Gabby interviewed The North about their upcoming IMPACT World Tag Team Title match against Eddie Edwards and Marufuji. Ethan Page and Josh Alexander said that this was the perfect opportunity to prove how dominant they really are.
When asked what would happen if they didn't win, Page looked scared and a little depressed. He snapped out of it, though, and declared the interview over.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
The IMPACT World Champion and oVe's monster, Madman Fulton, were up next. Rich Swann and Tessa Blanchard, Sami Callihan's two long-time rivals and possible #1 contenders, teamed up to ruin oVe's night once again.
Sami Callihan & Madman Fulton vs Rich Swann & Tessa Blanchard
Two superkicks rocked Fulton and Callihan. While the Draw flew outside, Fulton faced Swann and Blanchard two-on-one. A spinning back kick/backstabber combination sent Fulton out to join his leader, where oVe was taken out with a springboard Phoenix Splash by Swann.
Blanchard met Callihan inside only to be tripped up by Fulton. A brainbuster brought Callihan back into play. Swann tagged in and managed to take out, Callihan. However, Fulton rushed in to catch Swann mid cutter. A double reverse suplex planted Swann face first. Fulton tagged in and dribbled Swann with a deadlift chokeslam.
Fulton absolutely dominated Swann, and nearly tore his arm off, using the ropes as leverage. Callihan tagged in and dropped him for a two-count. Fulton & Callihan tagged in and out, taking their turns punishing the man the Draw once called his brother.
Swann escaped the Cactus Special, finally tagging in Blanchard. A Samoan drop dropped the champion, and a tilt-a-whirl DDT spiked Fulton. the cutter leveled Callihan, and Blanchard moved up for Magnum. Callihan caught her, however, and sent her into Fulton, who caught her with an elbow to the kidneys.
With a neckbreaker/powerslam combo, Callihan tried to pin Blanchard. Swann broke it up and sent Fulton out with a spinning heel kick. Tagging in, a leaping DDT spiked the champion. A combined effort from Swann and Blanchard left Fulton on his back on the outside. Callihan raked the eyes of Swann and brought in the slugger.
The ref pulled it away, only for Fulton to toss Callihan the IMPACT World Championship. Bouncing it off Swann's head, Callihan and Fulton picked up the win.
Results: Sami Callihan defeated Rich Swann via pinfall.
Fulton and Callihan battered Swann after the bout. Blanchard tried to run in, only for Callihan to knock her out with the belt as well. Before they could continue, Brian Cage's music hit.
Cage rushed the ring and took out both oVe members with ease. A clothesline sent the champion packing while Cage dropped Fulton with an F-5.