Jake Crist vs Daga
Crist was nearly pinned at the beginning of the match with a crucifix attempt. Daga took out Crist with a kicking combination, but couldn't hit the stomp. Avoiding Crist's roundhouse, Daga took him down with a head scissors. However, Crist caught Daga in the ropes and hit a dragon screw leg whip that bounced Daga's knee off the apron.
Daga shook it off and set up for a suicide dive, but a wheel kick rocked him. Crist spiked Daga with a diving tornado DDT on the floor as we cut to break.
Back from commercial, Crist locked Daga in the stump puller. Daga eventually made it to the ropes. As they both stood up, they hit one another with roundhouse kicks and clotheslines. As they continued to trade, Daga got the upper hand and took Crist down with another pinfall attempt. Crist kicked out and was planted with a gutwrench sit-out powerbomb.
Crist escaped a double underhook and battered Daga with his own kicking combination, finishing with a nasty rolling roundhouse kick. Daga was spiked with a German suplex, but rose quickly to respond with a snap German.
As Daga moved up for a dive, he was met with a Crist Cutter. Daga managed to kick out and spike Crist with another snap German. The double underhook lung blower put Crist away.
Results: Daga defeated Jake Crist via pinfall.
Backstage, security thought they'd spotted the hacker. A man in a hoodie was suspiciously standing by a merch stand before getting tossed out.