tenille Dashwood defeated Taya Valkyrie via pinfall.

Grade: B+


Following the bout, Valkyrie clobbered Dashwood with the steel chair. Bravo tossed her a garbage can that she dented over the head of her opponent. Valkyrie buried her under a pile of chairs before battering her with a steel trash can lid.


Eventually, Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace made the save, although the argument could be said that the damage was already done. She chased off Valkyrie and Bravo before checking on Dashwood.

Sami Callihan may have proven that reality really is lost tonight
Sami Callihan may have proven that reality really is lost tonight

We were shown a highlight package leading to Ken Shamrock and Sami Callihan's upcoming fight at Rebellion. Callihan has been the one behind the ICU "Reality is Lost" hacking of IMPACT over the past few months, seemingly losing his mind since losing the IMPACT World Championship to Tessa Blanchard.


Josh Mathews introduced Ken Shamrock but was cut off before he could do the same for Callihan, who took it upon himself to lead the segment, forcing Mathews back to the commentary desk.


The Draw did his best to taunt Shamrock, trying to DRAW out (eh?) the worst in the World's Most Dangerous Man. He congratulated Shamrock on being a former UFC Champion and the first-ever TNA World Champion but said the most important moment of his career would be when he stepped into the ring with the Callihan Death Machine at Rebellion.

Shamrock simply signed the contract and shoved it to Callihan, who claimed to be the reason Shamrock was getting as much buzz as he'd gotten this year. Just like Eddie Edwards, just like Rich Swann, just like Tessa Blanchard, competitors are elevated when they fight Callihan.


He finally managed to push Shamrock's buttons, threatening the future IMPACT Hall of Famer's family. Before Shamrock could lay his hands on him, Sami disappeared in the darkness.

As lights went off and on, we saw the appearance and disappearance of several hooded men with the ICU logo on their faces. Shamrock chased one of those hooded men all the way to the parking lot, leaping into his vehicle and demanding the driver follow whatever car had driven off.


Another hooded figure was waiting in the driver's seat for Shamrock, but disappeared in the blink of an eye. An army of ICU followers surrounded the car as Shamrock began to, seemingly, show some fear.

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Edited by Alan John
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