Tommy Dreamer spoke to IMPACT Wrestling Co-Executive VP Scott D'Amore about this Don Callis/Kenny Omega situation. D'Amore was blinded by the possibilities and opportunities this could bring them, and Dreamer warned him about what could happen when something like this occurs.
Specifically, Dreamer knew how it could negatively affect the IMPACT Wrestling roster. D'Amore played down his concerns, and Dreamer walked away frustrated.
Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee vs. Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary on IMPACT Wrestling
Former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Rosemary met the current and two-time Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo in the opening of this final first round in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament.
Purrazzo looked for the armbar early, but was bit by Rosemary. They both tagged out, and Taya Valkyrie squared off with Kimber Lee. Valkyrie hit a running crossbody, but Lee responded with a pump kick that nearly took La Wera Loca's head off.
Valkyrie fought off Lee momentarily, but Lee dragged her back to her corner, tagging in The Virtuosa. They took turns lighting up Valkyrie, but when Valkyrie escaped the corner, she battered Kimber with a series of strikes. They both laid one another out with right hands, and tagged their partners in.
Rosemary came in like a house on fire. Two clotheslines, a slingblade, and a running body splash set up for an exploder and the two-count. Purrazzo took over again when Kimber got involved, and a backbreaker/neckbreaker combination laid out Rosemary. A pump kick knocked Rosemary down, but she sat back up Demon Assassin style.
Valkyrie took out her opponents with a double clothesline. All four Knockouts battered one another, leading to Valkyrie ducking a kick from Purrazzo. Lee ate the boot instead, and Rosemary cut the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion in half with a spear. Valkyrie dumped her to the floor as Rosemary dropped Lee with the Wing Clipper for the win.
Results: Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie defeated Kimber Lee and Deonna Purrazzo via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: B+
Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K tried to talk to Alisha Edwards about their tag team dubbed "The Influencers." They were surprisingly excited to bring Edwards into their fold, but Edwards was too worried about getting revenge on Sami Callihan. Unfortunately, The Influencers have broken up.
Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee chased down IMPACT Wrestling's Scott D'Amore to complain about the way they've been treated lately. The IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Title, the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title Tournament, Su Yung, it's all too much.
D'Amore said that two of those situations were handled, as Su Yung is nowhere to be found and they lost the tag match tonight. As far as the Knockouts Title, Purrazzo will defend it against Rosemary at IMPACT Wrestling Final Resolution.