Following a vignette highlighting The North's successful title defense at Slammiversary, the Rascalz were seen backstage in their treehouse discussing the fallout of the Mash-Up Tournament. Trey was still focused on mimicking Sami Callihan.
Dez revealed that he talked to Impact management and they'd be facing The North for a shot at the titles. The question was...who would be representing the trio? Wentz quickly revealed the answer to that, as he had Jonas Brothers tickets, and would have to leave early next week. When asked who he was taking, Gail Kim entered the scene. The two left, leaving Dez and Trey disgruntled in the treehouse.
Melissa Santos was interviewing Kiera Hogan about her loss earlier in the night. Before she could respond, Madison Rayne interrupted, insulting her for not being able to pick up a win. They continued to argue as we cut to the next commercial.
Ace Austin was seen trying to pick up Alisha Edwards backstage using magic tricks. She turned him down, and when another woman said she was interested, he turned her down, saying he was only into married women.
Willie Mack vs Rob Van Dam
Van Dam caught Mack with a side headlock to start off. Getting shot off into the corner, he withstood a shoulder block and took Mack to the matt with a roundhouse kick. After celebrating with the crowd, RVD was met by Mack for another go.
Mack escaped the headlock and laid out Van Dam with a running wheel kick. Mack was tossed into the ropes, standing Van Dam up with a shoulder block. The two tripped each other up, attempting to get a quick pin off of each other. They both kicked out, rolling to their feet in a stalemate.
The two traded headbutts and forearm shots, after which Mack chased the ECW Legend into the ropes, where Van Dam ducked under with a split, pulling him outside for another kick to the face. Mack was sent into the steel ring post, and when he turned around a rolling senton from the apron took the big man to the floor.
As Mack was set up on the barricade, he baited RVD into running in, dropping him chest first across the steel structure. Inside the ring, he placed Van Dam in the corner for a running boot and cannonball senton. A Samoan drop and standing moonsault gave him the two-count.
Back to their feet, Van Dam caught Mack running into the corner, dropping him with another roundhouse kick. However, the split-legged moonsault was predicted by Mack, and he picked his knees up. Following that with a backstabber, Mack went for the pin again. RVD kicked out.
Mack took him back to the corner again, but he was shoved away and met with a springboard sidekick to the jaw. A crossbody brought about a near fall for Van Dam. A few running clotheslines and another short sidekick set up for the Rolling Thunder. Mack rolled him up with a crucifix pin, but he kicked out. A running cutter spiked Van Dam on his head.
They both reached their feet at the same time, and although Van Dam stunned him with a series of strikes, Mack caught him coming off the ropes with an exploder suplex. The frog splash was avoided as Van Dam rolled out the way, doubling him over with a body scissors takedown for another two-count.
Mack caught the boot of Van Dam, allowing him to connect with a rolling wheel kick. The Five Star Frog Splash gave Van Dam a much-needed win.
Results: Rob Van Dam defeated Willie Mack via pinfall.