IMPACT Wrestling Results (November 24th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

The IMPACT Wrestling World Title is on the line; Wrestling legend Jazz debuts
The IMPACT Wrestling World Title is on the line; Wrestling legend Jazz debuts

Two different factions have torn IMPACT Wrestling apart as of late. Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock are on a warpath, as both men have targeted Rich Swann and anyone in their way. Tonight, The World's Most Dangerous Man gets a shot at the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion.


Eric Young and Joe Doering have also made their presence known, attacking anyone at random. Young and Doering took out Rhino and Heath last week and continued to wreak havoc on the roster tonight.


Madison Rayne was off commentary tonight as she was set to defend Johnny Swinger in Wrestler's Court. Replacing her would be Matt Striker joining Josh Mathews. Would Swinger be found guilty tonight, or was the smoking gun in his phanny pack more of a red herring?

John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE


The Sea Stars debuted in IMPACT Wrestling tonight, with Delmi Exo and Ashley Vox looking to pick up a big upset against one of the favorites in this tournament, Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz.

IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament: Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz vs. Sea Stars

Delmi Exo and Kiera Hogan kicked off IMPACT, with Exo overpowering The Hottest Flame. Exo brought Hogan down with a series of pins, getting a pair of near falls.


Ashley Vox tagged in, hitting a sliding neckbreaker following Exo's backbreaker. Hogan high tailed it to her corner to bring in The Boricua Badass. Again, the IMPACT rookies held the advantage. At least, they did until Hogan caught Vox with a kick in the ropes. Steelz planted her with a spinebuster.

Steelz and Hogan finally picked things up, with Steelz dropping Vox in the corner for a bullet-speed corner dropkick by Hogan. They kept Vox cut off from her partner for quite some time. Eventually, a wild kick took Hogan to a neutral corner, allowing Vox to tag in her sister.


Exo brought Hogan down with a northern lights, but Steelz broke the pin-up. Exo left her opponents in opposite corners, lighting them up with running clothesline. Exo launched Hogan into Steelz with a pumphandle toss.


Exo planted Hogan with the Finaly Roll, with Vox tagging in for the Air Raid Crash. Hogan kicked out just in time. Steelz and Hogan rebounded just when Exo tagged back in, as she was yanked off the apron by Steelz. A bulldog from Steelz planted Vox, and Steelz rolled Exo in the ring for Hogan's fisherman's neckbreaker.

Results: Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz defeated Sea Stars via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.


Grade: B


Hogan and Steelz advanced in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title Tournament.

Suicide comes alive in the Defeat Rohit Challenge
Suicide comes alive in the Defeat Rohit Challenge

Jordynne Grace and her tag team partner were watching the tag match and said that Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz may be the team to beat in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockout Tag Title Tournament.


Grace's partner, former WWE and NWA Women's Champion Jazz said that they were in fact the de facto winners. Hard to argue with that.


Ethan Page met Josh Alexander backstage and told The Walking Weapon that Doc Gallows was out for four to six weeks. Page said "whoever" did that deserved a pat on the back. Alexander, furious, said that whoever did that deserved a serious beating because now they can't challenge for the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Titles. Page said that "we" would fix this."

IMPACT Wrestling Presents: Wrestler's Court

After nearly a month-long investigation in IMPACT Wrestling, we were going to finally find out if Johnny Swinger was guilty of shooting John E. Bravo.


Johnny Swinger, limping into court with a neckbrace, was presented at court as a "known carnie and con-man." His representative was Madison Rayne. Representing "The Boys" was D-Lo "Dee Lorian" Brown.

Judge Tommy Dreamer represented IMPACT Wrestling, of course, and Madison Rayne tried to get the case thrown out because Dreamer was the one who accused Swinger in the first place. Dreamer said that she was right, and he swapped positions with D-Lo, who would now serve as judge.


Dreamer claimed that Johnny Swinger had the motive, and was even seen holding the smoking gun on IMPACT Wrestling weeks ago. Madison Rayne, however, claimed that a criminal mastermind planted the evidence on Swinger.


The first witness, Fallah Bahh, claimed that Johnny Swinger was bitter that he wasn't the best man. Cody Deaner was next up, as he was the one who found the gun. Acey Romero was brought in as the fingerprint expert but stated that the fingerprints on the gun didn't just belong to Swinger. There was evidence that the gun belonged to The Deaners, Tommy Dreamer, Taya Valkyrie, even Brian Pillman, and Ron Simmons.


After that, Johnny Swinger demanded to approach the "bizench" before handing a six-pack of beer to the judge. Judge Brown sent Swinger back to his seat, and Madison Rayne wasn't too positive about the case.

The IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion was out next and defined himself as the greatest X-Division Champion of all time. It was time for the Defeat Rohit challenge. Who would be able to beat Rohit Raju tonight? Why it was none other than Suicide!


Rohit Raju vs. Suicide on IMPACT Wrestling

Rohit Raju claimed to know exactly who was behind the mask of Suicide, therefore making this a non-title match. Raju was taken down with a few arm drags and a dropkick. The former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion was cut off from a high-risk maneuver, with Rohit knocking him to the floor before the break.


When we returned, Raju was working over the TNA Legend. A Stone Cold style elbow drop earned him a two-count. Suicide eventually regained control, bringing Raju down with a modified Octopus Stretch. Raju broke out, spiking Suicide with a high angle back suplex driver.

A swinging neckbreaker connected, but Suicide countered a second with a Russian leg sweep. Unfortunately, Suicide was cut off again with a leaping flatliner. Raju tore the mask off, but the camera cut away before we could see who it was. However, it wasn't TJP.


The former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion appeared on stage, with Raju utterly confused. If that was TJP, who was under the mask? It was Crazzy Steve, who rolled up Raju for the win!

Results: Crazzy Steve defeated Rohit Raju via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B-

Sami Callihan was backstage getting Ken Shamrock amped up for the IMPACT Wrestling World Title bout. They were interrupted by Moose, who was wanting to take the belt off of Rich Swann himself.


Mr. IMPACT Wrestling said he respected the Hall of Famer but reminded him that he beat Shamrock the last time they met.

Susie and Su Yung at the same place?
Susie and Su Yung at the same place?

Tenille Dashwood was with Kaleb with a K backstage when she was met by her latest former tag partner Alisha Edwards. After losing in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title Tournament, Edwards wanted to team up once again.


Dashwood initially refused, but Edwards' positivity may have hooked Dashwood.

Kimber Lee w/Deonna Purrazzo vs. Killer Kelly w/Renee Michelle on IMPACT Wrestling


Kimber Lee stomped out Killer Kelly early, looking to build up some steam as she's set to team with the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion in the tag tournament soon. Lee took Kelly to the mat, battering her with elbows and boots.


As Kelly got back to her feet, she caught the arms of Kimber Lee and headbutted her, setting up for a double arm trapped belly-to-belly. A cartwheel curb stomp bounced Lee's face of the mat. Kelly followed up with a running seated dropkick for a two-count.

Kimber escaped Kelly's grasp and hit a nasty tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Lee followed that up with the Swanton Bomb for the win.


Results: Kimber Lee defeated Killer Kelly via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B

As Purrazzo and Lee celebrated in the ring, Susie appeared on the stage. Susie introduced herself and said that her "friend" was here. Su Yung's music hit as Susie turned her back, and Su Yung ran out to attack Purrazzo and Lee. The Undead Bride knocked Lee to the floor and battered the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion.


Yung set up for the Mandible Claw, but Lee saved Purrazzo before it was too late. Susie still stood on the stage with her back turned as Su Yung walked away. When Yung left, Susie turned around, terrified.

Backstage with Gia Miller was Chris Sabin and his tag team partner, Alex Shelley. The Motor City Machine Guns are back. They have a three-step process. Better yet, a hit list.

  • XXXL
  • The North
  • The Good Brothers

MCMG are ready to bring the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Titles back to the Motor City.

Josh Alexander is not pleased. Then he ever?
Josh Alexander is not pleased. Then he ever?

IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Rich Swann met Willie Mack in the locker room, but they were interrupted by Chris Bey. The Ultimate Finesser claimed that he could make Swann a lot of money if he abandoned the "losers" like Willie Mack. Swann and Mack forced Bey to leave, but Bey said he'd be in touch if Swann got past Ken Shamrock tonight.


Next up was Ethan Page's match against a "Phenomenal" opponent chosen by The Good Brothers. Karl Anderson brought out his choice, and AJ Style's classic IMPACT music hit. However, it was not Styles, but "The Weenominal One SJ-Swoggle."

Ethan Page w/Josh Alexander vs. Swoggle w/Karl Anderson on IMPACT Wrestling


"All Ego" Ethan Page cracked up and dropped to his knees to give Swoggle a chance to hit him. Swoggle hit him with a classic AJ Styles combination and a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. However, a distraction from Josh Alexander allowed Ethan Page to hit a big boot.

Alexander took advantage while the ref was distracted, battering him around on the floor. Page followed that up with a shoulder tackle. He took a page out of another former TNA/IMPACT Wrestling star's playbook, hitting a Big Poppa Pump elbow drop.


Page set up for the Styles Clash, but Swoggle bit his leg and hit him with a superkick. Alexander tried to interfere again, only for Karl Anderson to blast The Walking Weapon with an elbow to the face. Page was distracted, allowing Swoggle to roll him up for the win.


Results: Swoggle defeated Ethan Page via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: C-

Josh Alexander tried to calm Ethan Page down, but his ego was completely shattered.

Johnny Swinger is on the stand
Johnny Swinger is on the stand

IMPACT Wrestling Presents: Wrestler's Court

Johnny Swinger claimed that he had all kinds of merch deals and was the O.J. Simpson of professional wrestling. Tommy Dreamer and IMPACT Wrestling Judge D-Lo were stunned by that idiotic statement. However, Swinger did make a good point when he said that Dreamer knew he could never shoot someone.


They'd known each other for a long time. Swinger would never stoop that low. Maybe it was one of the other suspects? Dreamer certainly seemed satisfied with the answer. Next on the stand was Father James Mitchell, who stated the importance of virgin blood to demons. Because of that, he assumed that Rosemary was the culprit.


Dreamer brought Rosemary to the stand, and after a few minutes, admitted that she never truly loved Bravo. All she wanted was Bravo's blood. At that point, John E. Bravo came out to state Rosemary was the worst thing to ever happen to him. Though, as much as he hated her, he knew she didn't shoot him.


The culprit? It was none other than Larry D. Well, not Larry D exactly. It was Lawrence D, furious that Bravo stole Rosemary from him. With that, Swinger was determined not guilty.

Fallah Bahh vs. Daivari on IMPACT Wrestling

Fallah Bahh was taken to the corner by the former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion but was able to crush him with a running crossbody. Before they could continue, Eric Young brought Joe Doering out to send another example to the company.


Results: No Contest

Doering planted Bahh with a spinebuster while Young spiked Daivari with a piledriver. Young said that this world is sick, but they are the cure.


They were interrupted by Rhino, who rushed the ring and took the fight to this new invading force in IMPACT Wrestling. Unfortunately, the numbers game was too much.

TJP met with Crazzy Steve and Swoggle backstage, where all three were run down verbally by Brian Myers.


"The Most Professional Wrestler" belittled them before leaving.

The IMPACT Wrestling World Champion was in serious trouble against Ken Shamrock
The IMPACT Wrestling World Champion was in serious trouble against Ken Shamrock

IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee ran into Father James Mitchell, hoping to turn their "Su Yung problem into a Susie problem."


IMPACT Wrestling World Championship Match: Ken Shamrock w/Sami Callihan vs. Rich Swann (c)

The IMPACT Wrestling World Champion managed to avoid Ken Shamrock's assault early on. However, Sami Callihan tripped him up, allowing Shamrock to finally get his hands on Rich Swann. The ref saw it, though, and Callihan was ejected.

Swann hammered Shamrock's knee with a series of dropkicks, but a springboard cutter was caught. Shamrock bounced Swann's head off of a turnbuckle repeatedly before dropping him for some kicks to the spine.


Shamrock kept up the pressure, bludgeoning Swann with nasty kicks and elbows. Swann struggled to get any reprieve. A front headlock left the champ on the mat as the IMPACT Wrestling Hall of Famer completely dominated Swann.


Swann finally managed to make a comeback, hitting a trio of spinning roundhouse to the side of the head. A Rolling Thunder body splash connected for a two-count. After a spinning back kick to the gut, Swann set up for a sunset flip. Shamrock turned it into an armbar, but Swann was able to slip out and hit a superkick.


A high angle frog splash hit, but Shamrock kicked out. As Swann struggled to think of something that could put Shamrock away, The World's Most Dangerous Man locked in another armbar. The ropes broke it, but Swann was caught in an ankle lock soon after. Shamrock lost his grip and went for the rear naked choke instead.

Swann managed to roll back, securing a three-count and barely escaping with the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship.


Results: Rich Swann defeated Ken Shamrock via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A-

Ken Shamrock took out the ref with a right to the gut. Sami Callihan ran down and spiked Swann with the package piledriver. As he went to take Swann out with a baseball bat, Eddie Edwards rushed the ring. Though he saved Swann, Shamrock and Callihan were too much for the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion.

After getting tied to the ropes with tape, Callihan picked up his bat. Callihan cracked Edwards in the skull with the bat, leaving him a bloody mess. IMPACT Wrestling officials moved to the ring, and D-Lo Brown tried to put an end to the violence. Shamrock knocked Brown out and hammered him into the mat as Calihan wiped Edwards' blood on his face.

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Edited by Kaushik Das
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