With Brian Cage currently in jail, Sami Callihan and oVe now have their sights set on Tessa Blanchard again. The group wants to finally rid themselves of the Undeniable One tonight, alongside her tag team partner Daga.
Ace Austin started the night off in a match with Eddie Edwards. Austin has been attempting to tear Alisha Edwards away from her husband as of late, even getting Reno Scum to help drug Impact's Hardcore Hero at Brian Cage & Melissa Santos's wedding.
On his way to the ring tonight, Austin was wearing a new..disgusting shirt, that said "I Just Banged Your Wife" on the back. Austin looked to get into Edwards' head in hopes of moving onto Bound For Glory, where he could popture his first X-Division Championship.
Ace Austin vs Eddie Edwards
Edwards and Austin kicked off Impact with a massive brawl, leading to Austin getting dumped to the outside for a plancha. The former World Champion tore off Austin's shirt before crotching him in the ring post and chopping his back.
Austin took over inside the ring, sending Edwards into the corner for a few well-placed boots to the midsection. He took Edwards around ringside where he pelted Edwards with a fan's drink before bringing him back in the ring for a series of kicks to the jaw.
Edwards rebounded off the corner, laying out Austin with a heavy lariat. Austin was left in the corner for a series of rapid-fire chops to the chest. Edwards blocked a super hurricanrana attempt, crotching Austin again on the ring post. A back suplex from the top rope drove Austin neck first into the middle of the mat.
Before Edwards could capitalize, Reno Scum strolled down the ramp. They distracted Edwards, allowing Austin to catch him with an enziguri from his back. A handstand kick rocked the former champion, giving Austin a near fall.
Austin pelted Edwards with some stiff kicks to the face, but was planted again in the middle of the mat, this time with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Before Edwards could finish him off, though, Austin rocked him with a spinning back kick to the jaw, catching him as he ran in for the Boston Knee Party.
Edwards avoided a top rope corkscrew senton and laid out Ace Austin with the Boston Knee Party. Before the ref could count to three, he was yanked out of the ring by Reno Scum. Edwards responded by taking them out with a suicide dive.
Edwards went to the announcer's desk where he'd hidden Kenny. He used the kendo stick to take out Reno Scum, but was caught by Austin's finish, The Fold. Reno Scum distracted the ref again as Ace Austin loaded his wrist brace with a metal bar, using it to knock Edwards unconscious.
Results: Ace Austin defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall.
Following the match, Reno Scum connected with a Super Curb Stomp, leaving Edwards twitching on the mat while Ace Austin celebrated his win and his advancement to Bound for Glory.

Taya Valkyrie tried to cut a deal with Rosemary again, hoping to get out of her Knockouts Championship bout with Rosemary later on in the night. Rosemary again refused, stating that life was not fair.
Valkyrie was left stunned, wondering why her best friend wasn't there for her in her time of need.
The Desi Hit Squad w/Gama Singh vs The Rascalz
Back from commercial break, Rohit Raju & Raj Singh were battering Trey two-on-one in the ring. Trey managed to send Singh outside and outmaneuvered Raju until an eye rake. Raju tripped up Trey afterward, bringing Singh back in to hammer Trey.
Trey tried to escape and make it to the Rascalz corner, but was caught and slammed with a suplex. Raju tagged in again, continuing the punishment with another suplex. Trey fought back, finally, ringing Raju's bells with an enziguri. Though he made the tag, the referee never saw it, forcing Trey back in the match.
The Squad brought Trey to their corner where they hit a flapjack facebuster/running knee combination. Singh and Raju kept tagging in and out, punishing Trey until he was able to turn a double team maneuver into a back kick DDT/neckbreaker combination. Wentz finally tagged in, sending Raju into his corner with a series of kicks.
Wentz tagged in Dez, who launched Wentz into Shera with a slingshot missile dropkick. Shera and the Desi Hit Squad found themselves at the ramp where Shera caught Dez and Wentz attempting dives. However, a third from Trey took out he and his partners. Back in the inside, all six men went at it with their signature maneuvers, ending with Shera eating a superkick from Trey, a pair from Trey and Wentz, and a trio of superkicks from all of the Rascalz.
Shera easily took out all three men then dropped Wentz with a high angle falling powerslam.
Results: The Desi Hit Squad defeated The Rascalz via pinfall.
Katie Forbes entered the backstage area where she met her opponent Jordynne Grace. However, she thought Grace was a valet, giving her the car keys. Grace said she wasn't here to park her car, but kick her butt. Forbes turned around and twerked, exclaiming "You're gonna need bigger boots, sweetie!"

Tenille Dashwood joined commentary for the upcoming match. Taya Valkyrie has been ducking Dashwood since she joined Impact Wrestling a little while back.
Knockouts Championship Match: Havok w/James Mitchell vs Taya Valkyrie (c) w/John E. Bravo
Valkyrie was nearly scared into submission at the beginning. She probably wished that she'd given up there, as Havok rocked her with a hard elbow strike and a series of running boots in the corner. Havok earned a two-count rather quickly.
A backbreaker left the champion bouncing off her challenger's knee onto the mat, writhing in pain. However, she managed to avoid a clothesline from Havok, rolling her up instead. When Havok escaped, she was met by a running knee. Havok was then sent to the corner where a double running knee strike left her dazed.
Valkyrie brought Havok to her feet to deliver a handful of strikes. Havok avoided a kick, responding with one of her own, nearly decapitating her in the process. A pair of backbreakers saw Valkyrie's spine nearly snapped in two. Havok took her to the corner, but was shoved off the top, leaving her hanging in the Tree of Woe.
Havok was hit with a double foot stomp, but managed to kick out of the pinfall at two. She blocked the Road to Valhalla and delivered a series of strikes before planting her with a chokeslam. Before she could pin the champ, John E. Bravo yanked the referee out of the ring and shoved him to the ground, forcing a DQ.
Results: Havok defeated Taya Valkyrie via DQ.
Following the match, Havok assaulted Bravo, battering the former senior referee. Valkyrie rolled in and bashed her head in with the Knockouts Title, only to be sent packing when Tenille Dashwood rushed the ring and rocked her with a big boot.
Sami Callihan cut a promo on Brian Cage, calling him an animal for attacking a fan last week. Cage deserved to be behind bars tonight. Now, oVe can focus on Tessa Blanchard and Daga, and at Bound For Glory, the Death Machine will walk out as the Impact World Champion.

The Impact Tag Team Champions were met backstage by Rich Swann & Willie Mack and Rhino & Rob Van Dam.
The North tried to sow seeds of distrust and jealousy between their opponents, hoping that they'd tear each other apart at Bound For Glory and leave them with easy pickings.
Moose w/Frank Trigg vs Stephan Bonnar
Moose slammed Bonnar to the mat quick, then took his opponent's back just to ruffle his hair and play to the crowd. Bonnar quickly got to his feet and hammered Moose with some strong kicks and elbow strikes. A hip toss sent Moose outside.
As Bonnar rolled outside, he was caught with an eye rake, allowing Moose to batter his ribs with rolling punches. Bonnar was then sent into the ring steps. Inside the ring, Moose dribbled Bonnar's head with punches, but when he bounced off the ropes was caught by a leaping spinning heel kick. A belly to belly suplex took Moose across the ring.
Moose came back with some chops to the chest but was planted with a spinebuster. Instead of going for a submission, Bonna went to the top rope for an elbow drop. However, Moose launched the ref into the ropes, crotching Bonnar.
Results: Stephan Bonnar defeated Moose via DQ.
Moose beat Bonnar bloody after the bout. Before he could finish him off with a chair, though, Ken Shamrock emerged from the stage. He rushed the ring and ducked a chair shot. Moose was battered with punches and stunned by a dropkick. A belly to belly suplex set up for the Ankle Lock.
Moose tapped while Bonna kept Frank Trigg at bay ringside.

Katie Forbes came out to the ring with money guns, twerking down to the ring and using the ring post as a pole.
Jordynne Grace didn't seem too impressed, kicking the toys away as she entered the arena.
Katie Forbes vs Jordynne Grace
Forbes locked up with Grace, bringing her down with a side headlock takeover. Grace responded by wrapping her legs around Forbes' neck. However, she escaped the headscissors, getting back to her feet.
Grace and Forbes traded wrist locks, leading to the first near fall of the match where Grace almost put away Forbes early. A shoulder tackle knocked Forbes to the ground. Forbes blocked a snapmare but was pelted by an elbow strike.
A second rope dropkick took Forbes to the outside, where she drew out Grace, catching her mid suicide dive with an elbow to the head. Back inside, Forbes choked Grace with her foot. A cartwheel handspring elbow left Grace slumped in the corner. Forbes tried to give Grace a stink face but Grace gave her a wedgie, blocking it with the perfect counter.
Forbes was sent shoulder first into the ring post and bounced off the second turnbuckle with a pair of running knees. A Vader Bomb gave Grace another near fall. Forbes was placed on the top, but countered Grace with a Tornado DDT, nearly picking up a victory.
The Grace Driver ended Forbes after a surprisingly competitive bout.
Results: Jordynne Grace defeated Katie Forbes via pinfall.
Johnny Swinger was backstage waiting on Katie Forbes and Jordynne Grace. He asked if Forbes and Rob Van Dam swing, forcing Forbes to walk off in disgust. Grace came in and shoved him right into the wall before walking away, though Swinger was grinning, exclaiming, "I love the rough stuff!" '

Backstage, TJP was continuing his work with Fallah Bahh. TJP was eating donuts while making him work out. Bahh's vocabulary has vastly improved over the past month, as has his stamina and physique. Next week, he'll face one of the most dominant men in Impact Wrestling, Michael Elgin.
Next week, Rohit Raju will go one-on-one with Sabu for a shot at entry into the X-Division Ladder Match at Bound For Glory.
oVe (Jake Crist & Madman Fulton) w/Dave Crist vs Tessa Blanchard & Daga
Daga and Jake Crist started off the main event. Crist will be facing Daga & Tessa Blanchard, along with two other competitors, at Bound for Glory for his X-Division Championship.
Daga tried to drag Jake to his corner. Jake broke away and said that he wanted Blanchard anyway. As soon as she tagged in, Jake tagged Madman Fulton. Fulton tried to intimidate him with screams. When that failed, he came in with a clothesline.
Blanchard avoided and went around for a waist lock. Fulton slung her off, but she bounced off the ropes and shot into Jake with a suicide dive. Fulton picked her up by the hair and shot her into the ropes. Daga tagged as she shot back into Fulton's grip. Daga and Blanchard worked together to send Fulton outside.
Daga leapt onto Fulton with a crossbody, but was caught by the big man, who broke him over the ring post. A reverse Alabama Slam on the apron saw Daga's neck snap on the ropes. Daga managed to get back to his feet and pelted Fulton with right hands. However, before he could tag in Blanchard, the Undeniable One was forced to chase after Dave Crist, who was antagonizing her near the apron.
She got back to her corner as Daga dropped Fulton with a pop up cutter. Blanchard and Jake tagged in, leading to Blanchard spiking the X-Division Champion with a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Fulton ran in and broke up the pin, leading to the monster getting sent outside with a series of kicks from Daga and Blanchard and a hurricanrana from the former Knockouts Champion.
Daga dove onto Fulton again, this time bringing him to the floor. Blanchard dropped Jake Crist with the Top Rope Magnum, picking up a pinfall over the champion a few short weeks before Bound For Glory.
Results: Tessa Blanchard & Daga defeated oVe via pinfall.
Fulton rolled inside and knocked Daga outside the ring. He then rocked Blanchard with a boot and planted her with a swing out facebuster. As oVe celebrated in the ring, Brian Cage pulled up, finally bailed out from jail.
Cage rushed the ring, laying out Jake Crist on the ramp. Cage made easy work of the Monster, laying out Madman Fulton with an F-5. He then choked out Dave, asking for Sami Callihan. The Draw rolled in with a chair that didn't phase the champion one bit.
Thankfully for Callihan, the rest of oVe jumped on Cage, holding him for Callihan in order to hit him with a pair of low blows. Cage was then handcuffed to the top rope as Callihan picked up his slugger.
Before Callihan could hit Cage, Melissa Santos rushed the ring, hoping that they'd stop the assault. Callihan teased it, dropping the bat and walking towards the ropes, but jumped back on Melissa and spiking her with a piledriver.