At Slammiversary, Tessa Blanchard earned the respect of the Callihan Death Machine himself, Sami Callihan. Tonight, we'll see if they can put their differences aside in order to win the Mash-Up Tournament.
The tournament itself features four tag-team matches with eight teams of rivals forced to work together. The winners of the first round advance to the finals, where they'll compete in a Fatal-4-Way elimination match. Whatever team wins will then face each other in singles competition, with the final winner getting a shot at Brian Cage's Impact World Championship.
Moose & Eddie Edwards vs Rohit Raju & Cody Deaner

Moose and Edwards had a hard time figuring out who would kick off the show. Eventually, Moose convinced Edwards to let him start against Rohit Raju. Raju quickly tagged in Cody Deaner before Moose could lay a finger on him.
Deaner was trapped in a side headlock and tried to shake off the former offensive lineman, but Moose held onto his hair and poked him in the eyes. Deaner responded with a leaping body splash and a series of mounted punches. Moose crawled over and tagged in Edwards.
Edwards met the same move as Moose, but got a break when his partner distracted Deaner, allowing him to toss Deaner overhead with a belly-to-belly suplex. Raju tagged in, and though he was also caught by a belly-to-belly, managed to get on top when Raj Singh tripped Edwards up in the ropes. Raju stomped him out in the corner and cut off a comeback, gouging his eyes and landing a knee to the jaw.
Deaner came in for an assist, but Moose blocked the double suplex, saving his longtime rival. The former best friends showed off some impressive teamwork, with Moose using Edwards as a weapon, launching him into Deaner and Raju.
Deaner pulled the ropes, sending Moose outside and dropping Edwards with a snap powerslam. Cousin Jake attempted to give Deaner the hat, but Raju stole it, tagging himself in. Their bickering allowed Moose to get some payback, sending Deaner outside following a huge boot to the face.
The Boston Knee Party from Edwards knocked out Raju's lights, giving Edwards and Moose the win.
Results: Eddie Edwards & Moose defeated Rohit Raju & Cody Deaner via pinfall.
Following the match, the Desi Hit Squad and the Deaners brawled. Raj Singh tossed Cousin Jake outside, allowing Singh and Raju to deliver a two-on-one beatdown to Cody Deaner. They left the ring when Jake made it back in, backing up the ramp blaming them for the loss.
Ace Austin and Aiden Prince were interviewed backstage by Jimmy Jacobs, and Austin cut off Prince mid-promo. The Ace of Spades reminded him that the fans are here for the stars, and he'd rather be on his own than teaming with Prince. Prince obliged, leaving him without a partner for the night.

Edwards and Moose were seen backstage celebrating before calming down from the win and remembering their history together. Maybe their friendship isn't dead after all?
Rich Swann & Madman Fulton vs Wentz & Jake Crist
Wentz started the bout with Fulton, being tossed into the corner by the Madman. Fulton was able to withstand a springboard corkscrew elbow, but a hurricanrana from the second rope sent him into his corner. Rich Swann tagged in, going toe-to-toe with the fellow X-Division star. The Champion was stunned by an impressive series of kicks by both Wentz and Crist.
Back from commercial, Swann rolled Crist up with a sunset flip. Crist broke out and a superkick leveled the X-Division Champion. In the corner, Crist dug his foot into Swann's face before taking him into his corner to bring in the Rascal. Wentz hit a huge running knee and a standing shooting star press, getting a two count. Last Chancery in the middle of the ring was escaped by Swann, as he made it back to his feet and stunned Wentz with a huge series of strikes.
Wentz attempted a handspring cutter, but Swann rolled in for the same move, catching Wentz when he landed on his feet. Swann attempted to get to Fulton, but Crist told him not to tag in and pulled him back into his corner. Crist then tagged himself in, but another handspring cutter from Swann allowed Swann to tag get to his corner. Fulton jumped into the ring before the tag, though, and sent Wentz off the apron with a running big boot.
Crist then ordered Fulton to destroy Swann. A pair of chokeslams from Fulton and a fisherman's buster from Crist gave Crist and Wentz the win.
Results: Jake Crist & Wentz defeated Rich Swann & Madman Fulton via pinfall.
Ace Austin was trying to find a new tag team partner, and was seen attempting to bring Madison Rayne on board. Rayne refused, saying that a royal doesn't need a court jester. Austin's prayers were seemingly answered, though, as Stone Rockwell came into frame. It looks like the Adventure Man will be teaming with the One True Ace tonight.

Michael Elgin & Willie Mack vs Ace Austin & Stone Rockwell
Elgin rushed Rockwell as he posed with Austin's pole, sending him outside while he set his sights on Ace Austin. Willie Mack was tagged in, trading arm drags with Austin. A running hurricanrana and a leaping kick launched Austin into the corner, where he was pelted by chest chops.
Austin was sent across the ring, but tripped up Mack with a drop toe hold, landing some big kicks across the jaw. A springboard kick to his face left him down in Austin's corner. Rockwell motioned for the tag, and Austin tossed him a playing card. Mack caught him as he turned around, bringing him down with a Samoan drop, standing moonsault, and a powerslam.
Mack tagged in Michael Elgin, who leaped over the ropes for a big splash. Austin avoided an attack in the corner, attempting to stun Big Mike with a high kick. Elgin countered with a big enziguri. Austin tagged in Rockwell, who felt the wrath of the Unbreakable One. He countered a suplex with one of his own, but Elgin got right back to his feet.
Rockwell was tossed into the corner with a powerbomb, and the Elgin Bomb finished his latest adventure on a sour note.
Results: Michael Elgin & Willie Mack defeated Stone Rockwell & Ace Austin via pinfall.
Callihan, with the rest of oVe, cut a promo on his highly-rated match with Tessa Blanchard. The Draw said that everything is going according to plan, with Jake Crist advancing thanks to Madman Fulton. He said the next step was for him to defeat Dave Crist via the classic Finger Poke of Doom. Dave Crist wasn't thrilled about the idea, but looked to be accepting of his position.

Taya Valkyrie was interviewed about her upcoming match tonight, stating that she won't be defending her Knockouts Championship against Havok and Madison Rayne in tonight's triple threat match. John E. Bravo butted in when she was asked about her husband, saying that he and Valkyrie weren't official yet. The Knockouts Champ walked off disgusted.
Trey entered the arena with Dave Crist decked out in oVe gear, looking almost exactly like Sami Callihan, bat and all. Callihan and Blanchard entered separately.
Dave Crist & Trey vs Sami Callihan & Tessa Blanchard
Sami Callihan looked to end the match early, hoping for the Finger Poke of Doom to give him an easy win. Trey broke up the pinfall, however, ruining the plan. Crist tagged in Trey afterward, giving him to Callihan.
Blanchard came in, and she and Trey superkicked the two oVe members. Blanchard took Crist outside while Trey brought down Callihan with a springboard arm drag and a running dropkick. He attempted a suicide dive, but Dave Crist shoved his leader out of the way, taking the hit instead.
Trey asked what he was doing, allowing Callihan to attack him from behind. He managed to connect with a kick to the gut, and a tope con Hilo over the ropes took out both Callihan and Crist. However, a poke to the eyes gave Callihan the advantage again.
Callihan sat Trey on the bleachers and spit in his hand, taunting Blanchard and the rest of the crowd. Trey caught him via superkick, and tried to do the same thing. He grossed himself out, though, and Callihan took over again with a big boot. Back inside, Callihan flipped Blanchard off when she asked for the tag, and Blanchard gave the message right back to him.
Trey brought Callihan in for a pin with a schoolboy.Callihan broke out. Avoiding the tornado DDT, Callihan leveled Trey with a clothesline. Blanchard caught him near the corner, finally tagging herself in. Callihan, furious, slammed her on top of Trey.
Trey picked Blanchard up in a fireman's carry position, but she escaped, sending Trey into the ropes and hitting a pair of high speed running kicks to the back. Callihan tagged himself in here, and Blanchard gave him the receipt for his actions earlier, slamming him on top of Trey.
Trey was placed up top, but when Callihan followed him up, he brought him under the top turnbuckle for a package superkick and a 619. His diving elbow drop was avoided, and he seemingly injured his leg on the landing, Crist and Blanchard tagged in here, with a cutter from Blanchard dropping Crist.
Crist avoided Magnum, bringing her down with a fireman's carry facebuster. Trey tagged in and told Crist to pick up Blanchard. Crist screamed, "You're not Sami," to which Trey replied, "Yes I am!" Crist seemingly accepted this, and the two worked together to put down Blanchard. Callihan broke up the pinfall.
Trey continued to emulate Callihan, even going for the Cactus Driver. Blanchard countered and planted him with a tornado DDT. Callihan tagged in, and Crist left Trey in the ring by himself. Magnum from Blanchard and the Cactus Driver from Callihan put away Trey, advancing Callihan and Blanchard into the finals.
Results: Sami Callihan & Tessa Blanchard defeated Trey & Dave Crist.

Jessicka Havok vs Madison Rayne vs Taya Valkyrie
Valkyrie and Rayne tried to take out Havok early on. The former Knockouts Champion stood up to their assault, sending Valkyrie outside and driving Rayne neck first into the turnbuckle. Valkyrie rushed back in, landing a running clothesline and hip attack in the corner.
The running double knee strike in the corner took Havok out for a bit, allowing Rayne to get back in the match. Valkyrie dominated her with a series of kicks, rebounding her off the ropes into a clothesline. Havok managed to break up the pinfall. Valkyrie was choked in the corner and tossed across the entire length of the ring.
Valkyrie poked Havok's eyes as Bravo distracted the ref, allowing Rayne to stop her with a guillotine. As Havok tried to counter, she was planted with a DDT. Rayne was met by a spear from Valkyrie, though, who in turn was hit with a running boot from the monstrous Havok.
All three women made it to their feet and traded blows, with Havok seemingly getting the best of Rayne and Valkyrie. A Samoan drop/fallaway slam combo left both women trying to regain their composure in opposite corners. Havok hit Valkyrie with a series of running boots, but John E. Bravo saved her before Havok could finish her off.
Rayne connected with a crossbody and tried to take her down with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Havok caught her, turning it into a Tombstone Piledriver.
Results: Jessicka Havok defeated Madison Rayne via pinfall.
Michael Elgin was interviewed backstage about the possibility of facing Willie Mack at Unbreakable in August for a shot at the Impact World Championship. Elgin said that he shouldn't have to be jumping through these hoops, as he's already facing Brian Cage next week in a Street Fight. However, it's a non-title match, and Elgin believes Cage is scared of him.

Mash-Up Tournament Finals: Eddie Edwards & Moose vs Wentz & Jake Crist vs Michael Elgin & Willie Mack vs Sami Callihan & Tessa Blanchard
Blanchard tried to start off with Eddie Edwards, but Sami Callihan tagged her out. She and Callihan tagged each other in and out of the match, until Callihan was finally allowed to start.
Callihan sent Edwards into the ropes, allowing Moose to tag in. Moose dominated Callihan, leveling him with a clothesline, even fighting through a groin claw from the Draw. Edwards tagged back in and he and his longtime enemy traded punches. Callihan chased Edwards outside. As Callihan was back on the apron, Michael Elgin tagged himself in.
Elgin tried to catch Edwards rebounding off the ropes for a clothesline. Edwards ducked and hit Callihan with a suicide dive. Elgin chased him outside and was met by Moose. The rest of the apron cleared into a brawl outside. Back inside the ring, Elgin was sent to the other side of the ring area.
Edwards tried to dive onto the rest of the competitors, but Moose stopped him, kicking him in the gut and powerbombing him onto the rest, taking the glory for himself.
Back from commercial, Michael Elgin dropped Moose with a German suplex and rocked Edwards with a superkick/enziguri combo. Edwards caught him coming off the ropes, hitting him with a forearm. However, as he was going for a running clothesline, Willie Mack ran in to hit him with the Pounce. Mack then took out the rest of the field, and Elgin eliminated Edwards & Moose following an Elgin Bomb.
First Elimination: Michael Elgin defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall.
Wentz was up next against Michael Elgin. Big Mike caught Wentz's foot as he went for a superkick, but was taken down by a corkscrew body splash. A handspring attack was countered into a powerslam, and Elgin tagged in Mack. Wentz tagged Jake Crist, but was slammed by Mack. He countered a standing moonsault, and, after a moment, tagged in Sami Callihan instead of Wentz.
Callihan worked over the big man, holding him down in the middle of the ring with a rear chin lock. Mack fought out and dropped him with a Samoan drop, following up with the standing moonsault. Crist came in to hit Mack, leading to Elgin knocking both he and Wentz outside.
Tessa Blanchard came in at this point to stand up to Elgin. Callihan shoved her out of the way, taking a massive elbow to the jaw. Mack tapped Elgin on the back, receiving a vicious clothesline. Elgin walked away from the ring, leaving Mack to be pinned by Sami Callihan after the Cactus Driver.
Second Elimination: Sami Callihan defeated Willie Mack via pinfall.
Tessa Blanchard and Sami Callihan stood toe-to-toe with Wentz and Jake Crist. Blanchard went at Crist while Callihan attacked Wentz. The four traded superkicks, leading to a springboard cutter to Callihan from Wentz. The Buzzsaw DDT took out Wentz, and a pair of kicks allowed Crist to hit the death valley driver.
Callihan broke up the pinfall, and Crist pretended to take the Finger Poke of Doom, rolling him up. Callihan broke out was met by a superkick/spinning back kick combination. However, he avoided an attack in the corner and spiked Crist with the Cactus Driver. Blanchard tagged in and connected with Magnum for the win.
Results: Tessa Blanchard & Sami Callihan defeated Jake Crist & Wentz via pinfall.
Blanchard and Callihan move onto Unbreakable, where they'll face off in a rematch of their Slammiversary match. Either Blanchard or Callihan will move on to become #1 contender to Brian Cage and his Impact World Championship.
What's happening between Michelle McCool and Mickie James? More details HERE