Impact Wrestling Results (August 2nd, 2019): Tessa Blanchard battles Madman Fulton, The Rascalz challenge for the tag titles

Tessa Blanchard continued her war with oVe when she went toe-to-toe with Madman Fulton
Tessa Blanchard continued her war with oVe when she went toe-to-toe with Madman Fulton

Tessa Blanchard may have earned Sami Callihan's respect at Rebellion, but tonight she has to face his fury. Last week, Callihan shook the hand of the third-generation wrestler but smacked her backside as he walked away. Furious, Blanchard left the Draw laying after delivering Magnum. Callihan was irate and later revealed that she would have to take on the most dangerous member of oVe, Madman Fulton.


The North captured the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Titles from LAX back at Bash at the Brewery and managed to successfully defend them against the former champions and the Rascalz at Rebellion. The Rascalz felt that they earned a one-on-one shot for the belts, and should get that chance. The North obliged, putting the belts on the line tonight.

Last week, the X-Division Championship changed hands when Jake Crist, thanks to Dave and Madman Fulton, dethroned Rich Swann. With oVe running interference, Crist was able to connect with a pair of cutters, ending Swann's reign after nearly half a year at the top of the division. Tonight, we found out who would be challenging the Golden Draw first.


X-Division Championship #1 Contender's Match: Wentz vs Aiden Prince vs Rohit Raju vs Chuck Mambo vs Cody Deaner vs Petey Williams

Raju started off by sending Williams and Wentz to the outside. Deaner leapt onto him and the two traded right hands. Rolling to the outside, they battled into the steel steps. Back inside, Mambo took on Prince, connecting with a stiff chest chop.


A springboard rolling arm drag sent Prince overhead, but he fought back with a hurricanrana, sending Mambo into the corner. The two met in the middle of the ring with a pair of elbow strikes. Wentz ran in, connecting with a few kicks to both men before taking them out with a springboard corkscrew crossbody.

Williams rolled in next, rushing Wentz with a boot. Wentz avoided it but would be taken down by a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Williams followed up with a dropkick to his back and set up for a Canadian Destroyer. Wentz managed to counter it, but was locked into a sharpshooter. Raju rushed in to apply a crossface, forcing Williams to break the sharpshooter and take on the Desi Hit Squad Member.


A knee and a neckbreaker from Raju kept Williams down for a two count. After he kicked out, Deaner met Raju with a right-hand combination. A throat chop stopped the momentum, but Deaner was able to send him outside with a clothesline. Williams tried to dive onto all five men on the outside, only to be interrupted by Deaner, who came inside for his hat and to place the Canadian flag on Williams.


Williams and Deaner teamed up to level Prince, Mambo, and Wentz with a pair of suicide dives. Raju caught them in a handshake with a wrecking ball dropkick. As he set up back inside to taunt the crowd, Wentz leveled him and used him as a springboard for a dive.

Prince followed up with an Asai Moonsault. Mambo came in next with a springboard 450. He targeted Wentz and looked for another springboard maneuver inside, but was caught by Riju. Riju connected with a series of strikes to the Rascal but only got a two-count. Deaner ran in and leveled Raju with a clothesline. His DDT attempt was interrupted by a springboard dropkick from Mambo, who was then met by Aiden Prince.


Prince sent Mambo outside with a crescent moon kick and found himself staring at the former champion Petey Williams. Little Petey Pump looked for another Canadian Destroyer, only to be taken out by a handspring enziguri, kicking out at two. Wentz and Prince went at it here, with a springboard bulldog cutter taking out Prince. A Canadian Destroyer knocked out Wentz, but Williams was tossed outside by Raju.

Deaner broke up the pinfall and went back and forth with Raju, nearly ending the match with a DDT. Mambo broke up the pin but a brainbuster from Prince would set him up for a 450 Splash, giving Prince the win.


Results: Aiden Prince defeated Chuck Mambo via pinfall.

Jake Crist's first challenger will be the underdog Aiden Prince. Speaking of Crist, he and the rest of oVe. Crist said that winning the X-Division Championship was the greatest thing that ever happened to him.


Sami Callihan reminded him that he has a wife and children, but Crist stayed by his words. Callihan then set his focus on Tessa Blanchard, who attacked him after he simply tried to bury the hatchet. Tonight, Blanchard will have to face her destruction in Madman Fulton.

John E. Bravo faces certain destruction when he takes on Havok
John E. Bravo faces certain destruction when he takes on Havok

Backstage, Rich Swann attempted to talk Tessa Blanchard out of her match with Madman Fulton tonight. Swann said that she was one of the best competitors that he's ever seen, but Fulton is no man. And even with his freakish strength, he still has oVe backing him. He knows full well how dangerous they can be since they cost him the X-Division Championship last week.


Blanchard thanks Swann for his concern and support, but she had to do this. When Swann offered to watch her back, she said she needed to do this alone.

Havok vs John E. Bravo w/Taya Valkyrie

Bravo kissed the hand of Havok and attempted to seduce her. Just like last week, it ended in Havok attacking him. A strong knee to the jaw sent him outside, but he was yanked back in before he could get away. A running corner attack in the corner was followed up by a Tombstone attempt.


Bravo raked her face, but that only angered her, leading to Havok spiking him like a football with a chokeslam.

Results: Havok defeated John E. Bravo via pinfall.


As Valkyrie backed up the ramp, Su Yung's face appeared on the screen, seemingly taunting the monster. Havok left after having her moment stolen by the Undead Bride.

Ace Austin had a good showing tonight but felt the wrath of a certain Hardcore Icon
Ace Austin had a good showing tonight but felt the wrath of a certain Hardcore Icon

Josh Alexander and Ethan Page were backstage, with Alexander furious that The Rascalz dared to challenge them for the titles. Page said there was nothing for him to be angry about. He got what he wanted.


Alexander demanded Impact management set them up tag teams so that they could knock them down, and that's what they got. Tonight, they'll put away the Rascalz and move onto LAX...that is if Ortiz can find a new partner.

Stone Rockwell vs Ace Austin

Austin sent Rockwell into the corner before he even finished his entrance, connecting with a series of elbows. Rockwell responded with a shoulder tackle and a scoop slam. Austin was set up in the corner and brought Rockwell in for a boot, but Rockwell caught it and sent him over the ropes.


Austin caught him with a kick near the ropes, but when he leaped off the turnbuckle, he was caught in Rockwell's arms. The Ace managed to break free, however, and took Rockwell down with a dropkick to the face.

A series of chops and elbows didn't have much effect, and Rockwell caught him going for a kick. A swinging side slam into a backbreaker left Austin grabbing at his back. Rockwell attempted a running step-up senton, but Austin rolled away.


A spinning back kick rocked Rockwell and Austin put him away with the Fold.

Results: Ace Austin defeated Stone Rockwell via pinfall.

As Austin walked up the ramp, he was laid out by Eddie Edwards. Austin has been seen hitting on Alicia Edwards, and it seems that Impact's Hardcore Icon has had enough.


Edwards left Austin out cold in the ring following a headbutt, demanding that he stay away from his wife.

Madison Rayne met Tessa Blanchard in front of her locker backstage. The Queen Bee claimed to be proud of her for all she's accomplished and everything she's doing tonight. Blanchard cut her off, clearly not in the mood for Rayne's facade.

Mr. Impact Wrestling had something to say about Impact management
Mr. Impact Wrestling had something to say about Impact management

Alicia Edwards met Eddie backstage, berating him for attacking Austin. She denied having any relations with Austin but said it didn't matter because this clearly wasn't going to work out.


Moose attacked Stone Rockwell during the break and was now in the ring with a mic. The former NFL star said he was no longer responsible for his actions and attempted to dislodge Rockwell's eye with a mic.

Fallah Bahh came down to the ring, looking a lot lighter. Moose demanded he get in the ring so that he could beat him down just like Rockwell.

Moose vs Fallah Bahh

Moose launched himself at Bahh for a spear but was sent headfirst into the turnbuckle. Bahh connected with a running hip attack and went up, dropping onto Moose's chest with the Banzai Drop.


Results: Fallah Bahh defeated Moose via pinfall.

Bahh checked on Rockwell and took the Adventurous One to the back.

Could Tessa Blanchard overcome the psychotic Madman Fulton?
Could Tessa Blanchard overcome the psychotic Madman Fulton?

Moose was backstage demanding that his loss be wiped from the record books, as there's no way he was able to beat him. He then ran off looking for Bahh.


Madman Fulton w/Sami Callihan vs Tessa Blanchard

Fulton rushed Blanchard but she avoided his onslaught, going after him with a handful of forearm strikes. Fulton tossed her into the corner by her face. She was able to fight him off with more forearms and attempted Magnum.


Fulton caught her and tried to toss her overhead. Blanchard countered with a sunset flip, but the big man just had too much size. A high angle chokeslam saw Blanchard roll out the ring, crashing onto the mat. Callihan screamed in her face and demanded that Fulton break her in half.


Fulton took her to the apron where he dropped her inside the ring with a release suplex. The fans poured out support for Blanchard, who tried to pull herself up on Fulton's leg. She slapped him across the face and gave him the thumbs down. Fulton locked her in a powerful bear hug and swung her around the ring.


Blanchard yanked out one of Fulton's dreads, leading to him slamming her in the mat with a spinebuster. Fulton handed it to Callihan before going for a jumping stomp on Blanchard. She avoided and ran around the ring, dropping Fulton with a tilt-a-whirl DDT. A handful of running forearms rocked him, but he put an end to her offense with a big boot as she ran off the ropes.


Callihan grabbed a chair and tossed it inside, telling Fulton to "end it once and for all" and "kill her." Before he could, Tommy Dreamer made the save with a kendo stick.

Results: Madman Fulton defeated Tessa Blanchard via DQ.

Fulton knocked him to the ground, but Blanchard picked up the stick and laid into him with nearly a dozen shots with the stick. She and Dreamer sent him outside, where Callihan held him back.


Michael Elgin cut a promo on Rhino, claiming that he would be the next victim. The Unbreakable One said that he could have attacked anyone, but he chose him, so what happens next is on the War Machine and nobody else.

The Rascalz finally get their shot at the Tag Titles
The Rascalz finally get their shot at the Tag Titles

Madison Rayne and Kiera Hogan were in the locker room when Alexia Nicole came in, apparently taking Hogan's seat. Rayne and Hogan fought, leading to Nicole walking away, but not before issuing an open challenge to them in the ring.


Jimmy Jacobs went to get an update on the Impact World Champion Brian Cage at his house. Melissa Santos answered the door and said that he was unavailable for questioning. Jacobs tried to get a peak of Cage through the door but was blocked by Melissa. She then offered to sit down with Jimmy next week and answer any questions he had then.


Rhino cut a promo on his return to Impact, claiming that nobody is going to cut him a paycheck to sit at catering. It's never been about the money, and now that he's back, it's about to get real.

Impact Tag Team Championship Match: The Rascalz (Dez & Trey) vs The North (c)

Trey kicked off the main event with Josh Alexander. The Walking Weapon focused on keeping Trey grounded, and with his immense power was able to drop him with a single elbow to the forehead.


Alexander blocked Trey's attempt to go behind, getting dropped by the big man in the process. Trey went for a body scissors bulldog, but was caught by Alexander. He tried to dump him on his head, but Trey landed on his feet, catching Alexander with a series of kicks. Page tagged in but was immediately brought down with a handspring arm drag and dropkick.

Dez tagged in, chopping Page down while Trey connected with a running dropkick. A running senton splash gave Dez a two count. Page was taken to the corner where he was met by a series of punches. Dez brought him to the Rascalz' corner where Trey tagged in. The two hit Page with a pair of tope atomicos. Dez tagged back in and hit a third one, finishing the trifecta.


Right hands to the gut and jaw left Page gasping for air on the ropes. He tried to send Dez into Alexander, but Dez avoided and sent Page into his own partner. Page got out of the way as Dez tried to leap into them, with Alexander catching him in the air. He dropped to the floor, slamming Dez on the apron in the process.

Back inside the ring, Page nonchalantly pinned Dez, but he kicked out. In the North's corner, Alexander came in and brutalized Dez with stiff strikes and a float-over suplex. Dez again kicked out, allowing the North to dish out more punishment. The champions set up for a spin out powerbomb, but Dez escaped and tagged Trey, who stunned both men with a pair of boots. A tilt-a-whirl headscissors sent Page outside while he worked over the powerhouse of the group.


Trey seemed to have everything under control but was caught in mid-air by Alexander, allowing Page to spin him out for a spin-out powerbomb. Trey barely kicked out in time. Alexander shot him off into the corner, but he escaped the oncoming assault. He looked for his partner, but Dez was taken out by Page. Trey managed to take out Alexander on his own with a heel kick/flatliner combo.

Dez finally tagged in, managing to fight off both members of the North and sending Alexander into Page. A step up enziguri sent Alexander outside. Page hooked the top rope as to not be shot across the ring and met Alexander outside. The North weren't safe, though, as Dez launched himself over the turnbuckle and ring post for a massive dive, wiping them both out as we went into the final commercial break.


Back from the break, Page avoided a dive and hit Dez with a kick to the head. Alexander tagged in but was chopped down by the Rascalz, with Dez dropping across his back with a running senton. Trey tagged in and was launched into Alexander, who stopped Trey with an elbow to the jaw. Dez was taken out with a powerslam on the floor.

Trey tried to catch Page with a hurricanrana, only to be caught and spiked off the apron via powerbomb. Tossed inside the ring, Trey kicked out of Alexander's pinfall at two. Alexander targeted Trey's left ankle, trying to limit his offense as much as possible.


A backbreaker saw Trey crumble to the mat, but he still managed to kick out. The Ankle Lock was synched in deep. Trey rolled out but was placed up top with a right hand leaving him dazed. As Alexander went up, Trey caught him with a package superkick. Before he could hit the tiger feint kick, Alexander jumped down and caught his legs, picking him up for a powerbomb into a backbreaker. Trey, miraculously, got his arm up just in time.


Alexander knocked Dez to the floor and brought Page in for the Lochness Lowdown. Alexander covered Trey but Dez was just barely able to break it up. All four men traded strikes, with the champions getting rocked by the quick-paced offense of the Rascalz. Trey and Dez sent Page outside. Alexander stunned Dez with a kick to the jaw.


Alexander caught both Rascalz and planted them both with a double powerslam. It wasn't enough to put the challengers away. Alexander stacked Dez on Trey and attempted a moonsault. The Rascalz avoided it and caught him in the corner with a series of running elbow strikes. A double package tiger feint kick sent Alexander to the mat.

Trey hit his diving meteora while Dez connected with a corkscrew splash. Before the ref could count three, Page pulled him out. The ref was unsure of what happened which lead to some confusion, allowing Page to rock Dez with a right hand. The North set up for the Lochness Lowdown again, but Dez pulled Page down on the outside, where Page spiked him with a DDT.


On the inside, Alexander and Page delivered a cutter/wheelbarrow suplex combination. The Monster Mash finally ended the night for the Rascalz.

Results: The North defeated The Rascalz via pinfall.

After the match, Ortiz jumped the North backstage, assaulting them with a trash can lid. The numbers were too much for him to overcome, but he was saved by Daga, who looked to prove he had what it took to replace the injured Santana.

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Edited by Zaid Khan
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