IMPACT Wrestling Results (December 3rd, 2019): Brian Cage vs Eddie Edwards, ODB and Rob Van Dam return

What a match to kick off tonight's show
What a match to kick off tonight's show

Two weeks ago, IMPACT Wrestling gave us one of the greatest gauntlet matches in recent memory. Featuring Daga, Rich Swann, Tessa Blanchard, Moose, Michael Elgin, and Brian Cage, it was an hour-long stamina contest, with all six competitors hoping to challenge Sami Callihan for the IMPACT World Championship. Blanchard managed to shock the world, rolling up Brian Cage with a sunset flip for the victory.


Michael Elgin was interviewed as he entered the building about the gauntlet match, specifically how he got himself disqualified. Elgin said that someone would pay for that decision tonight.

Tonight was also dedicated to one of the greatest IMPACT stars of all time, the four-time Knockouts Champion, ODB. Sadly, ODB's food truck burned down earlier this year, but the wrestling community came together for her, showing her just how loved she really was. That continued on this week's IMPACT Wrestling!


Eddie Edwards vs Brian Cage

Cage overpowered Edwards early, running through chops for a massive muscular shoulder tackle. Edwards was clobbered with a massive clothesline in the corner but managed to dump the big man to the outside. A hurricanrana sent Cage crashing to the floor.


Back inside, however, the Machine regained control. A deadlift suplex from the apron took Edwards all the way across the ring. Every time Edwards came up with some offense, Cage was able to cut him off.

After a vicious elbow strike, Cage set up for the Drill Claw. Edwards countered, taking Cage over with a suplex. A Blue Thunder Bomb gave him a near fall.


After kicking out, Cage stood toe-to-toe with Edwards. Both men took part in a brutal striking trade. However,, before we could get a finish to the contest, Michael Elgin rushed the ring, taking out both competitors.


Results: No contest.

Elgin continued to tear apart Edwards and Cage until several refs were able to separate him from his victims. Following that, Josh Mathews revealed that we'd now be getting a three-way bout between Elgin, Cage, and Edwards.

As if this match wasn't exciting enough!
As if this match wasn't exciting enough!

Eddie Edwards vs Brian Cage vs Michael Elgin

The previous competitors targeted Big Mike early. However, that partnership quickly fizzled. Edwards sent both Elgin and Cage to the outside and followed up with a blazing fast suicide dive, sending Elgin into the barricade. Cage looked to steal the moment from Edwards with an absolutely stunning tope con hilo.


However, the Unbreakable One picked up some steam when the action moved back inside the ropes. All three men traded strikes and kicks, but it left Elgin standing, albeit with the assistance of the ropes.


Edwards sent him up for a super hurricanrana. Cage caught him for a Drill Claw, but Edwards stopped it. A German suplex dumped Edwards on his head and sent him to the floor. Cage was tossed out as well, with Big Mike leveling them both as they attempted to get to the apron.


A big dive from Elgin took out both competitors as we cut to commercial.

Back from the break, Elgin was battering Cage in the corner with clotheslines while Edwards slowly re-entered the ring. Cage sent Elgin into Edwards, who dropped him with a Blue Thunder Bomb. A Backpack Stunner to Cage nearly gave him the win. Following the kick out, Edwards immediately trapped him in a single leg Boston crab.

Elgin rocked Edwards with some serious right hands and nearly took his head off with a clothesline. Edwards countered, only for Cage to lay him out with a single leg lariat. Elgin took advantage, taking out Cage and Edwards. A shotgun elbow strike rocked Cage. A DDT/falcon arrow combination was only enough for a two-count, however, as the Machine kicked out.


Cage managed to respond with an Alabama Slam, but has he rolled up Big Mike, was leveled with a Boston Knee Party from Edwards. The Tiger Driver gave Impact's resident Hardcore Icon a two-count.

Elgin used Edwards' back to set up a leaping tornado DDT. Edwards delivered a Boston Knee Party to the back of Elgin's head. Cage followed up with a disastrous lariat to Edwards. Edwards rolled out as the two big men took to the top rope.


Cage attempted a super hurricanrana but was crotched on the ropes. Edwards sent Cage off the top and rocked Cage with another Boston Knee Party. Elgin and Edwards traded pinfall attempts on the former World Champion.

A German suplex did absolutely nothing to Elgin as he bounced to his feet for a destructive running lariat. A buckle bomb sent Edwards into Cage, and Elgin finished the bout with the Elgin Bomb, defeating Eddie Edwards and picking up an incredible win over two of the best competitors in IMPACT Wrestling.


Results: Michael Elgin defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall.

At the treehouse, Trey was upset about what X-Division Champion Ace Austin had to say about his mother. The rest of the Rascalz didn't have much to say, as they agreed that she was pretty attractive. Trey tried to keep her from the show, doing what he could to keep her away from Austin. However, he allowed her to head to ringside.


To celebrate, she and the Rascalz had Trey's favorite...meatloaf!

The legendary
The legendary "Knocked Up" Champion is back!

Moose delved into his surprising loss two weeks ago in the elimination challenge. Though he failed to become the new No.1 contender, he stated that every great fails every now and then. Conor McGregor lost to Nate Diaz, Muhammad Ali lost to Joe Frazier, so it's okay for the greats to have an off night.


He then found himself near a basketball court, where he promised two locals that if he made a shot he'd buy them beers. He hit a three-point shot and, as is tradition at this point, demolished both of them, even leaving one hanging in the rim.

Tonight's show was all about coming together to support ODB, who had recently lost her food truck in a fire. Josh Mathews entered the ring to announce that a portion of tonight's proceeds would go to the former champion and brought the IMPACT Knockout legend down to the ring, flask in hand as always.


ODB thanked the IMPACT fans for all of their support. We were shown some footage of her and her crew making some great food. Though her insurance refused to help her with the rebuilding process, she was overwhelmed with the amount of love that she's received from the fans and IMPACT Wrestling, the company she's always called home.

Before she could finish up, Knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie, accompanied by John E. Bravo, cut her off. The champ looked down on ODB's sad tale, instead looking to run down yet another legendary Knockout to further strengthen her run. Valkyrie ran down her accolades, the main one being the longest reigning Knockouts Champion in IMPACT Wrestling history.


Valkyrie said that she'd donate to ODB so she'd be able to buy a fire extinguisher. ODB laid her out with a clothesline and a running body splash in the corner. Bravo yanked Valkyrie through the ropes before anything else could happen to her.

ODB stood in the ring, flask held high, as her music played. It was later revealed that these two would face off tonight.

The battle for Trey's rights?
The battle for Trey's rights?

We got footage of a press conference for the upcoming Impact World Championship match between Tessa Blanchard and Sami Callihan. Blanchard said that regardless of the respect she had for the Callihan Death Machine, she was taking his belt at Hard to Kill.


The Draw said he didn't dislike Blanchard because of her gender or last name. It's because she's a spoiled brat. Callihan feels that he's vilified, but should be considered as a hero because he's the only man that wasn't afraid to treat Blanchard like everybody else. On January 12th, he's going to do the same, and that means he's cracking her skull.


The segment nearly ended in a brawl but Scott D'Amore and Josh Mathews were able to keep them separated.

Ace Austin & Reno Scum (Luster the Legend & Adam Thornstowe) vs The Rascalz (Trey, Dez, & Wentz)

Trey lit up Thornstowe with a fast striking combination. A hurricanrana form the apron sent him into his corner where Austin tagged in. Trey had his back turned, allowing the X-Division Champion to take over. As he went for the finger slice with the playing card, Trey fought him off and sent him out.


Wentz tagged in, much to the chagrin of Trey, and battered Austin. Dez tagged in for a killer multi-hit double running splash combination. However, Luster the Legend tagged himself in, leading to a brutal German suplex/double foot stomp combo from Reno Scum. Dez kicked out at two.


Luster brought out a classic heart punch and brought in Thornstowe for a headbutt/standing moonsault combination. Wentz broke up the pinfall with a superkick. Dez was brought to his opponents' corner where Austin tagged in, driving his foot repeatedly into the jaw of the Rascal.


When the ref turned his back, Austin sliced open Dez's hand with his playing card. However, Dez responded with a huge spinning back kick, laying out the champ. Thornstowe and Trey tagged in, with Trey tripping him up for a step-up enziguri in the ropes. A back kick and a pop up neckbreaker sent Thornstowe out. Austin prevented a dive to the outside, but as he rolled in was taken out with another combination from Wentz and Dez.


Wentz dove onto Luster, but was taken out when Thornstowe sent Dez crashing onto his partner. Trey finished up the dive fest with a spinning corkscrew press. Back on the inside, Trey set up for his finish. However, Austin distracted him by flirting with his mom.

While Trey was distracted, Thornstowe rolled up Wentz for the win.

Results: Ace Austin & Reno Scum defeated the Rascalz via pinfall.

Jordynne Grace met ODB backstage as she was preparing for her match. Thick Mama Pump has a title bout at Hard to Kill against Taya Valkyrie, so the former "Knocked Up Champ" assumed she was coming in to trash talk. However, Grace was actually coming to support her, revealing that she was a huge fan and even donated to her cause.

Mr. IMPACT Wrestling is back
Mr. IMPACT Wrestling is back

Joey Ryan was sitting on a couch backstage when he was met by none other than Johnny Swinger. Swinger revealed that he had a match up next against that "Mizark" Petey Williams, and wanted Ryan to help him out. After giving the plan, he got the okay from Ryan and was excited to finally show Williams a thing or two.


Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes finally returned to IMPACT, sloppily making out as they walked down the ramp. RVD said he felt obligated to explain himself about his recent actions, but realized that nobody would really understand, because they don't know what it's like to be him.

He felt that he didn't need to raise the bar further because he'd done enough already. Tommy Dreamer interrupted and set up a match between Van Dam and the man he turned his back on, Rhino. Dreamer even revealed that he'd be the special guest referee.


Rob Van Dam turned it down because everyone gets too excited about an ECW reunion and not about what's next for him. However, as he and Forbes looked to leave, Rhino's music hit, with the War Machine sending Van Dam on his back. Security broke them up, though Forbes kept kicking Rhino in the ribs with her stiletto heels.

Rich Swann met Acey Romero, Chris Sabin, and his tag team partner Willie Mack, who were congratulating him over his incredible performance two weeks ago. Swann said that it was all behind him, and next week he and Mack will be moving to the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Open next week and become the new No.1 contenders.

One has to wonder what the sinister James Mitchell is up to
One has to wonder what the sinister James Mitchell is up to

James Mitchell introduced Suzie to Havok "for the first time." Suzie tried to shake Havok's hand, but Mitchell prevented her from doing it, saving her in the process. Mitchell said as long as she respects the former champion's personal space, the three of them will be the best of friends.


Johnny Swinger vs Petey Williams

Swinger tried to play Williams with a handshake, but Maple Leaf Muscle wasn't having any of it. They had a pec dance off before Williams sent him over with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. A dropkick to the back of the head sent him to the floor.

Swinger hung up Williams as he got back on the apron. Some innovative offense from Swinger, a few polish hammers, clubbed the chest of the former X-Division Champion. Williams avoided two elbow drops, though, and shocked him with a Codebreaker.


A tilt-a-whirl Russian leg sweep set up for the Canadian Destroyer. Swinger sent Williams into the turnbuckle, though, and tried to call Joey Ryan down to the ring. Nobody came, and Williams forced a submission with the Sharpshooter.


Results: Petey Williams defeated Johnny Swinger via submission.

Next week, we'll get a sort of "Pick Your Poison" episode as Tessa Blanchard and Sami Callihan have handpicked each other's opponents. The champion chose Madman Fulton, an obvious choice. However, Tessa Blanchard made a pretty shocking, and dangerous, pick when she chose Ken Shamrock.

Could ODB finish her night with a shocking victory over Wera Loca?
Could ODB finish her night with a shocking victory over Wera Loca?

ODB vs Taya Valkyrie w/John E. Bravo

Valkyrie rocked ODB with an elbow across the jaw, but the Bear Swilling Bruiser responded with a series of shoulder tackles, sending Valkyrie crashing to the mat. A fallaway slam dumped the Knockouts Champion to the floor below.


John E. Bravo was then forced to drink from ODB's flask before getting a special treat from the four-time Knockout Champion.


The distraction didn't serve Valkyrie well, as she was planted with a flapjack when she rushed ODB. However, she picked the ankle as ODB moved to the top, dropping her on the mat. ODB was left knocked out in the corner where Valkyrie ran through her with a running hip attack, followed by a running double knee strike. Bravo asked if she was alright as Valkyrie went for the pin. ODB kicked out.


Valkyrie trapped ODB in an STF and transitioned into a leglock curbstomp. She continued to punish ODB in the corner as Bravo tried to put an end to it, screaming that the legend liked him. ODB knocked Valkyrie off the ropes then bashed her head into the top turnbuckle repeatedly.


A leaping press from the second rope dropped Valkyrie. As she was left in the corner, ODB gave her the bronco buster. ODB and Bravo shared another drink, but Valkyrie broke up the party. Bravo decided to steal the Knockouts Championship, distracting Valkyrie.

Jordynne Grace came down to the ring to take the belt, further infuriating Valkyrie. Thanks to that, ODB pulled off a shocking upset with a schoolboy.


Results: ODB defeated Taya Valkyrie via pinfall.

After the match, ODB and Jordynne Grace celebrated with swigs from the flask.

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Edited by Alan John
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