We're four days out from IMPACT Wrestling Turning Point, and the rest of the card was quickly filled out. However, before we could get there, we had some business to handle tonight.
Rohit Raju put his IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship up against TJP tonight. If TJP lost, he could never challenge for it again as long as Raju was champion. Could The Desi Hitman finally put TJP in his rearview mirror?
Tommy Dreamer continued to investigate the attempted murder of John E. Bravo. This week, Dreamer put the IMPACT Wrestling locker room through a series of lie detector tests.
We kicked off the night with a Knockouts tag team match. With the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament beginning next week, these four wrestlers hoped to earn a little momentum on their way to championship glory.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Tenille Dashwood /Kaleb with a K and Madison Rayne vs Jessika Havok and Nevaeh on IMPACT Wrestling
Nevaeh and Madison Rayne started things off, with the five-time IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion managing to get the best of her opponent until missing a splash in the corner. A snapmare/clothesline combination forced her to run to her corner to tag in Tenille Dashwood.
Kaleb asked if this was Madison's first day, which didn't sit well with the Queen of IMPACT Wrestling. Dashwood punted Nevaeh in the face, leading to Havok entering the bout. Dashwood was in no hurry to square off against the Kaiju Queen, but was caught by the hair.
Dashwood managed to escape a powerslam, going for a sleeper. However, Havok backed her into the corner. Dashwood, again, escaped Havok's wrath and dropped her face first into the middle turnbuckle with a drop toe hold. The Taste of Tenille connected in the corner, only for a one.
Havok stood up, frustrated and furious, and Dashwood opted to let her tag team partner handle her. Rayne wasn't willing to do so, but was pulled through the ropes anyway. Havok launched Rayne into the corner of the Monsters of Madness, and they began tearing apart the IMPACT Wrestling legend.
Rayne managed to catch Havok with an enziguri, but the CrossRayne failed as Havok countered it into a Tombstone Piledriver for the win.
Results: Havok and Nevaeh defeated Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: B
Madison Rayne's definitely still got it, and maybe could have some success in the future IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Title Tournament if she found a partner that...well...cared about being in a team.
Backstage with Gia Miller, The Good Brothers were amped up about their opportunity against The North at Turning Point this Saturday. Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows look to capture the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Titles. Tonight, though, Anderson will take on "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander.
Last week, The Big LG knocked out Ethan Page with a thrust kick to the jaw. Can The Machine Gun keep the momentum going for The Good Brothers?

Tommy Dreamer sat Larry D down for a lie detector test backstage at IMPACT Wrestling. Larry passed. Cody Deaner was next, and Dreamer brought up the fact that Deaner had said he'd wanted to kill John E. Bravo last month. Was it Cody Deaner? We cut away to the next match before the results were revealed.
Why Cody, why? Maybe Bravo stole some of his beer?
Next up was the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship match. TJP faced off against Rohit Raju, hoping to finally take the belt off of the Desi Hitman. However, if he failed tonight, he'd get no more shots at the title as long as Raju held it.
IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship: TJP vs Rohit Raju (c)
TJP rushed Rohit Raju, hitting him with a baseball slide before he ever got in the ring. A suplex to the ramp weakened the champ before they moved back in to start the match. TJP worked over Raju's knees, hoping to wear him down for that TJP Clutch.
The Mocha Skin Manimal struggled to get out the gate, but after pulling the ref into harm's way, he caught TJP with a leg trip and superkick to the jaw. A senton connected, and Raju was officially in control. A series of strikes finished with a roundhouse to the jaw, dropped the former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion for a two-count.
Raju looked to wear TJP down further, focusing on the left arm to sabotage his various submission holds. TJP turned things around with a surprise tornado DDT and a picture-perfect dropkick. A springboard forearm nailed Raju, setting up for a Surfboard Stretch.
TJP brought it into a pinfall, and Raju barely kicked out. A triangle dropkick knocked Raju away from the ropes, but as TJP went up, Raju stunned him with a running palm strike.
TJP caught him moving up for the diving stomp, launching him across the ring, but the champion refused to give up, hitting two big running strikes. A rolling forearm and leg-trapped DDT took TJP down for another near fall. TJP caught Raju with the chickenwing gutbuster and moved up for the Mamba Splash.
Raju countered it with the crossface, but couldn't get the submission. TJP locked in the TJP Clutch, and when Raju moved to the corner, dragged him away. However, Raju brought the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Title with him, and when the ref took it away, Raju hit him with a low blow.
The running knee dropped TJP for the pin.
Results: Rohit Raju defeated TJP via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: A
Hernandez passed the lie-detector test and confronted Fallah Bahh regarding his money. Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelez came to his defence, but when Bahh wasn't looking, they stole the cash.
Will anyone ever spend that money? Who in IMPACT Wrestling will actually spend Hernandez's cold hard cash?

The Rascalz got a notice that they had been evicted from the Treehouse. Because of that, they'll have to leave IMPACT Wrestling. Wait...what? Are The Rascalz really leaving IMPACT Wrestling? We certainly hope not!
Acey Romero w/Larry D vs Chris Sabin on IMPACT Wrestling
The former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion had a rough night taking on Acey Romero. Chris Sabin was facing an uphill battle, as there was a clear gap in their power game. Romero battered Sabin repeatedly, leaving him in a crumpled heap in just a few minutes. Still, Sabin refused to quit.
When Sabin began to build some momentum, he had his eyes gouged. Romero slammed him for a running elbow drop, but Sabin rolled away. Romero was sent to the floor, and sabin followed upwith a crossbody over the ropes, taking out both members of XXXL.
Back in the ring, Senton hit a crossbody but couldn't get the win. Sabin avoided a running senton, following up with a missile dropkick. Larry D was rocked with an apron kick, and Sabin pelted Romero with a pair of shining wizards for the win.
Results: Chris Sabin defeated Acey Romero via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling
Grade: B-
After the match, XXXL battered the former TNA World Champion.
Sami Callihan met former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champ Chris Bey backstage. They've both got world title aspirations.
However, before that, Callihan wanted Bey's help in getting rid of Eddie Edwards.

Tommy Dreamer was backstage again, trying to find the person who shot John E. Bravo on IMPACT Wrestling weeks ago. James Mitchell said that it would make perfect sense if it was him. After all, the Sinister Minister's relationship with Rosemary is...shaky at best.
However, guns are inelegant, and just not his style. He didn't shoot Bravo...but he may know who did.
Chris Bey vs Eddie Edwards on IMPACT Wrestling
Eddie Edwards and Chris Bey traded offense back and forth until the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champ caught Bey with an inverted atomic drop. The overhead belly-to-belly dumped Bey on his head.
Bey managed to get the better of Edwards, bouncing around him before tripping him up for a senton. Bey spent minutes wearing down Edwards, but one big clothesline was enough to turn the match on its head.
Edwards took a nasty back elbow but responded with a big free fall slam. Bey managed to escape the Tiger Driver, but when he moved up for the Art of Finesse, Edwards rolled him up for the win.
Results: Eddie Edwards defeated Chris Bey via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: B
It was short, but a really fun match between two of IMPACT Wrestling's best. Bey brought in a chair, but it was just a distraction. Sami Callihan interrupted, cutting off the lights. When they came back on, he was in the ring with the bat.
Edwards was taken down, and when the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion rushed the ring, he was taken down by Ken Shamrock. Callihan set Rich Swann up for the same fate that nearly ended Eddie Edwards' career. A chair standing over his face, and a bat in The Draw's hand.
However, before Callihan could go through with it, The Rascalz rushed the ring, forcing Bey, Callihan, and Shamrock to leave.
Tenille Dashwood met Jordynne Grace backstage and told Kaleb with a K to ask her to be Dashwood's partner. Grace said if she wanted to ask, she needed to ask herself. Though she did, Grace didn't trust her yet.
The former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion said she'd give Dashwood a chance to prove herself at Turning Point. Hopefully, she does, because the tournament begins next week.

IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Rich Swann met The Rascalz backstage to thank them for saving him. Since The Rascalz are leaving next week, Swann decided to put together a special tag match. Swann and Trey Miguel vs Desmond Xavier and Zach Wentz.
The Rascalz' final match takes place next week on IMPACT Wrestling. That'll be a sad day for fans, myself included.
Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee were interviewed backstage regarding the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Title Match at Turning Point. She said that, though it's a No DQ match, she'll have Kimber in her corner. That was until the Crown Jewel of IMPACT Wrestling disappeared. A window near Purrazzo said, "I think UR ALONE now..."
Kimber Lee was tossed into the window as Purrazzo got near. Looks like she'll be by herself at IMPACT Wrestling Turning Point. Su Yung has sent a horrifying message to The Virtuosa.
Tommy Dreamer interrogated Havok next, and the Kaiju Queen said that Dreamer should turn his investigation towards the Demon Assassin. As far as if Havok shot Bravo, we never got an answer.
Reno Scum vs Fallah Bahh and Crazzy Steve on IMPACT Wrestling
Luster the Legend and Fallah Bahh started things off, with Bahh squashing Luster with a running crossbody. Crazzy Steve tagged in, but was sent into Reno Scum's corner.
Adam Thornstowe and Luster took turns demolishing the former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion, and even took him to Pity City. However, after several minutes, Steve scrambled to Bahh.
At that point, Bahh fired up, dropping both members of Reno Scum with a pair of slams; a belly-to-belly to Luster and a Samoan Drop for Thornstowe, who kicked out of a pinfall.
Luster crushed Steve's spine on the ring post, and Reno Scum finished Bahh off with the assisted diving curb stomp.
Results: Reno Scum defeated Fallah Bahh and Crazzy Steve via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: C
Chris Sabin was looking to find someone to watch his back. He even offered to buy this mystery man a beer. It turned out to be one of the Motor City Machine Guns' greatest rivals, James Storm.
The Cowboy accepted, and at IMPACT Wrestling Turning Point, he and Sabin will take on XXXL.

Backstage, a doctor was checking on Willie Mack, who had been attacked two straight weeks by Mr. IMPACT Wrestling himself, Moose. Mack fought off a third attack after learning he had a bruised larynx.
That wouldn't stop Chocolate Thunder, and at Turning Point, Mack will take on the self-proclaimed TNA World Champion.
Josh Alexander w/Ethan Page vs Karl Anderson w/Doc Gallows on IMPACT Wrestling
The Machine Gun Karl Anderson took Josh Alexander to the floor, holding the upper hand over the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion. Back in the ring, Anderson avoided a big splash but was dragged to the floor by The Walking Weapon.
All Ego Ethan Page rubbed his IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Title in the camera as Alexander battered Anderson. Alexander continued the assault inside the ring, wearing down Anderson with knees to the body and a rear chin lock. A back suplex planted Anderson for a near fall.
Anderson caught Alexander with a neckbreaker, leading to a comeback. Both men traded elbows, and the Anderson began to fire up, dropping Alexander for a running senton. The Double A spinebuster planted Alexander.
Alexander avoided a superplex, and delivered a big boot to Anderson. The Machine Gun responded with a stiff clothesline for a two-count. As Alexander shook off the Gun Stun, Ethan Page rushed the ring. Doc Gallows ran in to protect his partner, ending the match with no winner.
Results: No Contest
Grade: B+