Josh Alexander berated Ethan Page for going after RVD when they're going after LAX next week. Page said he could pull double duty, but the North was met by Moose, who said he would team with Alexander instead.
Johnny Impact vs Michael Elgin vs Pentagon Jr.
Elgin struck Impact and was rolled up by Pentagon. All three men then traded pinfall attempts before getting back to their feet and backing into corners. Impact sent Elgin outside and went to a striking contest with Pentagon, which he lost. Elgin dragged the former champion outside, allowing Pentagon to crash into them both with the wrecking ball dropkick.
A superkick stunned Elgin on the outside as Pentagon brought Impact in. An enziguri on the apron from Impact set him up for a springboard spear, but Elgin caught him, powerbombing him on the outside. He leaped over the ropes and Pentagon, spiking him with a German suplex.
In the corner, Pentagon escaped disaster, managing to set up Elgin with a Tree of Woe, where he dropped onto him with a double foot stomp. Elgin recovered quickly stopping Pentagon at the top with an enziguri.
Pentagon tried to chop the monstrous Canadian, but Elgin was unphased. He was driven down to the mat with a springboard German suplex from Impact, which led to Pentagon being superplexed by Elgin.
Impact took out Elgin but was leveled by a superkick from Pentagon. Pentagon did the same to Elgin. Elgin avoided an attack in the corner, clotheslining Impact on the opposite side and catching Pentagon with a uranage slam. He then suplexed Impact onto Pentagon.
Big Mike delivered a hellacious clothesline to Impact, which could have ended the bout. Pentagon managed to break it up, though, saving himself and Impact. Pentagon chopped at Elgin's legs with stiff kicks. Elgin chased him to the corner where he was met with an enziguri. Impact shoved Pentagon off the top and hit Elgin with an enziguri of his own, followed up by a Razor's Edge spin out powerbomb. Elgin kicked out.
The former champion missed Countdown to Impact. Elgin pulled himself up in the corner and nearly kicked his head off with a superkick. Pentagon broke up the Elgin Bomb, dropping both men with a pair of slingblades. The Pentagon Driver left Elgin recovering on the outside while a powerbomb backbreaker to Impact nearly gave him the victory. Impact barely kicked out.
Pentagon had Impact set up on the top. Elgin tried to intervene, but was brought down with two superkicks. Pentagon went for a Spanish Fly to the outside. Impact fought him off, but missed a super hurricanrana. He still managed to kick Pentagon in the face, leaving him nearly unconscious on the outside. Impact followed up with a superkick to Elgin.
Impact picked up a steel chair and wailed on Pentagon. He brought Elgin inside for the sliding knee strike to the head. Elgin avoided Starship Pain and hit Impact with another massive clothesline, followed by a powerbomb to the corner. Finally, the Elgin Bomb put away Impact.
Results: Michael Elgin defeated Johnny Impact via pinfall.
With that, the Unbreakable One is now the No. 1 contender to Brian Cage's Impact World Championship. The Elgin Bomb has put away the past two champions, and Elgin looks like he's ready to claim the throne.