Tonight, the epic war between Su Yung and Havok would come to an end. In the Undead Realm, two would enter, but one would leave. At least, that was the plan of James Mitchell, and he was banking on his Kaiju Queen.
We kicked off the show with an incredible eight-man match to determine the No.1 contender for Ace Austin. A few weeks back, Austin saved Willie Mack, tagging with the big man to defeat the Swinging Balls, Johnny Swinger and Glenn Gilberti. However, Mack saw through his actions, knowing that he was just trying to keep Mack away from the X-Division Championship. Tonight, Mack looked to become the man that would challenge Austin next.
X-Division #1 Contender's Match: Willie Mack vs Chris Bey vs Acey Romero vs Daga vs Rohit Raju vs Jake Crist vs Cousin Jake vs Trey

Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
The eight-man brawl started off with Acey Romero running through all competitors, even the always impressive Willie Mack. However, Trey and Chris Bey were able to send him to the floor with a pair of missile dropkicks.
They kipped up before squaring off in an athletic showing, trading headscissors takedowns and arm drags. Bey ignored a handshake offer and took Trey out with a leaping roundhouse. Next up to challenge Bey was Rohit Raju. Bey took him to the corner with a kicking series, but was caught by a swinging backbreaker. Raju followed up with a fisherman suplex, but the pin was broken up by Cousin Jake.
Jake deadlifted Raju for a sit-out powerbomb. Jake Crist rolled in for a superkick but was blocked by Jake. However, his four-kick combination sent the big guy to the floor. Willie Mack came back in and dumped Crist on his head before connecting with a standing moonsault. As Crist rolled outside, Mack hit a rope, connecting with both Crist and Jake.
On the inside, a three way show between Daga, Bey, and Trey saw El Jefe come out on top. Desi Hit Squad's Raju came in to clean up, but Daga was still fresh, and lit him up with a stiff striking combination. Daga's run came to an end when Acey Romero stepped up. A massive body slam set Romero up for a dive from the top.
Luckily for Daga, Cousin Jake and Jake Crist came in to put a stop to it. This eventually lead to the Tower of Doom, with Trey, Bey, and Mack added in. Daga hit a frog splash as Acey Romero hit the mat, but the pin was broken up by Raju.
A running boot took Daga out, and Bey rocked Raju with a flying kick. Mack took down the newcomer only to be mowed over by Cousin Jake. Jake Crist dumped Jake on his head but was caught in an Indian Deathlock by Trey. Bey attempted to break it up only to get caught in a flatliner by Trey who kept the submission locked in.
Jake broke everything up, only to be sent to the floor by Mack. Daga faced off against Mack and caught him coming off the ropes with a northern lights suplex. Trey dumped Daga to the floor and followed up with a suicide dive, while Bey and Raju hit a pair of tope's themselves. Not to be outdone, Cousin Jake hit an impressive dive that took out all four men.
Acey Romero set up for a dive but was stunned by superkicks from Crist. Romero sent him to the outside with a Pounce, though, and launched himself through the ropes with a suicide dive that took out a majority of the competitors.
Cousin Jake avoided the brunt of the attack and rolled Jake Crist in for the pinfall. Willie Mack dropped on top of him with the SIx-Star Frog Splash, giving Chocolate Thunder himself the win.
Results: Willie Mack defeated Cousin Jake via pinfall.
Willie Mack is now the new No. 1 contender to Ace Austin's X-Division Championship.

Backstage, oVe was in disarray. After months of losses, they've seemingly lost their way. However, Jake Crist believes that getting back on track means getting Sami Callihan back.
Last week, Callihan blindsided Ken Shamrock with a fireball, returning after a long hiatus from IMPACT. Crist eventually convinced Dave and Madman Fulton that they needed to bring the "family" back together.
Chase Stevens vs Moose
Moose attempted to get an early start by catching Stevens as he got in the ring. Stevens shook off the attack and avoided the No Jackhammer Needed. A scissor kick and a powerslam earned Stevens a two-count.
Eventually, though, No Jackhammer Needed cut Stevens in half, giving Moose yet another big win against a TNA veteran.
Results: Moose defeated Chase Stevens via pinfall.
Moose continued to batter Stevens after the match, even bringing in a steel chair. As he wrapped it around Stevens' neck, Scott D'Amore came out to stop the chaos. He said that if Moose really wanted to take on TNA, all he had to do was turn around.
When he did, Suicide took him out with a missile dropkick. Will Suicide be the one to end Moose's tirade against the TNA legends?
Rosemary was at a bar once again, recounting her woes over the past few years. However, a mysterious voice caught her attention. It was Raven, who said that two years is nothing. What's wrong with a never ending rivalry? "It goes on forever," said Raven, who stated that he'd be cutting pieces of flesh off of Tommy Dreamer long after they were left in a nursing home.
Rosemary, frustrated by Raven's words, teleported out of the bar. Clearly the Demon Assassin had enough of the Raven Effect.

Backstage, Ace Austin and The Rascalz congratulated Willie Mack on his win at the beginning of the show. Mack saw through all of Austin's tricks and ignored the faux praise.
Austin and Scum walked off and Johnny Swinger came in to talk about the fall of their "tag team", Mack & Pack. He congratulated Mack on his win and said, for old times sake, they should give the fans what "they" want. A dream match between the two.
Reno Scum vs The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz)
Reno Scum attacked the Rascalz in the middle of their entrance. As the ref rang the bell, a slingshot/death valley driver combination saw Adam Thornstowe get a two-count. Luster the Legend tagged in as Reno Scum battered Dez in their corner.
Wentz made it back to the apron and tried to get the crowd fired up for a comeback, but a stop at Pity City for Dez put a stop to that. Thornstowe knocked Wentz back to the floor after another nearfall. Dez finally caught Thornstowe with a fast striking combination and tagged in Wentz just as Luster came in. Wentz battered Luster with kicks and knee strikes.
A snapmare roll-through into a penalty kick gave the Rascalz a two-count. Dez tagged back in and the team lit up Luster with a series of roundhouse kicks followed by a double stomp from Wentz. Wentz moved to the top but was shoved off by Thornstowe. Reno Scum hit the assisted Curb Stomp for the win.
Results: Reno Scum defeated The Rascalz via pinfall.

Sami Callihan cut a vignette on his upcoming match against Ken Shamrock at Rebellion which, sadly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been postponed until further notice.
oVe (Dave Crist & Madman Fulton) vs Rhino & Sabu w/Super Genie
Sabu started the match with Dave Crist. The ECW legend lit up oVe's most underrated member, forcing him to tag out. Rhino tagged in as well, leading to another battle of the beasts between himself at Madman Fulton.
Rhino clotheslined Fulton out to the floor. Sabu sent Crist onto Fulton, who caught his tag team partner. A dive from Sabu took them both out. Rhino and Sabu fought oVe around ringside, with Sabu getting launched into the steel steps by Fulton. Though Super Genie tossed him a chair, allowing Sabu to weaken him, Fulton shook it off and tossed Sabu aside
Back inside the ring, Fulton and Crist wore down Rhino in their corner. Crist tagged in, which seemed to be a mistake, as the ECW Originals were able to turn the tide almost immediately. However, Fulton's scream distracted, and possibly even scared Sabu, allowing Crist to take over.
Fulton dropped Crist onto Sabu with a military press. Sabu managed to kick out of the pin. Arguing with the ref proved to be another costly mistake as Rhino tagged in for a spinebuster. Fulton broke up the pin only to be taken to the floor with a steel chair shot. As he dove onto Fulton, Rhino continued to brawl with Crist.
Crist low blowed Rhino and picked up a steel chair. He went to bash Rhino's skull in, but the ref pulled the chair out of his hands. Rhino took him out with a Gore.
Results: Rhino & Sabu defeated oVe via pinfall.

The Undead Realm: Havok vs Su Yung
Su Yung entered the Undead Realm where she met Havok and James Mitchell. The Sinister Minister said that this wasn't his original plan, but neither one of them could play nice with one another. So, someone has to go, whether it be Havok or Su Yung, though he's putting his money on Havok.
Havok and Yung drew their weapons, a crowbar and machete respectively. Though Su Yung eventually got the upper hand and tied a noose around the neck of Havok, an unexpected third competitor appeared.
Though they fought back against the masked man, they were overtaken in the end. The masked man held a machete as Yung and Havok were held down by Yung's former bridesmaids. Mitchell's plan all along was to leave Yung and Havok in the Undead Realm. They were teleported to a desolate wasteland with no one around, destined to live out eternity with no one but each other.
We would see the epic conclusion tonight after the main event tag team match featuring Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards taking on Taya Valkyrie & Michael Elgin.

Taya Valkyrie w/John E. Bravo & Michael Elgin vs Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards
Though Eddie Edwards and Michael Elgin kicked off the main event, Tessa Blanchard demanded to be tagged in. Edwards obliged, and Elgin tagged in Taya Valkyrie. Blanchard was taken out by a spear but kicked out at one.
Elgin tagged back in and launched Blanchard face-first into the turnbuckle. She was able to escape a death valley driver and tag out, allowing Edwards to rush in and hammer his long-time rival. A hurricanrana set Elgin up for Boston Knee Party, but Valkyrie kicked him in the back, allowing Elgin time to recover. Blanchard went over to confront Valkyrie and was sent into the steps for her trouble.
As Edwards turned around, he was met with a pop-up powerslam as we cut to commercial break.
When we came back, Valkyrie was stomping a mudhole on Edwards in the corner. Elgin tagged back in, leading to another great striking trade between he and Edwards. Elgin's powerbomb was countered as Edwards dropped him with a Blue Thunder Bomb.
Both men moved to their corners and tagged in their partners. Blanchard took out Valkyrie with a series of clotheslines. The cutter connected and Wera Loca kicked out at two.
A distraction by Elgin allowed Valkyrie to rock Blanchard with the running knee strike in the corner. The duo hammered the champion with a pair of clotheslines in the corner. Valkyrie placed Blanchard in Elgin's grasp for a super powerbomb but Blanchard countered with a hurricanrana.
A Samoan drop took out Valkyrie, allowing Blanchard to tag in Edwards. Elgin was met with a long series of chops and an overhead belly-to-belly that sent him to the floor. As Edwards set up for a suicide dive, Valkyrie got in the way, knowing Edwards wouldn't go through her.
Blanchard stepped up for Edwards, sending her to the floor with a knee. After knocking Bravo off the apron, Edwards and Blanchard hit a pair of dives, sending Elgin and Valkyrie into the barricade.
Back inside, Edwards set Elgin up for a super hurricanrana. Elgin shook him off, but had his leg trapped. An enziguri/Magnum combo followed by a Tiger Driver nearly put him away, but Valkyrie broke up the pinfall at the last possible moment.
Blanchard moved up top for Magnum while Edwards knocked Valkyrie to the floor with a boot. Elgin rocked Edwards with a forearm and caught Blanchard coming off the top, powerbombing her through Edwards.
Blanchard was down, but not out. A reverse rana and a tilt-a-whirl tornado DDT spiked Elgin, leaving just Blanchard and Valkyrie standing. Valkyrie ducked out when Edwards attempted a clothesline. He ducked one from Elgin which ended up taking out Blanchard.
Valkyrie held onto Edwards' leg to prevent the Boston Knee Party. Thanks to that, Elgin and Valkyrie connected with a series of stiff shots that left Edwards vulnerable for the buckle bomb and Elgin Bomb. Valkyrie dove onto Blanchard to prevent her from breaking up the pin.
Results: Michael Elgin & Taya Valkyrie defeated Eddie Edwards & Tessa Blanchard via pinfall.
In the Undead Realm, Rosemary found Havok and Su Yung. She stated that she had a free pass, and was able to enter and leave when she pleased. She offered the two rivals a chance to escape and put an end to James Mitchell once and for all. She brought them back to Mitchell's lair before leaving to find another bar to torment.
When they walked through the door, Mithcell was terrified. He tried to play it off as if they had been given a test. They didn't fall for it. Yung tried to stab him, but Havok prevented it. She wanted to do it herself.
When Mitchell opened his eyes, he was bathed in a bright light. When he looked up, he was kittens and heard light-hearted music. Needless to say, he wasn't pleased with his afterlife.