Jordynne Grace and her tag team partner were watching the tag match and said that Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz may be the team to beat in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockout Tag Title Tournament.
Grace's partner, former WWE and NWA Women's Champion Jazz said that they were in fact the de facto winners. Hard to argue with that.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Ethan Page met Josh Alexander backstage and told The Walking Weapon that Doc Gallows was out for four to six weeks. Page said "whoever" did that deserved a pat on the back. Alexander, furious, said that whoever did that deserved a serious beating because now they can't challenge for the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Titles. Page said that "we" would fix this."
IMPACT Wrestling Presents: Wrestler's Court
After nearly a month-long investigation in IMPACT Wrestling, we were going to finally find out if Johnny Swinger was guilty of shooting John E. Bravo.
Johnny Swinger, limping into court with a neckbrace, was presented at court as a "known carnie and con-man." His representative was Madison Rayne. Representing "The Boys" was D-Lo "Dee Lorian" Brown.
Judge Tommy Dreamer represented IMPACT Wrestling, of course, and Madison Rayne tried to get the case thrown out because Dreamer was the one who accused Swinger in the first place. Dreamer said that she was right, and he swapped positions with D-Lo, who would now serve as judge.
Dreamer claimed that Johnny Swinger had the motive, and was even seen holding the smoking gun on IMPACT Wrestling weeks ago. Madison Rayne, however, claimed that a criminal mastermind planted the evidence on Swinger.
The first witness, Fallah Bahh, claimed that Johnny Swinger was bitter that he wasn't the best man. Cody Deaner was next up, as he was the one who found the gun. Acey Romero was brought in as the fingerprint expert but stated that the fingerprints on the gun didn't just belong to Swinger. There was evidence that the gun belonged to The Deaners, Tommy Dreamer, Taya Valkyrie, even Brian Pillman, and Ron Simmons.
After that, Johnny Swinger demanded to approach the "bizench" before handing a six-pack of beer to the judge. Judge Brown sent Swinger back to his seat, and Madison Rayne wasn't too positive about the case.
The IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion was out next and defined himself as the greatest X-Division Champion of all time. It was time for the Defeat Rohit challenge. Who would be able to beat Rohit Raju tonight? Why it was none other than Suicide!
Rohit Raju vs. Suicide on IMPACT Wrestling
Rohit Raju claimed to know exactly who was behind the mask of Suicide, therefore making this a non-title match. Raju was taken down with a few arm drags and a dropkick. The former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion was cut off from a high-risk maneuver, with Rohit knocking him to the floor before the break.
When we returned, Raju was working over the TNA Legend. A Stone Cold style elbow drop earned him a two-count. Suicide eventually regained control, bringing Raju down with a modified Octopus Stretch. Raju broke out, spiking Suicide with a high angle back suplex driver.
A swinging neckbreaker connected, but Suicide countered a second with a Russian leg sweep. Unfortunately, Suicide was cut off again with a leaping flatliner. Raju tore the mask off, but the camera cut away before we could see who it was. However, it wasn't TJP.
The former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion appeared on stage, with Raju utterly confused. If that was TJP, who was under the mask? It was Crazzy Steve, who rolled up Raju for the win!
Results: Crazzy Steve defeated Rohit Raju via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.
Grade: B-
Sami Callihan was backstage getting Ken Shamrock amped up for the IMPACT Wrestling World Title bout. They were interrupted by Moose, who was wanting to take the belt off of Rich Swann himself.
Mr. IMPACT Wrestling said he respected the Hall of Famer but reminded him that he beat Shamrock the last time they met.