Madison Rayne and Kiera Hogan were in the locker room when Alexia Nicole came in, apparently taking Hogan's seat. Rayne and Hogan fought, leading to Nicole walking away, but not before issuing an open challenge to them in the ring.
Jimmy Jacobs went to get an update on the Impact World Champion Brian Cage at his house. Melissa Santos answered the door and said that he was unavailable for questioning. Jacobs tried to get a peak of Cage through the door but was blocked by Melissa. She then offered to sit down with Jimmy next week and answer any questions he had then.
Rhino cut a promo on his return to Impact, claiming that nobody is going to cut him a paycheck to sit at catering. It's never been about the money, and now that he's back, it's about to get real.
Impact Tag Team Championship Match: The Rascalz (Dez & Trey) vs The North (c)
Trey kicked off the main event with Josh Alexander. The Walking Weapon focused on keeping Trey grounded, and with his immense power was able to drop him with a single elbow to the forehead.
Alexander blocked Trey's attempt to go behind, getting dropped by the big man in the process. Trey went for a body scissors bulldog, but was caught by Alexander. He tried to dump him on his head, but Trey landed on his feet, catching Alexander with a series of kicks. Page tagged in but was immediately brought down with a handspring arm drag and dropkick.
Dez tagged in, chopping Page down while Trey connected with a running dropkick. A running senton splash gave Dez a two count. Page was taken to the corner where he was met by a series of punches. Dez brought him to the Rascalz' corner where Trey tagged in. The two hit Page with a pair of tope atomicos. Dez tagged back in and hit a third one, finishing the trifecta.
Right hands to the gut and jaw left Page gasping for air on the ropes. He tried to send Dez into Alexander, but Dez avoided and sent Page into his own partner. Page got out of the way as Dez tried to leap into them, with Alexander catching him in the air. He dropped to the floor, slamming Dez on the apron in the process.
Back inside the ring, Page nonchalantly pinned Dez, but he kicked out. In the North's corner, Alexander came in and brutalized Dez with stiff strikes and a float-over suplex. Dez again kicked out, allowing the North to dish out more punishment. The champions set up for a spin out powerbomb, but Dez escaped and tagged Trey, who stunned both men with a pair of boots. A tilt-a-whirl headscissors sent Page outside while he worked over the powerhouse of the group.
Trey seemed to have everything under control but was caught in mid-air by Alexander, allowing Page to spin him out for a spin-out powerbomb. Trey barely kicked out in time. Alexander shot him off into the corner, but he escaped the oncoming assault. He looked for his partner, but Dez was taken out by Page. Trey managed to take out Alexander on his own with a heel kick/flatliner combo.
Dez finally tagged in, managing to fight off both members of the North and sending Alexander into Page. A step up enziguri sent Alexander outside. Page hooked the top rope as to not be shot across the ring and met Alexander outside. The North weren't safe, though, as Dez launched himself over the turnbuckle and ring post for a massive dive, wiping them both out as we went into the final commercial break.
Back from the break, Page avoided a dive and hit Dez with a kick to the head. Alexander tagged in but was chopped down by the Rascalz, with Dez dropping across his back with a running senton. Trey tagged in and was launched into Alexander, who stopped Trey with an elbow to the jaw. Dez was taken out with a powerslam on the floor.
Trey tried to catch Page with a hurricanrana, only to be caught and spiked off the apron via powerbomb. Tossed inside the ring, Trey kicked out of Alexander's pinfall at two. Alexander targeted Trey's left ankle, trying to limit his offense as much as possible.
A backbreaker saw Trey crumble to the mat, but he still managed to kick out. The Ankle Lock was synched in deep. Trey rolled out but was placed up top with a right hand leaving him dazed. As Alexander went up, Trey caught him with a package superkick. Before he could hit the tiger feint kick, Alexander jumped down and caught his legs, picking him up for a powerbomb into a backbreaker. Trey, miraculously, got his arm up just in time.
Alexander knocked Dez to the floor and brought Page in for the Lochness Lowdown. Alexander covered Trey but Dez was just barely able to break it up. All four men traded strikes, with the champions getting rocked by the quick-paced offense of the Rascalz. Trey and Dez sent Page outside. Alexander stunned Dez with a kick to the jaw.
Alexander caught both Rascalz and planted them both with a double powerslam. It wasn't enough to put the challengers away. Alexander stacked Dez on Trey and attempted a moonsault. The Rascalz avoided it and caught him in the corner with a series of running elbow strikes. A double package tiger feint kick sent Alexander to the mat.
Trey hit his diving meteora while Dez connected with a corkscrew splash. Before the ref could count three, Page pulled him out. The ref was unsure of what happened which lead to some confusion, allowing Page to rock Dez with a right hand. The North set up for the Lochness Lowdown again, but Dez pulled Page down on the outside, where Page spiked him with a DDT.
On the inside, Alexander and Page delivered a cutter/wheelbarrow suplex combination. The Monster Mash finally ended the night for the Rascalz.
Results: The North defeated The Rascalz via pinfall.
After the match, Ortiz jumped the North backstage, assaulting them with a trash can lid. The numbers were too much for him to overcome, but he was saved by Daga, who looked to prove he had what it took to replace the injured Santana.