We're one week closer to IMPACT Wrestling Against All Odds, and IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Kenny Omega has several men gunning for that target on his back. While Moose won the Under Siege six-way, Sami Callihan had a legit gripe against him and The Good Brothers. We'd see them confront one another throughout the show tonight.
BTI saw Eddie Edwards face off against IMPACT Wrestling rookie Sam Beale, who'd had several big matches against top wrestlers as of late. Tonight he had the opportunity to defeat a former world champion, but unfortunately came up short.
We started the night off with a man who has been a major thorn in the side of the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion.
Sami Callihan kicks off IMPACT Wrestling
The Callihan Death Machine marched to the ring and demanded a chair. As he sat down, Sami Callihan called out IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Kenny Omega for the chaos that they'd brought to his home turf.
"You can plan for a guy like Moose. You can plan how to counter a spear. You can plan for Rich Swann. You can plan how to counter a guy coming off the top with a 450 Splash. But you cannot plan for me." When Callihan called out Omega and Don Callis, he was surprised by the appearance of number one contender Moose.
Mr. IMPACT Wrestling came out to cut off Callihan's complaints. It didn't matter what Callihan said about Omega or The Good Brothers playing dirty. The fact of the matter was that Moose emerged victorious in that six-way at IMPACT Wrestling Under Siege. Nobody else would be touching Omega until Moose took the title away from him.
Once that was done, Moose would give Callihan his chance...and crush him. Callihan called back to when Moose was goaded by Don Callis into attacking James Storm, claiming he was easy to control. Callihan? Nobody controls him.
Former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Champions The Good Brothers came out to take Moose's side, claiming that Moose was a Wrestling God and Sami Callihan simply...wasn't. Doc Gallows put his arm around Moose's shoulders as they stated they were on Moose's side.
Moose smiled, saying "They're on my side. The problem is I'm not on theirs." Moose and Callihan attacked Omega's lackeys, forcing them to flee.
Backstage, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson were met by Don Callis. The Invisible Hand offered them a chance tonight. We'd see them in a tag team match against Moose and Callihan.
IMPACT Wrestling returned to Mean Gia Miller asking Don Callis about his ability to make matches. Callis stated that he was an EVP and could do whatever he wanted. At that point, IMPACT Wrestling's Scott D'Amore came in, scaring Callis into Kenny Omega's locker room.
TJP and Fallah Bahh vs. Petey Williams and Josh Alexander on IMPACT Wrestling
Fallah Bahh started things off with the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion. A newly freed Bahh had Josh Alexander's number early, but a little taunting allowed Alexander to fire up and chop down the big man.
Petey Williams tagged in but the Canadians were crushed with a running shoulder block. TJP tagged in and the duo hit a double elbow drop. TJP kipped up, and Fallah Bahh...well he tried.
Williams avoided the double splash from Bahh and TJP, tagging out to Josh Alexander. The Walking Weapon of IMPACT Wrestling knocked TJP off the apron and worked with Petey to take Bahh off his feet for a two-count.
Team Canada (not that Team Canada) continued to wear down Fallah Bahh with heavy strikes. Alexander battered Bahh with a series of punches, but it only fired Bahh up. Divine Intervention was countered by a back body drop, and Bahh crushed Alexander with a standing Banzai Drop.
Former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champions TJP and Petey Williams tagged in, and TJP got he best of Petey with a running boot wash in the corner. Alexander tagged back in and slammed TJP with a gourdbuster. Both men ran into one another with clotheslines, bringing the pace to a halt as both struggled to make it to their feet.
Petey Williams tagged in and rolled up TJP, who failed to find Bahh in his corner. Petey's Canadian Destroyer was nearly countered into the Detonation Kick. Alexander ran in to make the save, but as Petey set up for another Canadian Destroyer, Bahh ran in and flattened Maple Leaf Muscle with the running crossbody.
Bahh dropped Alexander with a Samoan Drop, and TJP finished the night off with the Mamba Splash.
Results: TJP and Fallah Bahh defeated Josh Alexander and Petey Williams via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: A-
New IMPACT Wrestling signee W. Morrissey was interviewed by Mean Gia Miller and was unable to really get any questions asked. Morrissey went on a rant about the backstabbing locker rooms. Miller wondered if he was bitter, and Morrissey claimed it was a perspective based on reality.
He brought up the time when he had a seizure at a local indie show, and instead of helping him, fans pulled out their phones to record it and put it on the internet. Morrissey has no real friends in the business and the only reason anyone is praising him now is so they have him on their side when he's at the top of the business.
Miller asked about the friendship of Willie Mack and Rich Swann, and Morrissey brushed it aside, claiming the only reason Swann helped was because people wanted him to. The wrestling world laughed at Morrissey for years, but who's laughing now?
Former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Rich Swann kicked W. Morrissey in the face, getting a laugh out of this writer, ironically. Security pulled them apart, but it wasn't over.
We were getting ready for a Ten-Knockout Tag Team Match, but one of the competitors was nowhere to be found. With Taylor Wilde missing, Rachael Ellering asked her tag partner if she wanted to fill in.
Jordynne Grace was furious that she was a substitute when she should've been in the match in the first place, but ultimately relented.
Deonna Purrazzo, Kimber Lee, Susan, and Fire 'N Flava vs. Rosemary, Havok, Rachael Ellering, Jordynne Grace, and Tenille Dashwood on IMPACT Wrestling
We saw the faces take over early in this IMPACT Wrestling Ten-Knockout tag team match. Rachael Ellering overpowered Tasha Steelz and eventually tagged in Jordynne Grace. They set up for some tandem offense, but the ref cut it off as Ellering had stayed in the ring too long. Steelz took advantage and hung Grace up on the ropes as we cut to commercial.
Steelz and her team targeted the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion during the break, and Grace was left on the wrong half of the ring when we returned. Fire 'N Flava teamed up, wearing down their longtime rival with tandem offense.
Grace eventually rolled through Kiera Hogan to make it to Rosemary. These former allies still had some bitter animosity toward each other, and Rosemary bowled over Hogan with a body splash and an exploder suplex. Hogan was trapped in the Upside Down for four seconds, but when Rosemary released, she was kicked in the face by The Boricua Badass of IMPACT Wrestling, Tasha Steelz.
IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo directed traffic when her two lackeys took over. Kimber Lee and Susan tore apart Rosemary. They set Rosemary up for the double superplex, but Havok joined in the fun to turn it into a tower of doom. Rosemary got to Rachael Ellering as Deonna Purrazzo tagged in as well.
Ellering dumped Purrazzo on her head with the STO.and the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Champions nearly pinned Purrazzo. Hogan and Steelz superkicked Grace, sending her into Ellering. The brawl broke out on the floor, leaving Deonna on her own as Rosemary hit her with the Wing Clipper.
Results: Rosemary defeated Deonna Purrazzo via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: B-
IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion Josh Alexander admitted that he was beaten by the better man tonight. TJP walked into frame, as did Scott D'Amore. The EVP claimed that he was proud of the two of them for being the flag bearers of this division, and wanted to do something special.
Therefore, we'd get a sixty-minute iron man match between them for the title on Before The IMPACT next week.
Violent By Design celebrate their IMPACT Wrestling Tag Title win
On IMPACT Wrestling last week, FinJuice defended the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship against Ace Austin and Madman Fulton in a phenomenal main event. Unfortunately for them, Violent By Design had Rhino's Call Your Shot Gauntlet Trophy, and Rhino and Joe Doering stole the gold from David Finlay and Juice Robinson.
Eric Young ran down the group, explaining why he'd brought Joe Doering, Deaner, and Rhino into the fold. Since uniting as Violent By Design, they've all found their most pure and most dangerous selves. That went double for Rhino, who was a shell of his former self before Young got to him. Now, The War Machine has returned, and the plan came together.
Young said they brought Rhino in by design. They held the trophy...by design. They called their shot by design, ripping the titles away from FinJuice just as they were forced back to Japan. Young vowed that they'd not just take over IMPACT Wrestling, but the world. Mexico, Canada, Spain, Japan, every country would face VBD.
At that point, NJPW's Kojima appeared. The long-time veteran met his old rival Joe Doering and laid down a simple challenge."Against All Odds." Doering nodded as Kojima walked way.
On IMPACT Wrestling last week, Brian Myers blind-sided his former best friend Matt Cardona. This week we learned that Cardona would be out for twelve weeks with a fractured orbital bone.
Myers interrupted the doctor giving the prognosis but was stopped short by Sam Beale. The Most Professional Wrestler vowed to teach Beale how to be just that.
Backstage at IMPACT Wrestling, Eric Young and Joe Doering accepted Kojima's challenge for Against All Odds. They were interrupted by Decay, angering Deaner. The former light-hearted bear drinking bruiser said they knew them long enough to know not to walk in during their business. Crazzy Steve fired back with a deep cut, claiming that Deaner was jumping from the shadow of Jake something to the shadow of Eric Young and Violent By Design, afraid of trying to make it out on his own.
Decay vs. Johnny Swinger and Hernandez w/Alisha Edwards on IMPACT Wrestling
Johnny Swinger wrapped up with his "former young boy" Crazzy Steve but failed to take down IMPACT Wrestling's psychotic clown. Steve and Black Taurus took turns tearing apart Swinger as Hernandez begged to be let loose on the apron.
Swinger, obviously, took a short cut to get to his corner, dragging Steve with him. Hernandez flattened Steve and brought Swinger over for a walking splash. Swinger was too afraid to make the dive, though, climbing down for a standing splash. Steve made it to the corner and tagged out to Black Taurus.
Hernandez and Swinger were taken down by AAA's monstrous high flyer. Hernandez was taken to the floor where Taurus hit him with a dive. Steve countered a piledriver and spiked Swinger with the diving DDT for the win.
Results: Decay defeated Johnny Swinger and Hernandez via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: C
Moose and Sami Callihan vs. The Good Brothers on IMPACT Wrestling
Karl Anderson looked to go one-on-one with Mr. IMPACT Wrestling, but he was blindsided by Sami Callihan. The psychotic former world champion dug at the skin of The Machine Gun before being tagged out by Moose.
The five-tool athlete slammed Callihan on top of Anderson, forcing The Good Brothers to flee to the ramp while Callihan and Moose argued. Back from the break, Moose and Callihan were still tearing apart Anderson, though they'd begun to get on each other's nerves.
Eventually, the miscommunication allowed Doc Gallows to tag in and drop Callihan with his heavy punches. For several minutes The Big LG demolished Callihan. However, The Draw of IMPACT Wrestling was as stubborn as he was insane, and withstood the punishment to tag out to Moose.
Moose ran in just as Anderson tagged in. Moose hit the corner step-up crossbody and set up for the Lights Out. Unfortunately, Callihan tried to take the credit with a blinded tag. Moose cracked Callihan with a boot, and Callihan responded with one of his own. With Moose down on the floor, Anderson spiked Callihan with that Double A spinebuster.
A Magic Killer, a one-two-three, and a Two Sweet was all she wrote.
Results: The Good Brothers defeated Sami Callihan and Moose via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: A
After the match, Moose cut Callihan in half with the Lights Out spear.