IMPACT Knockouts Championship: Lacey Ryan w/Madison Rayne vs Jordynne Grace (c)
Next up was the IMPACT Knockouts Championship match..
The challenger seemed to match Grace pretty well when it came to power. Tying up at the beginning of the match, it looked like Ryan actually had the advantage. Eventually, Grace caught Ryan going for a dive and tossed her across the ring.
As Ryan recovered on the apron, she hung Grace up on the ropes, following up with a springboard elbow drop. A flatliner dropped Grace, but she was able to block a cross armbreaker. A boot to the face shook Ryan, allowing Grace to drive her into the corner for a double knee strike/running hip attack combination.
The Vader Bomb gave Grace a two-count. Ryan fought out of the Grace Driver and lit up Grace with a series of spinning back kicks and a running single leg dropkick. Grace kicked out. Ryan looked for a dive again, but like before, Grace blocked it. The Knockouts Champion set up for a superplex.
Ryan fought it off, but a Muscle Buster would connect. Ryan kicked out again. She traded Grace's powerslams with her elbow strikes, and hit a rolling fireman's carry slam to set up a frog splash.
Grace kicked out at two-and-a-half. After avoiding another dive, the champ was able to plant her challenger with the Grace Driver.
Results: Jordynne Grace defeated Lacey Ryan via pinfall