From start to finish, this week's edition of Impact was full of...well...nonstop action! The X-Division Championship, Knockouts Championship, and Impact Tag Team Championship were all on the line tonight in a two-hour extravaganza dripping in gold.
Taya Valkyrie has been haunted by the returning monster, Havok, who quickly found herself in line for a title shot. The former Knockouts Champion has had her sights set on the gold since she came back earlier this year. Tonight, Valkyrie's plan on running comes to an end, as she is forced to put her belt on the line.
The North have been incredible since defeating LAX last month for the Impact Tag Team Titles. Last week, they defeated the Rascalz in an absolute barn burner of a match, and Ethan Page & Josh Alexander only seem to be getting started. Tonight, Ortiz and Konnan look for revenge as Daga steps in to fill Santana's shoes while he's out injured, as The North defend their titles in the main event.
We kicked off the night with a fantastic X-Division Title match. Last week, Aiden Prince won a multi-man match to earn a shot at the title. Tonight, he cashed in his opportunity, taking on the newly crowned champion, oVe's Jake Crist.
Brock Lesnar changed major Royal Rumble plans? More details HERE.
X-Division Championship: Aiden Prince vs Jake Crist (c)

Prince got a huge ovation and chant from the Impact crowd tonight and managed to bring the champion down to the mat first. A snapmare into a side headlock gave him first blood in the match. Crist escaped but was taken down by a crescent kick. As he rolled outside, Prince went in for a dive but was met by a roundhouse.
On the apron, Prince was dropped neck first by a death valley driver. Back inside the ring, he kicked out at two. A Russian leg sweep into the Koji Clutch left Prince in a tough battle in the middle of the ring. He managed to break the hold, but a boot from the Golden Draw left him in a daze back on the mat.
Crist met Prince as he got back to his feet, trading a series of right hands. Crist got the better of him, taking him into the corner and washing his challenger's face with multiple elbows. A back body drop saw Prince nearly land on his neck, with fans booing Crist for attacking their hometown hero.
Prince was left in the corner again, but avoided a running clothesline in the corner. Crist quickly responded with a series of kicks, all landing perfectly on the jaw of Prince, finishing it with a spinning back kick. Prince, somehow, managed to break out of the pinfall.
Crist blocked a slingshot flatliner from Prince, placing him up top. Prince connected with the spinning flatliner from there, however, planting the champion on his face. The 450 Splash failed, though, as Crist picked his knees up. Prince broke out of the pinfall and blocked the Buckeye Drop. A reverse hurricanrana spiked Crist again, but he refused to give up his title, kicking out at two.
Prince was met by a superkick but avoided another roundhouse. However, as he ran at Crist, he was tossed into the corner with a snap powerslam. He rolled outside, being followed by the champion. It was part of the plan, as he took Crist out with a hurricanrana from the apron and a suicide dive. Another dive from the top nearly proved to be his downfall, as he was met by yet another superkick, with Crist hitting him right on the button.
Prince beat the ten count, barely, and was immediately rolled up in a cradle. He kicked out, much to the ire of Crist. Crist took Prince up top once again. The superplex connected, but Prince blocked the roll through and connected wit a brainbuster. This time, the 450 Splash hit, but Crist was able to kick out.
Crist caught Prince leaping off the top rope with the Crist Cutter for the win and a successful title defense.
Results: Jake Crist defeated Aiden Prince via pinfall.
Backstage, Konnan was talking over the LAX situation with Daga. The legend said that Ortiz will come around, he just has a hard time trusting people. Ortiz came in at this point, and it seemed that the two men finally buried the hatchet. Ortiz and Daga will challenge the North for the tag titles later on in the night.

Taya Valkyrie was furious at Impact management for forcing her to defend the Knockouts title tonight, especially against someone as dangerous as Havok. Recently, she avoided her title bout with her, forcing Impact's hand this time around.
Ace Austin has been trying to move in on Eddie Edwards' wife Alisha Edwards for a little while now. The on-again/off-again relationship between the two, stemming from Edwards' erratic hardcore behavior, lead to a moment last week where Edwards battered the young X-Division star in the middle of a match. Tonight, they'd get the opportunity to settle this in the ring.
Ace Austin vs Eddie Edwards
Austin tried to run from Edwards but was met by a nasty elbow smash to the bridge of the nose. Austin was then met by a crossbody on the outside, as Edwards refused to give Austin a chance to catch his breath. Chops and headbutts left Austin gasping and begging for a break by the apron.
Edwards lost control of the bout out of nowhere, with Austin baiting Edwards to attack him on the apron, avoiding his attacks twice before connecting with a penalty kick to the jaw. The referee checked on him as Austin taunted the former world champion inside the ring. Austin looked to continue the assault, leaving the ring again.
That was, in all honesty, a huge mistake, as Edwards is incredibly secure around ringside. A back body drop onto the apron and a facebuster saw Austin gripping at his body in pain. Back inside, Edwards ran through him with a clothesline and a pair of headbutts, leaving him dazed in the corner as we cut to commercial.
Back from the break, Austin attempted to rush Edwards in the ropes but was sent through the ropes instead. A suicide dive sent him headfirst into the ramp. Back inside, the referee tried to pull Edwards away from Austin so he could catch a breather. Edwards shook him off, allowing the One True Ace to strike him in the head with his baton.
Austin trapped the arms of Edwards, and while the ref's head was turned, cut the hand of Edwards with his card. Edwards countered the Fold, dropping the homewrecker with a powerbomb. He picked up Austin by the arm, pulling him in for a pair of elbow strikes to the jaw.
Edwards set up for another elbow, taking off his pad. Austin tried to stop the onslaught, asking Impact's Hardcore Hero what Alisha would think. This saw Edwards lay him out with the Boston Knee Party. However, instead of covering him, he mounted him and began beating him to a pulp.
The referee attempted to pull him off, but was knocked away, forcing him to make a decision.
Results: Ace Austin defeated Eddie Edwards via DQ.
Alisha rushed the ring to stop the beatdown, scared of what her husband would do. Edwards demanded to know if they were together, with Alisha asking "What's the issue?" He left the ring, telling her that she should just stay with him. Alisha was left in the ring contemplating the events as Austin was clenching his jaw.
An emotional video of Tessa Blanchard reacting to her match with Sami Callihan at Unbreakable was shown. Callihan managed to steal a win from her with the help of Jake Crist, even cracking her over the skull with the X-Division Title. Blanchard said that this wasn't over, and now she's coming after the Draw.

Footage from earlier in the day was shown with Fallah Bahh snacking on some salad. Moose interrupted him, claiming that no matter how much weight he lost, he'd always be a fat joke. Bahh had enough, attacking Moose and sending him into a pile of trash cans. He looked to finish him off with a chair, but Moose threw some food into his face and bashed a steel pan over his skull. Moose shoved some more food into his mouth before walking off.
Kiera Hogan made her way down to the announcer's desk, joining Don Callis and Josh Matthews ringside for some commentary. Last week, Hogan and the Queen Bee Madison Rayne ran into Alexia Nicole, who said she didn't have time for their immature bickering. However, she'd be willing to face either of them in the ring.
Alexia Nicole vs Madison Rayne
Nicole and Rayne began with a collar & elbow tie-up. Rayne took Nicole to the corner before being separated by the referee. They tied up again, with the 5-time Knockouts Champion again getting the better of her. However, Nicole avoided an attack in the corner and took her into the middle turnbuckle with a standing dropkick.
Rayne avoided another attack, escaping to the apron, but as she came back inside she was dropped with a snapmare/running knee. Rayne kicked out and managed to drag the Bubblegum Princess out to the floor, dumping her like last week's garbage.
Nicole made it back inside, where she was caught in a cravate hold for a series of knee strikes. A standing Koji Clutch was broken out of when Nicole drove Rayne spine first into the corner. A backstabber set up for a pinfall, with Rayne kicking out at two.
Nicole went up top, but couldn't connect with the dive. A ripcord cutter and the CrossRayne left Nicole down for the count.
Results: Madison Rayne defeated Alexia Nicole via pinfall.
As Nicole tried to get back to her feet, she was beaten down by both Rayne and Hogan, who were arguing over who was the better competitor. Another CrossRayne was stopped when Jordynne Grace rushed the ring, saving Nicole before anymore damage could be done. Grace helped Nicole up, and it looks like she'll be taking the new Knockout under her wing.

The Rascalz were back in the treehouse this week, with Dez and Trey down on their title loss from last week. Wentz was still excited about the concert he'd gone to the night before. Rob Van Dam sat down with the trio, and the Rascalz fought over who could do the former champion's pose correctly while Van Dam watched on.
Trey, Wentz, and Dez beat each other down with their idol's iconic moves, leaving them out on the floor.
Knockouts Championship: Havok vs Taya Valkyrie (c) w/John E. Bravo
Havok rushed Valkyrie, with the champion doing her best to run away from the powerhouse. She went for a roll-up but was easily stopped by her challenger. A massive clothesline left Valkyrie out in the middle of the ring. Before she could connect with a leg drop, though, John E. Bravo pulled her leg in the ropes.
With that, Valkyrie was able to go after Havok's legs. Still, the former champion was able to quickly get back on top, bouncing Valkyrie with a sit-out powerbomb. Some strong stomps to the back left Valkyrie screaming in agony.
A Samoan drop was avoided, as Valkyrie slid down her back for some elbow strikes to the head. Havok tried to shove her to the ground, leaving her in a split position for a brutal boot to the jaw. Valkyrie was able to roll Havok up, but it was easily broken out of. A few backbreakers and a chokeslam nearly signaled the end for Taya Valkyrie's reign, but she was saved by the arrival of Su Yung.
Results: No Contest.
Valkyrie took this opportunity to escape as Yung faced Havok inside the ring. A chokeslam was countered by Yung, who tortured her former ally with the Mandible Claw. Havok broke away but a running palm strike sent her to the apron. A second one sent her sprawling to the floor before backing up the ramp in a rage.
Melissa Santos's interview with Jimmy Jacobs was shown, as she went into her personal life with Brian Cage. When asked about Michael Elgin, who has been attempting to prematurely end the Machine's career, Santos said that it was hard to watch wrestling taken away from Cage, even for a short time.
Jacobs asked if we could get a timetable on his return to the ring. She said that she wished she could give one, but right now there are days where he's mobile, but also days where he can't put his shoes on. The tough question was finally brought up, with Jacobs wondering what happens if the Machine couldn't defend the Impact World Championship. Santos, with a heavy heart, said that sometimes there are things more important than championships and money.

The Deaners were at a bar getting "lit" until they were interrupted by the Desi Hit Squad, who said that while they were in the gym getting in shape, Cody and Jake were wasting their day. They attempted to attack the cousins, but the duo easily overpowered them. The Deaners then set their sights on Gama Singh, forcing him to run into the door before bumbling outside.
They celebrated with more beer but were knocked out by the Desi Hit Squad with beer bottles. After that footage, the Deaners cut a promo on how they're only seen as a pair of fun-loving locals. They're tired of being seen as "trash" by those like the Hit Squad, and are ready to take things to a more serious level.
Deaner laid out the three rules of life.
- Don't piss in the wind
- Don't tug on Superman's cape
- Don't come into the Deaner's bar
Next week, they're going to take on the Hit Squad, and this time they're bringing everything they have.
Stone Rockwell vs Nate Madsen
Rockwell overpowered his opponent early on, and caught him coming off the top rope with a crossbody. Rockwell countered it into a spinout backbreaker. The Man of Adventure seemingly had everything in control, but Madsen dropped him with a rolling knee facebuster.
As Madsen continued to beat down Rockwell, he was interrupted by the Man-Beast, Rhino.
Results:No Contest.
Rhino laid out Madsen with a Gore, and shortly after targeted Rockwell next. Rockwell tried to bribe him, but it failed miserably, forcing him to take the Gore as well.
Rhino called out Michael Elgin, claiming that he talks too much trash. Elgin came to the ramp and applauded him for not jumping him from behind. Big Mike said that ever since he stepped foot in Impact, that's all anyone is able to talk about. Everyone that he's stepped in the ring with has been sent to the hospital, including Willie Mack and the Impact World Champion Brian Cage.
Rhino heard enough of his rambling, and met Elgin at the ramp. A hoss fight broke out, with both men delivering heavy-handed blows. Security tried to break them apart but were easily tossed to the side. A second wave of security and referees were able to finally separate them.

Ace Austin was seen backstage bragging about his DQ win over Eddie Edwards. The ring crew didn't feel he had anything to celebrate, but Austin said that it was all part of the plan. To really get into Edwards' head, he'll have to get into Alisha's bed.
Jake Crist tried to star the oVe promo without Sami Callihan, but the Draw interrupted before they could get far. Callihan bragged about embarrassing Tessa Blanchard at Unbreakable. Now, he's sitting near the top of the roster as the #1 contender to the Impact World Championship.
However, before he could go after what is rightfully his, oVe needs to make an example of Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer, who saved Blanchard from a beatdown by Madman Fulton the week before. Next week, Callihan and Dave Crist will end Blanchard and Dreamer in a tag team match.
Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championship Match: Ortiz & Daga w/Konnan vs The North (c)
Ortiz started the bout off with Page, bringing the champion down with an armdrag. In the corner, a kick to the gut left All Ego bent over. Page tried to rush Ortiz but was dropped with a powerslam. Daga tagged in, and the duo dumped him overhead with a double hip toss. A pair of sentons and a standing twisting moonsault sent Page to his corner where Alexander tagged in.
Alexander was met with a series of quick kicks from Daga and was taken outside with a dropkick. A tope con hilo knocked both of the champions out on the ground. Alexander was tossed back inside, but powered Daga up into a death valley driver.
Alexander attempted a dive only to be, surprisingly, caught by Daga, who drove him into the mat. The Walking Weapon kicked out of a pinfall attempt and traded chest chops. Daga ran off the ropes only to be tripped up by Page. Page and Alexander spiked Daga with an assisted lifted DDT.
Page tagged in, kicking Daga down into the bottom of the corner and choking him out with his foot. Daga fought out, attempting to create some space between himself and the North's corner. Page cut him off, and knocked Ortiz to the ground. Alexander tagged back in, continuing the punishment. A northern light suplex saw Alexander float over in order to mount Daga and hammer him with right hands to the forehead.
Page tagged in, but after Daga escaped the North's corner, dropped him with a pop-up German suplex. Ortiz finally tagged in, and met a now legal Alexander with chest chops and a series of punches. A combat roll saw him avoid an attack from Alexander and connect with a dropkick.
Alexander tried to toss him outside, only for Ortiz to leap back inside with a tornado DDT. Ortiz picked Alexander up in a fireman's carry position, allowing Daga to tag in for a double stomp. A death valley driver set up Alexander for a running twisting moonsault.
Page managed to tag in when Alexander got a second wind, bringing him to their corner for the spin out powerbomb. Ortiz was knocked off the apron, and after a moonsault, the champions went for the Monster Mash. Daga fought out and sent Page outside while he took out Alexander's knees with a few quick kicks.
Ortiz tagged in and rolled up Alexander as he tried to take out Daga. Page slid in, allowing the North hit the Lochness Lowdown for the win.
Results: The North defeated Ortiz & Daga via pinfall.
Following the match, Ortiz shook Daga's hand, celebrating with Konnan in the ring for a hard fought match.