IMPACT Wrestling Results (December 8th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

Kenny Omega hints at title aspirations in IMPACT Wreslting
Kenny Omega hints at title aspirations in IMPACT Wreslting

Tonight was a massive night for IMPACT Wrestling, as they managed to bring in some cross-promotional talent. It wasn't just any in-ring performer, either. IMPACT Wrestling would feature the AEW World Champion Kenny Omega tonight, thanks to IMPACT Wrestling EVP Don Callis.


Prior to the opening match, we got a short video package replaying the action from AEW Dynamite last Wednesday. IMPACT Wrestling's Don Callis and new AEW World Champion Kenny Omega pulled a fast one, stealing the AEW World Title and hightailing it to IMPACT Wrestling. Tonight, Omega and Callis explain it all.

We kicked things off with The North and The Motor City Machine Guns. The Guns have laid out a three-team hit list on the road to regaining the IMPACT Wrestling World Tag Team Titles. Last week was XXXL. Tonight, Chris Sabin took on Josh Alexander in singles competition.


Josh Alexander w/Ethan Page vs. Chris Sabin w/Alex Shelley on IMPACT Wrestling

After a short back and forth, Josh Alexander planted Chris Sabin with a Finlay Roll. IMPACT Wrestling's Walking Weapon slowed things down, wearing down Sabin with clubbing blows and a pendulum backbreaker.


After minutes of punishment from Alexander, the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion picked up the pace following a series of pinfall attempts. An inverted atomic drop and dragon screw set up for another pinfall, giving Sabin a two-count. Alexander fled to the floor, but a suicide dive from Sabin launched him onto the ramp.


A crossbody off the top earned Sabin another close call. Alexander was able to catch another dive from Sabin, countering a hurricanrana with a powerbomb into a kneeling backbreaker. Sabin, nearly broken in half, somehow kicked out. An exploder launched Sabin across the ring, but he was able to turn things around, escaping Alexander and hitting a missile dropkick to the back of the head.


A running knee laid out Alexander momentarily, but he was able to escape the Cradle Shock for a rolling forearm. If Alexander had taken advantage immediately, he could've pinned the multi-time IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion. However, as he and Ethan Page argued over how to finish the bout, Sabin took Alexander down with a jackknife pinfall.

Results: Chris Sabin defeated Josh Alexander via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A-

Backstage, Moose was staring off into space, thinking about his match tonight. His tag team partner Chris Bey wanted to talk strategy, but the "TNA World Champion" said he only talked with his fists. Clearly, those two weren't on the same page.


Tony Schiavone introduced Tony Khan for a "paid ad." Khan said that he could have stopped all of this, filing an injunction and whatnot. However, he instead set up a paid advertisement just to send IMPACT Wrestling some cash. He also hinted at a tag team invasion, possibly, when claiming that the true best tag team in the world was in AEW, not IMPACT Wrestling.


We may get those dream matches after all. Khan also joked about purchasing IMPACT Wrestling, which may have been a threat against Don Callis.

Brian Myers looked to prove a point against one of IMPACT Wrestling's greatest, TJP
Brian Myers looked to prove a point against one of IMPACT Wrestling's greatest, TJP

Brian Myers vs. TJP on IMPACT Wrestling

The former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion TJP easily outwrestled the "Most Professional Wrestler" in the second contest of the night. Brian Myers struggled to keep up with both the speed and technical skill of TJP and found himself locked in a heel hook with a bridge.


Myers managed to get to the ropes, breaking the hold. Though Myers got a few shots in, TJP's unorthodox offense again sent Myers to the floor as he was caught with a headstand tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Myers was then hit with a slingshot dropkick.

Back inside, however, Myers caught TJP heading up to the top. IMPACT Wrestling cut to commercial just as TJP crashed and burned on the outside. Back from the break, Myers lost the advantage momentarily, getting tossed around with a series of suplexes after a tornado DDT. As TJP went for the Mamba Splash, though, Myers avoided it and planted TJP with an elevated flatliner.


As Myers went for his clothesline, TJP countered, instead locking in the TJP Clutch. Myers struggled and strained, eventually getting to the ropes again. A leg trapped back suplex dumped TJP for the Mamba Splash. Again, Myers put a stop to it, this time holding his knees up and getting a nearfall.

TJP went for the TJP Clutch again. Myers, this time, threw the ref into TJP to break it up. After a spinebuster, Myers laid out TJP with a nasty clothesline for the win.


Results: Brian Myers defeated TJP via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B

Cody Deaner was backstage preparing for his match with Eric Young when Cousin Jake came in to hype him up. "We got this" said Jake. Deaner stressed that this wasn't about "we" or "us" as Deaner needed to prove he wasn't a nobody to the former IMPACT World Champion and World Class Maniac Eric Young.


Deaner made Jake promise that no matter what happened, he wouldn't interfere. Though he was worried about Young and Joe Doering, Jake promised.

Can Cody Deaner overcome the World Class Maniac?
Can Cody Deaner overcome the World Class Maniac?

IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion Rohit Raju ran into TJP, taunting him for failing to win tonight, and his failed plan to have Crazzy Steve take the title off of him. At Final Resolution, the "Final Beat Rohit Challenge" will take place.


TJP wished him luck before walking off.

Eric Young w/Joe Doering vs. Cody Deaner w/Cousin Jake on IMPACT Wrestling

Cody Deaner didn't give the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion a chance early on. Fired up, Deaner battered Eric Young around the ring. However, a missed shoulder tackle sent him into the ring post.

Young spiked Deaner with the Death Valley Driver, but it wasn't enough. Deaner was sent to the floor, and Jake tried to help him back to his feet. Deaner declined, and bounced into the ring for a sunset flip. Young kicked out at two and hit Deaner again. Deaner fired up, and countered a DDT with some clotheslines and a big slam.


Deaner decided to move up top, but a distraction from Joe Doering was enough to give Young some time to recover. A diving body splash missed, and Young picked up the pieces with the piledriver.

Results: Eric Young defeated Cody Deaner via pinfall on IMPACT Wreslting.

Grade: C


Eric Young and Joe Doering looked to make a statement by spiking both Deaners again. However, another one of their victims on IMPACT Wrestling when Doering originally showed up, Rhino, rushed the ring with a pipe. Young and Deaner high tailed it.

Tommy Dreamer, after talking with John E. Bravo, looked to bring Larry D to justice.


Larry challenged him to a match at IMPACT Wrestling Final Resolution, and if he won he'd walk away scott free. Dreamer agreed, which dumbfounded Larry D.

The Demon Assassin terrifies her opponents
The Demon Assassin terrifies her opponents

Tommy Dreamer spoke to IMPACT Wrestling Co-Executive VP Scott D'Amore about this Don Callis/Kenny Omega situation. D'Amore was blinded by the possibilities and opportunities this could bring them, and Dreamer warned him about what could happen when something like this occurs.


Specifically, Dreamer knew how it could negatively affect the IMPACT Wrestling roster. D'Amore played down his concerns, and Dreamer walked away frustrated.

Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee vs. Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary on IMPACT Wrestling


Former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Rosemary met the current and two-time Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo in the opening of this final first round in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament.

Purrazzo looked for the armbar early, but was bit by Rosemary. They both tagged out, and Taya Valkyrie squared off with Kimber Lee. Valkyrie hit a running crossbody, but Lee responded with a pump kick that nearly took La Wera Loca's head off.


Valkyrie fought off Lee momentarily, but Lee dragged her back to her corner, tagging in The Virtuosa. They took turns lighting up Valkyrie, but when Valkyrie escaped the corner, she battered Kimber with a series of strikes. They both laid one another out with right hands, and tagged their partners in.

Rosemary came in like a house on fire. Two clotheslines, a slingblade, and a running body splash set up for an exploder and the two-count. Purrazzo took over again when Kimber got involved, and a backbreaker/neckbreaker combination laid out Rosemary. A pump kick knocked Rosemary down, but she sat back up Demon Assassin style.


Valkyrie took out her opponents with a double clothesline. All four Knockouts battered one another, leading to Valkyrie ducking a kick from Purrazzo. Lee ate the boot instead, and Rosemary cut the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion in half with a spear. Valkyrie dumped her to the floor as Rosemary dropped Lee with the Wing Clipper for the win.

Results: Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie defeated Kimber Lee and Deonna Purrazzo via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.


Grade: B+

Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K tried to talk to Alisha Edwards about their tag team dubbed "The Influencers." They were surprisingly excited to bring Edwards into their fold, but Edwards was too worried about getting revenge on Sami Callihan. Unfortunately, The Influencers have broken up.

Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee chased down IMPACT Wrestling's Scott D'Amore to complain about the way they've been treated lately. The IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Title, the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title Tournament, Su Yung, it's all too much.


D'Amore said that two of those situations were handled, as Su Yung is nowhere to be found and they lost the tag match tonight. As far as the Knockouts Title, Purrazzo will defend it against Rosemary at IMPACT Wrestling Final Resolution.

Sami Callihan is ready for the sequel with Eddie Edwards
Sami Callihan is ready for the sequel with Eddie Edwards

Eddie Edwards blindsided Sami Callihan on IMPACT Wrestling

Sami Callihan stood in the middle of the ring to brag about this importance to IMPACT Wrestling. He's allowed to do what he wants because, without The Draw, IMPACT Wrestling is nothing. They have nothing.


Eddie Edwards was nobody before Sami Callihan bashed him in the skull with a bat years ago. We got a replay of that infamous moment before Callihan spoke about his recent assault on Eddie Edwards. Though that incident got Ken Shamrock suspended, Callihan was looking to set up this "sequel" in his rivalry with Eddie Edwards.

He looked to roll some more footage, but Eddie's wife Alisha Edwards came down to the ring. Callihan said the last time she tried to do something like this, Eric Young almost spiked her with a piledriver. Unlike the World Class Maniac, Callihan would actually do the job, and threatened to break her neck.


Alisha Edwards said that she didn't come alone, and before Callihan could realize what she meant, he was blindsided by Eddie Edwards during IMPACT Wrestling.

Rich Swann looked to build some major steam ahead of the IMPACT Wrestling Title bout this Saturday
Rich Swann looked to build some major steam ahead of the IMPACT Wrestling Title bout this Saturday

Eddie Edwards was fired up after getting a taste of revenge on the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion. Alisha Edwards said that now that she helped him, it was time he helped her with her problem. Eddie was excited to do so. The question was, who was Alisha talking about?


Moose & Chris Bey vs. Rich Swann and Willie Mack on IMPACT Wrestling

In the in-ring main event of IMPACT Wrestling, Chris Bey opened with the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Rich Swann. At Turning Point, Bey will challenge Rich Swann for his title.


Tonight, Swann was all over Bey, with the Ultimate Finnesser struggling to get any offense in. After a commercial break, Moose and Willie Mack were in the ring. Mack was on the offensive, but two uranage slams flattened Mack.


Moose slapped Bey on the chest, demanding he get in the ring. He did so, and Moose bounced the former X-Division Champion off of Mack with a powerbomb.


Moose tagged back in, but a pair of stunners dropped Mr. IMPACT Wrestling. Swann tagged in, lighting up Moose with a series of spinning back kicks to the gut. Moose countered a running hurricanrana, though, bouncing Swann off the mat with another powerbomb. Moose tagged Bey, and was sent to the floor by the champ. Moose ran back inside but was hit in the knee by a superkick.


Swann tossed Bey into Moose with a leaping hurricanrana off the top rope. A neckbreaker and step-up heel kick dropped Bey. Willie Mack tagged in, but missed the Six Star Frog Splash. Swann tried to get Bey back under control, but a running leg lariat left Swann on the floor. A pop-up forearm dropped Bey. Before Mack could take advantage of that shot, a Lights Out Spear from Moose cut him down.


Moose mounted Mack again, hammering his head with a series of elbows. Though Swann broke it up and took Moose to the floor, that was all she wrote for Mack. Bey picked up the pieces, getting the win.

Results: Chris Bey defeated Willie Mack via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A

Kenny Omega is here!
Kenny Omega is here!

Rich Swann tried to go to the parking lot but was stopped by a doorman saying that he wasn't on the list. The World Champion was in the parking lot. Rich Swann said that he was the IMPACT World Champion, and this must be some ploy by Moose. However, it wasn't Moose that was causing the ruckus. It was Kenny Omega, the AEW World Champion.


Kenny Omega appears on IMPACT Wrestling for the first time

Josh Matthews went to Kenny Omega's bus and met the champ and Don Callis. Omega wanted to do something special for IMPACT Wrestling and allowed Don Callis to switch the nameplate on the AEW World Title, taking off Jon Moxley's name and replacing it with the new champion's. Kenny Omega was looking like his old self tonight, sporting the hair and shades from when he was The Cleaner.


Josh asked why IMPACT Wrestling VP Don Callis helped Omega screw Jon Moxley out of the title on AEW Dynamite. Callis, after fixing the plate, said that he was trained by the Golden Shiek in Canada. A picture was brought out, revealing that the Golden Shiek was Kenny Omega's uncle. Callis said that he has looked after Kenny Omega the same way the Golden Shiek looked after him.

Callis thinks years ahead. Him returning to the business wasn't so he could do a podcast or do commentary for NJPW. Coming to IMPACT Wreslting was part of a multi-step process. It was all about getting Kenny Omega to the top of the mountain.


Callis said that the Chris Jericho-Kenny Omega match in NJPW was what birthed AEW, proving that, yes, Don Callis was behind everything. From the match that created AEW to what's been dubbed the "Golden Screwjob" he's done it all. "Some people make matches," said Callis. "Some people like to make memories. Kenny Omega and Don Callis, we make history."


Josh Mathews asked if what happened on AEW Dynamite, has that hurt Kenny Omega's credibility at this point? Callis and Omega were offended. Omega said that Callis was a father figure to him. When Moxley attacked the IMPACT Wrestling Co-Executive VP, but more importantly, someone so utterly important to Omega personally, he did the only thing that felt right. He bashed Moxley in the skull with the microphone.


Kenny Omega then decided to reveal why he came to IMPACT Wrestling. He compared capturing titles to collecting comics. He's been AAA Champion, he's the AEW World Champion...why not go after the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion? Kenny Omega may, in fact, go after some gold in IMPACT Wrestling in the near future.

That night wasn't tonight, though. He left IMPACT Wrestling and AEW fans with the "Goodbye and goodnight, bang" before they left for Jacksonville.

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Edited by Alex Turk
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