James Mitchell introduced Suzie to Havok "for the first time." Suzie tried to shake Havok's hand, but Mitchell prevented her from doing it, saving her in the process. Mitchell said as long as she respects the former champion's personal space, the three of them will be the best of friends.
Johnny Swinger vs Petey Williams
Swinger tried to play Williams with a handshake, but Maple Leaf Muscle wasn't having any of it. They had a pec dance off before Williams sent him over with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. A dropkick to the back of the head sent him to the floor.
Swinger hung up Williams as he got back on the apron. Some innovative offense from Swinger, a few polish hammers, clubbed the chest of the former X-Division Champion. Williams avoided two elbow drops, though, and shocked him with a Codebreaker.
A tilt-a-whirl Russian leg sweep set up for the Canadian Destroyer. Swinger sent Williams into the turnbuckle, though, and tried to call Joey Ryan down to the ring. Nobody came, and Williams forced a submission with the Sharpshooter.
Results: Petey Williams defeated Johnny Swinger via submission.
Next week, we'll get a sort of "Pick Your Poison" episode as Tessa Blanchard and Sami Callihan have handpicked each other's opponents. The champion chose Madman Fulton, an obvious choice. However, Tessa Blanchard made a pretty shocking, and dangerous, pick when she chose Ken Shamrock.