It's time for IMPACT Wrestling, ladies and gentlemen! Last week, Sami Callihan blinded Ken Shamrock with a fireball after torturing the IMPACT roster for months. At Rebellion, he'll face the upcoming IMPACT HOF inductee. Tonight, he explained his actions to the fans.
With no Don Callis, Josh Mathews was joined by the Locker Room Leader, multi-time Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne at the commentary booth.
The North have continued to overcome all challengers ever since capturing the IMPACT Tag Team Championships back in the summer. In their first reign at the top, they've already become the longest-reigning Tag Team Champions in the company's history. That's probably due to their ability as singles competitors as well. Speaking of which, Josh Alexander kicked off the night with former IMPACT World Champion Eddie Edwards.

Josh Alexander w/Ethan Page vs Eddie Edwards
Alexander attempted to overpower Edwards, but the winner of the Call Your Shot Gauntlet managed to outwrestle the Walking Weapon early on. An overhead belly-to-belly suplex dumped Alexander on his head, but a distraction from Ethan Page allowed Alexander to get back in the match.
Edwards regained control as they moved to the floor, only for another distraction from Page to give Alexander time to recover. A boot rocked IMPACT's Hardcore Hero. Alexander choked Edwards out in the ropes before washing his face with his boot.
A few slaps riled up Edwards, and he took out Alexander with a rebounding clothesline before sending him to the floor for a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Edwards looked for the tiger bomb. Alexander fought out and avoided a backpack stunner. The argentine backbreaker spin-out powerbomb earned Alexander a two-count.
Edwards made it back to his feet and demanded Alexander hit him as hard as he could. This led to an epic trade between the two men. Edwards withstood the elbows to the jaw and drove Alexander back into the ropes with a series of chops before planting him with a tiger bomb.
Alexander kicked out, forcing Edwards to set up for the Boston Knee Party. Page held onto his leg as the ref was focused on Alexander, allowing his tag team partner to get the win over the former world champion with a jackknife pinfall.
Results: Josh Alexander defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall.
A post-match beatdown by The North was broken up by Tessa Blanchard, the woman Edwards would be challenging for the IMPACT World Title in the near future.

Backstage, The North was upset about Tessa Blanchard sticking her nose in their business. Alexander said he believed from day one that they could both be singles champions whenever they chose. Page responded, saying "Of course I believe that, I'm All-Ego!"
Addressing Blanchard, Page challenged her to a match tonight.
Kylie Rae vs Cassandra Golden
Before Kylie Rae could finish her entrance, Cassandra Golden took her down from behind. Golden sent her bouncing off the corners around the ring, but Rae was able to avoid a series of running attacks, laying into Golden with a combination of forearm strikes. A small-package roll-up gave Rae a nearfall.
A springboard armdrag into a superkick, dubbed the Kylie Special, gave her a two-count. In the corner, Golden was hit with a cannonball senton. Golden avoided a superkick and picked Rae up on her shoulders. Rae managed to break free and trapped Golden in an STF.
Results: Kylie Rae defeated Cassandra Golden via pinfall.
With quite an impressive moveset, it looks like the Knockouts Division may have found themselves a future champion in Kylie Rae.

In a backstage interview with Jimmy Jacobs, Kylie Rae announced that she'd officially signed a long-term deal with IMPACT Wrestling. To Rae, IMPACT is home, and there's no place she'd rather be. It's a huge get for IMPACT and a great deal for an incredible up-and-comer. Between her and Chris Bey, IMPACT has continued to elevate their roster quite a bit in 2020.
Moose vs Kid Kash
Kid Kash went after the legs of Moose, attempting to chop down the big man. A tilt-a-whirl headscissor takedown sent Moose to the floor. A springboard hurricanrana sent Moose into the guardrail.
However, back on the inside, the No Jackhammer Needed was enough to send Kid Kash back to the days of TNA.
Results: Moose defeated Kid Kash via pinfall.
Though Kid Kash already competed tonight, several more TNA Originals will be here for the TNA Special later on tonight, featuring Rhino, Hernandez, and more! It's a celebration of all things TNA, from the Asylum to the IMPACT Zone!

XXXL, Acey Romero and Brian Milonas introduced themselves to the IMPACT tag team division backstage. However, they were interrupted by TJP and Fallah Bahh, known as TJ-B. They welcomed Romero and Milonas with some classic Filipino food. However, if they were looking to step up to The North, they would have to get in line, as TJP and Bahh weren't finished with the champions yet.
Rich Swann was interviewed next, with Jimmy Jacobs speaking with him via satellite. Addressing his ankle injury, Swann stated that recovery isn't going too well. When Jacobs asked about Willie Mack winning the X-Division title shot last week, they were interrupted by current X-Division Champion Ace Austin.
Austin said that Mack was the reason he and Swann never won the IMPACT Tag Team Titles. Knowing that Mack won't be the one to dethrone him. He tried to drive a wedge between the two, but Swann wasn't having any of it.
After all, Mack has his sights set on the title. Before he could continue, Swann heard a knock at the door. Who would be awaiting him but Austin's hired hitmen, Reno Scum, who took Swann out off-camera.

Willie Mack was seen trying to attack Ace Austin backstage, but he was held back by various officials and roster members.
Sami Callihan came out next to address the IMPACT crowd, sporting a new entrance and theme song (straight fire, by the way). He went back to the moment where he lost the IMPACT World Championship.
After a few weeks of meditation, he realized that his issues didn't have to do with Tessa and the belt. They had to do with the entire wrestling world. "Other companies" push down current and up-and-coming stars for old veterans. Not IMPACT.
At least, that's not how they should be. However, Ken Shamrock has strolled into the company, demanding and getting whatever he wants. Before he could continue, Tommy Dreamer came out to come to the defense of Shamrock.
Callihan called out Dreamer for attempting to use him to maintain his relevancy. Dreamer reminded him about the veterans who were around to help push new stars to the top, regardless of what a troll like Callihan had to say. Callihan bounced a mic off Dreamer's head, and Dreamer responded in kind.
Old School Rules (Street Fight): Sami Callihan vs Tommy Dreamer
Dreamer laid out Callihan on the floor before tossing a few chairs into the ring. A plunger was shoved into Callihan's mouth as Dreamer attempted to get rid of the crap Callihan had been spewing tonight.
On the inside, Callihan was clobbered with baking sheets. He rolled out to the ramp where Dreamer set up for a piledriver, but Callihan escaped by gripping onto Dreamer's jewels.
Dreamer responded with a bionic elbow to the forehead. As Callihan struggled to recover, Dreamer brought out a trash can, running Callihan over and through the ropes. Inside the ring, the trash can was dented over the head of the former world champion.
Callihan sat up in a chair as Dreamer went out for a staple gun. As he got back inside, Callihan offered him a seat. The two men took turns stapling each other until Callihan dropped Dreamer onto the chair with a drop toe hold. Setting up a chair in the turnbuckle, he aimed to toss Dreamer into the steel.
Dreamer countered, launching Callihan into the chair and following up with a cutter. Callihan kicked out at two. Setting up for a piledriver on the chair, Dreamer was instead dropped with an STO. Callihan sat up two chairs before driving Dreamer into them with the Death Valley Driver.
The Cactus Special would take out Dreamer for good.
Results: Sami Callihan defeated Tommy Dreamer via pinfall.
Rhino rushed the ring to prevent Callihan from dishing out more harm. However, oVe ran down to make the save. Jake & Dave Crist along with Madman Fulton stood with Callihan for the oVe "Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down" pose, but the lights went out. When they came back up, Callihan had disappeared.
Fulton, to say the least, was not thrilled.
Rosemary was at a bar once again, trying to pick the souls of other patrons. The Demon Assassin struggled to come to terms with her lost love, "The Bunny," before finally finding herself a willing participant. "Winner winner, soul survivor."
I've got a bad feeling about that guy...

The former Su Yung, Suzie, seemed to have returned backstage. Introducing herself to everyone once again, she stated that she was tired of being the crazy monster that stabs people. She enjoyed being Suzie much better.
Joseph Ryan vs Cody Deaner w/Cousin Jake
Cody Deaner nearly ripped the arm out of the socket of Joseph Ryan. The former "flipper" turned things around, though, battering Deaner and connecting with a rolling knee drop to the face.
Ryan slapped Deaner with his hat, but that only seemed to awaken his inner Ultimate Warrior. After shaking the ropes, he lit up Ryan with a series of strikes and a big clothesline. Deaner set up for the Deaner DDT, but Ryan escaped to the corner.
It didn't help much, however, as he was forced to drink a beer by Cousin Jake, which allowed Deaner to plant him with the Deaner DDT for the win.
Results: Cody Deaner defeated Joseph Ryan via pinfall.
Eddie Edwards met Tessa Blanchard backstage, attempting to offer his services to the IMPACT World Champion. Considering the fact that Blanchard was facing Ethan Page, it was obvious that Josh Alexander would be in his corner. Blanchard appreciated the thought but felt better going it alone.

Michael Elgin cut a promo on his rival Eddie Edwards, reminding him of all the times he'd beaten the former IMPACT World Champion. Big Mike stated that Tessa Blanchard had some serious guts for facing both he and Edwards at Rebellion. It's been a year since Elgin joined IMPACT. One year since he stated he'd become IMPACT World Champion.
For now, Rebellion is still set to take place on April 28th. However, that all may change depending on the COVID-19 situation
Tessa Blanchard vs Ethan Page
The World Champion took Page down with her speed, setting him up in the ropes for a slingshot dropkick. However, he responded with a cobra clutch backbreaker. Page kept the pressure up with boots to the throat.
More backbreaker and running elbows wore down the champ, but a Destino and a pair of suicide dives left Page on the ground outside as Blanchard finally fired up. Josh Alexander distracted Blanchard before she could get back inside, but it didn't prevent her from spiking Page with the tilt-a-whirl DDT.
Page responded with a pump kick that nearly gave him a win over the IMPACT World Champion. Blanchard was set up on the top for a superplex but fought off Page. As she set up for Magnum, Alexander leaped up to stop her from hitting her finish. However, Eddie Edwards ran down and laid out Alexander with the Boston Knee Party.
Blanchard hit Magnum and pinned Page in the main event.
Results: Tessa Blanchard defeated Ethan Page via pinfall.
After the match, Blanchard and Edwards met in the middle of the ring for a staredown. They were interrupted by Michael Elgin, who laid out both of them. As he went for the Elgin Bomb on Blanchard, Edwards rocked him with a step-up enziguri. Edwards then sent Blanchard in for a hurricanrana that sent Elgin to the floor.