IMPACT Wrestling Results (December 1st, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

Jazz debuts in dominant fashion; Chris Bey and Moose target the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion
Jazz debuts in dominant fashion; Chris Bey and Moose target the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion

IMPACT Wrestling lost a major part of their family recently in Bob Ryder. Without Mr. Ryder, this company wouldn't even exist, as he was the one who talked Jeff and Jerry Jarrett into starting TNA in the early 2000s. In fact, he was with the company from its launch in 2002 until his unfortunate death on November 24th.


Tonight's episode was dedicated to his memory and everything he did for the company and every single person who walked through the doors.


With the next IMPACT Plus exclusive event, IMPACT Wrestling Final Resolution, taking place on December 12th, the company focused on several stories tonight. The Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament continued with the debut of Jazz as Jordynne Grace's tag team partner. Deonna Purrazzo attempted to rid herself of Su Yung before the event.

Ethan Page made a bold challenge, laying down the gauntlet for Karl Anderson. Speaking of tag team specialists, The Motor City Machine Guns returned tonight. Before they could focus on getting the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Titles back, they had to handle some business in the opening contest.


Alex Shelley finally returned to the ring tonight alongside his tag team partner Chris Sabin. The former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions laid out a three-step plan last week, which was more like a hit list of three of the toughest tag teams in the division. XXXL, The North, and The Good Brothers were all targets for The Guns.


Tonight, IMPACT Wrestling opened with the first team on the list, Acey Romero and Larry D.

Motor City Machine Guns vs XXXL on IMPACT Wrestling

The Motor City Machine Guns blindsided Acey Romero and Larry D, lighting them up with lightning fast offense. XXXL were dumped to the floor as Alex Shelley held the ropes for a big suicide dive from Sabin. Both Larry and Romero took the hit flush on their chins.


Back in the ring, the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Chris Sabin stunned Larry with a double axe handle. Alex Shelley went for the same move, but Larry stopped it with a shot to the gut. Acey Romero tagged in, clubbing Shelley with massive shots. Shelley attempted to chop down the massive brute, but couldn't manage it.

Sabin tagged in, but met a similar fate. Both men tried to slam Acey, only to fail and get crushed by the big man. The Guns went back to whatearned them so much gold in the past, battering both Acey and Larry with a series of tandem kicks. With Larry down on the floor again, it looked like The Guns were back in control.


The multi-time IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions failed to fully turn things around, however, as Acey countered a splash from Sabin and slammed him onto Shelley's back. XXXL grabbed Shelley by his extremities, looking to tear him in half. Sabin broke it up, thankfully.


A superkick almost sent Shelley's jaw flying, and Shelley only broke the pin thanks to the ropes. A double splash crushed Shelley, but Sabin saved his partner again and sent Larry to the ground. Shelley hit a standing Sliced Bread No. 2 on Acey, eventually bringing Sabin and Larry in as the legal men. Larry tried to fight off Sabin's offense, but a nasty step-up enziguri set up for a DDT that left Larry dazed.


A flatlinier/missile dropkick combo connected, but Sabin went for the Cradle Shock, allowing Larry to drive him into his corner. Acey and Larry nearly broke him in half with a backbreaker/diving elbow combination. Sabin barely kicked out, and was planted with a uranage. He avoided a big splash from Larry.

Shelley made it back in, and launched Acey with a double suplex. Larry D was next, and after a double kick in the corner was planted with Skull and Bones for the win.


Results: The Motor City Machine Guns defeated XXXL via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A-

Former IMPACT Wrestling World Champions Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock attempted to get into the building, but Scott D'Amore, along with a line of security, prevented Shamrock getting in, stating that the IMPACT Wrestling Hall of Famer was suspended for thirty days.


Callihan was let in, but they both laid down some major threats to D'Amore and the IMPACT Wrestling roster.

Was there any other outcome than Jazz and Jordynne Grace advancing to the semifinals?
Was there any other outcome than Jazz and Jordynne Grace advancing to the semifinals?

After their opening match on IMPACT Wrestling, Acey Romero and Larry D were stopped by John E. Bravo who was furious that Larry was still allowed to work after shooting Bravo.


Tommy Dreamer broke things up, and Larry said that he was set up. Dreamer told him to come along, and they'd go downtown to sort things out. Larry teased it before laying him out with the Best Hand in the House.

IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament: Renee Michelle and Killer Kelly vs Jordynne Grace and Jazz


Killer Kelly opened the bout with the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion. Jordynne Grace overpowered Kelly quite easily early on. Eventually, Kelly and Grace wiffed some heavy shots before stepping back and tagging in their partners. Renee Michelle squared off with the legendary Jazz.


Unfortunately for Michelle, she was outclassed by the former Women's Champion. Then again, there are very few performers who wouldn't be, in IMPACT Wrestling or anywhere else. The powerhouse duo took turns battering Michelle, but before the break Killer Kelly distracted Grace, allowing Michelle to launch Grace off the apron with a dropkick.

Michelle and Kelly were able to keep Grace away from her partner throughout the break, and Kelly managed to counter a German suplex with a leg trip, allowing her to blast Grace with a nasty big boot. Kelly worked over Grace with some ground and pound offense.


Eventually, a spinning back elbow left Kelly almost out on her feet. Grace followed up with a spinebuster, finally tagging out to Jazz. The former NWA Womens World Champion took on both Kelly and Michelle, dominating her opponents in a two-on-one situation. A boxing combo dropped Kelly before Grace tagged back in. Thick mama Pump battered Kelly with a series of short arm clotheslines, but the final one was caught by Kelly.


Kelly caught Grace's other arm and sent her into the corner with a devastating headbutt. A corner dropkick would've knocked off one of the favorites in this IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title Tournament, but ce was close enough to the ropes to make the save.

A Grace Driver spiked Kelly, only for Michelle to break it up. Jazz moved back in for a flapjack. However, Michelle hit a backsplap tag, looking to steal one. Didn't work, as the vet bounced Michelle off the mat with the X-Factor for the win.


Results: Jazz and Jordynne Grace defeated Renee Michelle and Killer Kelly via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A

Jazz has not lost a step. She and Grace may go all the way. They face The Monsters of Madness, Havok and Nevaeh in the next round. These two may be the new favorites in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title Tournament.

The final match in the opening round will feature IMPACT Wrestling Knocouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee facing Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie.

Another episode of IMPACT Wrestling, another week where Eric Young and Joe Doering run roughshod
Another episode of IMPACT Wrestling, another week where Eric Young and Joe Doering run roughshod

Ethan Page cut a promo on his loss to Swoggle and the issues The North has with IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers. Josh Alexander stood against the wall as Page went on a near-psychotic and egotistical rant...which I guess is par for the course for "All Ego" Ethan Page.


Page bragged about injuring Doc Gallows and demanded a match against Karl Anderson. At Final Resolution, he wants a fight against the Machine Gun. If Page wins, The North gets one more shot at the gold.

Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K came up to Alisha Edwards, talking about some upcoming opportunities for them. Clearly, though, Edwards' mind was elsewhere.


She blindsided Sami Callihan for what he did to her husband Eddie Edwards on IMPACT Wrestling last week. Lish promised to make The Draw pay.

Johnny Swinger vs Cody Deaner on IMPACT Wrestling

This match barely got started, as a minute into it everyone was attacked by Eric Young and Joe Doering.

Results: No Contest.


Cousin Jake was launched into the ring post before Eric Young and Joe Doering focused on the men in the ring. A choke bomb for Swinger, and a piledriver for Deaner.

Young again promised that this would continue to happen until they got what they wanted. This world belonged to them. At this point, nobody really knows what they want but for the love of God just give it to them. If not, the whole roster will be demolished by Final Resolution.


IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee asked if James Mitchell had turned Su Yung back into Susie yet. The Father claimed that it was harder to do that than they thought, because it's not like Su Yung just hangs out in the hallways. Purrazzo and Lee promised to lure her to the ring as long as Mitchell would be ready.

Su Yung was betrayed by her Bridesmaids
Su Yung was betrayed by her Bridesmaids

Cody Deaner and Cousin Jake were furious backstage. The Deaners were tired of being embarrassed on IMPACT Wrestling. However, Deaner made a point that this had nothing to do with The Deaners. This was about Cody. He's not a nobody, he's not some nameless face on a roster.


Cody and Eric Young used to be riding partners. They used to be friends. Now Eric Young is using him to make a point, and he's tired of it. Next week on IMPACT Wrestling, he'll prove to EY that he's not a nobody.

IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo calls out Su Yung

Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee lured Su Yung successfully to the ring. Purrazzo claimed that if The Undead Bride wanted her rematch, she needed to come to the ring right now. That's exactly what happened, but they bailed as soon as Su Yung made it through the ropes.


James Mitchell came out next, ready to put Su Yung back under his spell. The Sinister Minister stated that he didn't want to do this, but it was inevitable. She's been a thorn in his side for too long, and tonight she'll pay for her sins. A group of Undead Bridesmaids appeared on the ramp, and approached the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion.

With the ring surrounded, Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee took advantage of the distraction. Purrazzo blocked Yung's poison mist, leaving it in Yung's throat. Purrazzo spiked Yung with the Cosa Nostra Gotch Piledriver.


The Undead Bridesmaids took Su Yung away as James Mitchelle laughed. Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee were finally finished with Yung.

Chris Bey was confronted by Moose, who threatened the Ultimate Finnesser. Bey had a shot at the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship if he could defeat Willie Mack tonight.


Moose said that if he were to win, and go on to take the title from Rich Swann, Mr. IMPACT Wrestling would tear him apart and take it for himself. Ever since his fight with EC3, Moose has become a more sadistic competitor.

Will Crazzy Steve beat Rohit for a second time this week?
Will Crazzy Steve beat Rohit for a second time this week?

Karl Anderson addressed Ethan Page's challenge at IMPACT Wrestling Final Resolution. The Machine Gun said that All Ego has lost his mind, but thanks to what he did to The Big LG, Anderson accepted Page's challenge.


Anderson said that in that match, Page will learn why IMPACT Wrestling brought him to the company in the first place. Spoiler alert, it wasn't just because of his work as a tag team competitor.

IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship: Crazzy Steve vs Rohit Raju (c)

Crazzy Steve almost caught Rohit Raju with two back-to-back pinfalls. Both times, Raju kicked out at the last moment. The former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion wrenched the neck of The Desi Hitman and locked in the Upside Down in the ropes. Steve used all five seconds of the ref's count before letting go.


Raju responded with a leaping flatliner that dropped Steve right on his dome for a two-count. Raju kicked into high gear here, rocking his challenger with a series of running kicks and the Stone Cold running elbow drop. A swinging neckbreaker and fisherman's buster dropped Steve for another near fall.


Crazzy Steve rebounded from a series of kicks to the chest, lighting up the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion and spiking him with a flying DDT off the top rope. Raju kicked out just in time. Raju responded with a jumping knee in the jaw. Steve avoided a powerslam, locking in a double armbar and nearly getting a submission victory.

Raju just barely made it to the ropes, and was able to counter a crucifix pin using the ropes for leverage. Once again, Rohit Raju managed to steal one.


Results: Rohit Raju defeated Crazzy Steve via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B-

Fallah Bahh found Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz contemplating what to do with the money they'd stolen. To be fair...Bahh stole it in the first place. Bahh tried to shake them for the roll of cash, but they managed to outsmart him. They promised that next week they'd bring the money.

Johnny Swinger tried to pick up Steelz and Hogan, but was relentlessly and harshly shut down. All deserved, of course. It's Swinger.

Chris Bey is laser-focused... but needs eyes in the back of his head for Moose
Chris Bey is laser-focused... but needs eyes in the back of his head for Moose

Brian Myers insulted Crazzy Steve following his failed shot at the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship. TJP called him out and challenged him to a match next week.


Chris Bey vs Willie Mack on IMPACT Wrestling

This IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship feud was reignited, this time with World Title implications. Chris Bey was the one to take the title off of Willie Mack earlier this summer. Mack didn't forget that and crushed Bey early on in the match.


A sidewalk slam on the apron dropped Bey on his spine. As Mack set up for the tope atomico, Bey held onto his legs, keeping the big man out of the air. As Mack shoved him off and moved in the ring, a dropkick to his knee left him writhing in pain.


Bey's gameplan soon revoled around that injured left knee, with the Ultimate Finnesser hitting a series of chop blocks and knee breakers. Mack struggled to get off the mat, and was placed in a single leg Boston crab in the middle of the ring.


A clothesline turned Bey inside out, and Mack managed to build up some steam. A powerslam connected, but Mack's knee nearly gave out. In what may have been a bad call by Chocolate Thunder, he hit a running knee drop on his injured knee, that might've hurt him more than Bey.


Bey blocked the Stunner, turning it into a jackknife pinfall attempt. A pump kick to the jaw and a running Code Red earned Bey a close call. Bey was launched sky high, however, and when he landed was bashed with a pop-up forearm smash. The Stunner connected, going Willie Mack a massive win over his long-time rival in the IMPACT Wrestling main event.

Results: Willie Mack defeated Chris Bey via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.


Grade: A

Willie Mack could barely celebrate, as he was cut in half with Lights Out by Moose. IMPACT World Champion Rich Swann rushed the ring, sending Moose to the floor. Bey then dropped Swann with the Art of Finesse.

Will Bey be the one to end Rich Swann's reign at the top of IMPACT Wrestling, or will it be Moose?

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Edited by Alex Turk
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