Johnny Swinger met Chris Bey backstage, introducing his "first pick" for the match and a prized star in IMPACT Wrestling, Rohit Raju. Bey wasn't exactly a fan of the arrangement, and neither was Riju, but he needed a rental car that Swinger apparently promised him.
Chris Bey, Johnny Swinger, & Rohit Raju vs Willie Mack & The Deaners on IMPACT Wrestling
Cody Deaner and Rohit Raju kicked off the bout, leading to a quick tag to Cousin Jake for a double gutbuster. Willie Mack followed up with a standing moonsault. As Jake tagged back in, Raju hightailed it to his corner.
Chris Bey tagged in and demanded to fight Willie Mack. The second the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion tagged in, Bey tagged out to Johnny Swinger. The Swing Man was left in the corner of Mack & The Deaners. Bey and Raju tried to save him, leading to all three men getting dumped over the ropes as Cody, Jake, and Mack celebrated.
Back from the break, however, Cody Deaner was stuck in the corner with Rohit Raju in control. Bey tagged in, taking down the former TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champion (yes, I remember) with a back suplex.
The Finesse & Bench Press Connection took turns battering Deaner before Swinger locked in the nerve hold. Deaner fought out only to get distracted by Raju. Swinger went to the eyes before tagging in the Ultimate Finesser.
Bey trapped Deaner in an octopus stretch. However, Deaner finally broke away and tagged in Cousin Jake, who bowled through Bey with ease. Mack tagged in and was taken out by Raju. Jake drove Bey into the mat with a sit-out powerbomb. Swinger dropped Jake with the Swinging Neckbreaker.
Deaner spiked Swinger with the Deaner DDT. Raju dropped Deaner wit a flatliner. Finally, once the smoke cleared, Bey planted Mack face first on the mat with the springboard Fameasser for the win.
Results: Chris Bey picked up a win over the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion Willie Mack.
Grade: B
Reno Scum ran into TJP & Fallah Bahh backstage, leading to the announcement of a match between the two teams on IMPACT Wrestling next week. This feud blew up due to Reno Scum accusing TJP & Fallah Bahh of attacking Trey over the past month.
However, it was revealed on IMPACT Wrestling last week that it was Madman Fulton doing Ace Austin's dirty work for him.