We began the road to determine Tessa Blanchard's No.1 contender tonight. Though the IMPACT World Champion isn't here, eight top IMPACT Wrestling talents are vying to be the one to dethrone her in the near future.
Moose managed to take over the intro to the show, demanding the "TNA voice-over guy" give him a proper introduction. We get dozens of TNA and IMPACT veterans and former champions talking about the incredible kind of athlete that Moose is.
Well...I mean...it probably sounds like that to Moose. Clearly they're talking about uh...someone else.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
With that out of the way, we kicked off with the IMPACT World Title No.1 Contender's Tournament. The first match of the night was oVe's Madman Fulton vs Supermex, Hernandez. The multi-time TNA Tag Team Champion took part in the Triple Threat at Rebellion, facing both Michael Elgin and Moose for the TNA World Championship. Kind of.
No.1 Contender's Tournament First Round: Madman Fulton vs Hernandez

The Monster of oVe found someone who could match him both pound for pound and blow for blow, as Hernandez was able to trade colossal strikes with Madman Fulton. Hernandez avoided a chokeslam and pounced Fulton into the corner.
Fulton brought Hernandez up for a superplex and rolled through for a suplex slam. After a body splash, he picked up a near fall. The big man continued to wear down Hernandez, clubbing him with massive forearms and locking him in a chin lock.
Dave Crist held Hernandez on the outside as Fulton dove through the ropes for a stomp, driving Hernandez from the apron to the floor. Back on the inside, a sidewalk slam set Hernandez up for a big dive from the Mad Titan. The headbutt missed, allowing Hernandez some time to wake up.
Hernandez found himself on the apron and caught Fulton running in with a slingshot shoulder tackle. The TNA OG lit up Fulton with big shots and a cross body in the corner. A one-handed spinebuster nearly gave him the win, but Dave Crist placed Fulton's foot on the ropes.
The Crists dragged Hernandez to the floor and pleaded with Supermex to stop. Hernandez didn't listen, instead bringing them inside for a beatdown. Jake Crist was launched into Fulton with a Border Toss, but Fulton kicked out at one.
Hernandez and Fulton found themselves at the top again, but Hernandez dropped Fulton to the floor. A big splash from the big man put Fulton down, pushing the TNA legend forward in the tournament.
Results: Hernandez defeated Madman Fulton via pinfall.
Grade: B
Hernandez will go on to face the winner of Ken Shamrock vs Rhino.
Michael Elgin cut a promo on the tournament, claiming he was once again ripped off by IMPACT management. He didn't need to prove himself anymore. He's the real No.1 contender. Still, if he has to do so, might as well start sending his victims to the hospital again.

Backstage, Fulton and the Crists were furious about the results of the opening match on IMPACT. Jake tried to keep the peace while Fulton and Dave fought. However, they were interrupted by the newly re-signed Crazzy Steve, who claimed that oVe seemed to be O-V-E-R.
Jake told Steve to watch out, as next week Dave will take him down. Joey Ryan walked around the corner, accosting Steve for using the word "crazy."
Kylie Rae was in action next, against another new and exciting member of an already loaded Knockouts division, Tasha Steelz.
Kylie Rae vs Tasha Steelz
Both competitors traded holds early on. However, Kylie Rae always managed to maintain the upper hand, smiling all the while. A series of arm drags set up for a single leg dropkick, sending Tasha Steelz into the corner as the match continued on IMPACT.
Steelz demanded the ref send Rae away, allowing her to drop Rae with a Stun Gun on the top turnbuckle. However, Rae was able to fight back, managing to connect with the Kylie Special. The STtF was locked in, but Steels made it to the ropes.
Rae was knocked away from Steelz, allowing the newcomer to take Rae down with the high angle crossbody from the top. As Steelz set up for the Okurrrr, Rae blocked, tripping up Steelz before locking in the STtF for the win on IMPACT.
Results: Kylie Rae defeated Tasha Steelz via submission.
Grade: B-
Rohit Raju cut a promo on the IMPACT fans, management, and competitors. He's tired of the disrespect. All these years here and not one shirt? To be fair to Raju, that is absolutely ridiculous.
The Desi Hit Squad is no more. There is only the Desi Hitman.

Backstage on IMPACT, Kylie Rae met Suzie again. Suzie said she liked Kylie's match, comparing her to sunshine. Could we be seeing the beginning of a beautiful friendship?
Havok continued to face old enemies from her past tonight. Kimber Lee appeared on Locker Room Talk last week, setting up this match between these two old rivals.
Kimber Lee vs Havok
Kimber Lee laid into the body of Havok. The Kaiju Queen was unphased, launching Lee across the ring repeatedly with choke tosses. Lee escaped a running body splash in the corner, but was hammered with elbows to the face.
Lee set up for a second-rope hurricanrana, but a sit-out powerbomb drove her into the mat. She kicked out, barely, and Havok stalked her to the apron. Lee fought her off with a series of kicks, ending with a step-up enziguri.
Havok was trapped in the corner, with Lee choking her out with her foot. After taking out the legs, Lee rocked Havok with a roundhouse to the jaw. As Lee connected with a Swanton Bomb, the cameras caught Nevaeh staring on from the darkness.
Though Havok gained the advantage again, a distraction from Nevaeh allowed Lee to grab some brass knuckles. A right hand to Havok earned Lee the win.
Results: Kimber Lee defeated Havok via pinfall.
Grade: B
We saw another vignette of the Girl on Fire, Kiera Hogan on IMPACT. After a loss to Kylie Rae at Rebellion, Hogan's been needing to find herself.
We were treated to another episode of Locker Room Talk on IMPACT, this time with Ken Shamrock as the special guest. Shamrock scared off Johnny Swinger before answering questions from the Queen of the Knockouts.
Shamrock spoke on his opponents since returning to IMPACT, seemingly claiming that Moose was the best competitor he's faced so far. Sami Callihan is currently in his rear view mirror now, and he's finally ready to take the IMPACT World Title. Before he could continue, Michael Elgin busted the doors down, laying out Shamrock with a bat to the face.
A con-chair-to knocked Shamrock out for good.

Sami Callihan cut an ICU style promo on IMPACT, reminding the world that no matter how strong or dangerous he is, Big Mike fails. He reprimanded Michael Elgin for attacking Shamrock, a man that Callihan isn't finished with.
Next week, Elgin and Callihan meet in the IMPACT World Championship No.1 Contenders Tournament, and the Draw vowed to crush the dreams of the Unbreakable One once and for all.
No.1 Contender's Tournament First Round: Rohit Raju vs Trey
Rohit Raju had a lot to prove tonight on IMPACT, and his run through the tournament kicked off with a match against one of the greatest X-Division competitors, Trey of the Rascalz. Trey sent Raju across the ring with a springboard arm drag but was dropped with a running forearm from the Desi Hitman.
Raju moved to the outside and avoided a reverse tiger feint kick, trapping Trey in the ropes for a series of kicks to the chest. A boot knocked Trey into the ring where he kicked out of a pin at two. Raju countered Trey's classic kick combination, rocking him with another big boot and a leaping flatliner.
Raju kept up the aggression, choking out Trey in the corner. A bridging fisherman suplex gave Raju another near fall. Trey began to fight back, rocking Raju with the kick/neckbreaker combo this time.
The high-flyers traded strikes, leading to Raju dropping Trey with a lifting reverse DDT for another close call on IMPACT. Trey managed to set Raju up for the Cheeky Nandos Kick and followed up with the tiger feint kick. As Trey flew off the top, Raju caught him with a jumpking knee to the jaw.
A rolling fisherman's backbreaker connected, and Raju aimed to finish Trey with one final maneuver. However, Trey rolled him up with a small package, putting Raju away on IMPACT.
Results: Trey defeated Rohit Raju via pinfall.
Grade: A

We've got a report from the Deaner Compound on IMPACT. Cody Deaner is uh...going crazy.
The North looked to find another top-tier Canadian tag team to challenge for their IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Titles. Ethan Page knew that Josh Alexander was sad that their competition last week was poor. This week, however, they've got a tougher duo. Well...the same two...but a different gimmick!
IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship Match: The Smoes vs The North (c)
The Smoes argued over who would wrestle first. Smoe #1 was rocked by a superkick from Ethan Page. However, Page didn't want it to end so soon, so he picked up an unconscious Smoe, hitting himself with the out cold opponent.
When Josh Alexander came in, however, play time was over. Alexander launched both Smoes around the ring. The North shattered the back of Smoe #2 with a sky-high double backbreaker. That could've ended it...actually, they could've ended this at any point. Still, Page wanted to hit their finisher, the Absolute North.
Results: The North defeated The Smoes via pinfall.
Grade: A+
Rosemary was at the bar again, this time talking to a stuffed dog with bunny ears, calling it "Bunny Valkyrie." It was actually John E. Bravo's Mr. Mundo dog, and Bravo claimed that Rosemary missed Taya Valkyrie.
Bravo admitted he missed her too, before leaving. Rosemary seemingly answered to an invisible presence claiming, 'No..him?!" Looks like Bravo is Rosemary's next...er...target?
Chris Bey found Johnny Swinger backstage, claiming that he heard Willie Mack talking trash about them. According to the Ultimate Finesser, Mack was going around stating that he was the real star of the Mack & Pack, the tag team that Swinger thought they were a part of.
It's all Swinger needed to hear to go on a rampage, sending him right to the X-Division Champion. Mack was actually happy to give Swinger a shot at his title, wanting to be a fighting champion.

Tonight's main event featured Moose, the "TNA World Champion" uh...defending his title on IMPACT? The multi-sport athlete faced former X-Division Champion Suicide.
TNA World Championship Match: Suicide vs Moose (c)
Suicide rolled Moose up for some repeated near falls. Moose was launched to the floor with a wheelbarrow arm drag. A top rope hurricanrana did the same as we returned from commercial break. A basement dropkick took Moose to the ramp, but he responded by driving Suicide into the barricade on IMPACT.
On the inside, Moose clobbered the high-flyer, catching him with big shots every time he went for a dive. A boot to the jaw sent Suicide flying into the barricade again. Moose followed up with a powerbomb on the apron.
Suicide managed to recover and drive Moose into the barricade with a suicide dive. Avoiding a shoulder tackle in the ropes, Suicide followed up with a rolling senton onto Moose. Back in the ring, a head scissor takedown turned Moose inside out.
Moose was caught by a pair of chops that flipped him over, giving Suicide a two-count. A hurricanrana set up for a rolling fireman's carry. Suicide followed that with a lionsault, earning a near fall. Moose runs into the ref, knocking him out. Suicide rocked Moose with a superkick and a backfist.
Moose leapt off the top with a step-up cross body, but was countered in mid-air with a Codebreaker. That would've been the end on IMPACT, but the ref was still out on the mat. Suicide helped wake him up.
Suicide leapfrogged the No Jackhammer Needed, nearly picking up the win with the Sunset Flip on IMPACT. Moose kicked out and split the uprights with a low blow. No Jackhammer Needed put Suicide away on IMPACT.
Results: Moose defeated Suicide via pinfall.
Grade: A