Tonight marked the official debut of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV. Yes, throughout October, the company showed replays of their incredible PPVs from the past year along with some special content from Bound for Glory. However, tonight, IMPACT's weekly show finally kicked off on their new home.
It was a huge night for IMPACT Wrestling, both those who work for the company and the fans who've been following along all this time. Josh Mathews and Don Callis opened the show in the ring, welcoming the loyal followers to their new home on AXS TV.
Tonight, we would find out what's next for Ken Shamrock. Will the Most Dangerous Man on the Planet stick around with IMPACT Wrestling?
The main event tonight featured the IMPACT World Champion Brian Cage defending against Sami Callihan in a Steel Cage Match. After the Draw revealed that oVe was stalking his family, the Machine was forced to give Callihan one final shot at the title. Tonight, Callihan hoped to usher in the new era of IMPACT by walking out as the brand new World Champion.
We kicked off the night with the legendary Marufuji battling The North's Josh Alexander.
Marufuji vs Josh Alexander w/Ethan Page

Josh Alexander took a boot to the face, but caught the second one, bringing Marufuji down with a single leg takedown. Marufuji recovered and set up for a running dropkick to the kneeling IMPACT Tag Team Champion, but Alexander avoided the attack.
Marufuji and the Walking Weapon traded chops to the chest, but Alexander cut the competition short, going to his opponent's gut with a kick. Alexander battered Marufuji with a knee drop to the face and several punches in the corner. A running elbow strike shook Marufuji, but he recovered in time to counter an Irish whip into a cartwheel, connecting with a dropkick to Alexander's jaw.
A huge chop to Alexander left him crumbled in the corner. Marufuji hit a running double foot stomp and followed up with a side kick to the back of the head. Alexander managed to kick out at two. He countered a running splash in the corner, catching Marufuji in a rolling fireman's carry slam. A leaping knee to the back of the head earned Alexander a two-count.
Alexander tore apart Marufuji with stomps to each limb. Marufuji escaped a powerbomb attempt and lit Alexander up with a series of kicks. They traded heavy blows, leading to both men falling to the mat, forcing the ref to start a ten count.
After a chop fest, Marufuji dicked a discus lariat and rocked Alexander with a hook kick. However, as he bounced off the ropes, Alexander caught him in a spin out powerbomb, getting an incredibly close near fall.
Another hook kick from Marufuji allowed him to hit a bicycle knee strike. Alexander broke out of the pin but as he stumbled to his feet was caught with a kick to the jaw through his legs. Marufuji finished him off with the Sliced Bread No. 2.
Results: Marufuji defeated Josh Alexander via pinfall.
Following the match, Marufuji tried to shake Alexander's hand. Ethan Page slid in to prevent his tag team partner from showing sportsmanship. After talking it over with Page, Alexander baited Marufuji in before pulling his hand back, disrespecting his opponent.
Backstage, IMPACT Wrestling security met Sami Callihan and oVe as they entered the building. They were then told that, aside from Sami, none of the other members of oVe were allowed in the building, effectively banning them from the premises until the main event was over.

The Rascalz were in their clubhouse where Dez was talking about a woman he'd been seeing. Wentz was hanging onto Dez's every word as he described her until Trey showed up. That's when it was revealed that Dez was talking about Trey's mom. Awkward...
Fallah Bahh entered the scene, and the Rascalz hoped to cheer him up after his loss to Michael Elgin last week. After getting "the stuff" Bahh appeared with glasses and began speaking full sentences, something TJP has been working on for over a month.
Bahh said that he felt bad about not having TJP's back when he was attacked by Elgin, and he was inspired by the brotherhood he saw in the Rascalz. After pumping him up, Bahh ran off to go find Big Mike.
Madison Rayne, Kiera Hogan, and Taya Valkyrie vs Alexia Nicole, Jordynne Grace, and Rosemary
Hogan dove outside, hoping to escape Nicole, who took out her opponent with a baseball slide. As she went for a second dive, Rayne took her out with an elbow. Valkyrie followed, leading to Grace and Rosemary taking them out.
Back from commercial break, Hogan took out Nicole with a jawbreaker. At that point, Rosemary and Rayne were tagged in, the latter of whom was dumped on her head with an exploder suplex. The Demon Assassin pelted the Locker Room Leader with punches before tagging back in Nicole. A shotgun dropkick sent Rayne into the corner.
Nicole bounced off the ropes where she was met by a kick from Valkyrie. From there, she was battered by her three opponents, as we saw her stomped out in the corner. Hogan tagged in and launched Nicole across the ring with a hurricanrana. However, she seemed to have landed awkwardly, grabbing at her shoulder. A second referee came in to check on her.
Hogan tagged out to Valkyrie before falling to the ground outside. Nicole tagged Grace, who assaulted the Knockouts Champion with heavy elbow strikes. A big body splash from the top gave hear a near fall. Grace saw Rayne trying to break up the pin, avoiding the attack and sending her outside. Grace then rolled up Valkyrie for the win.
Results: Jordynne Grace, Alexia Nicole, and Rosemary defeated Taya Valkyrie, Kiera Hogan, and Madison Rayne via pinfall.
Following that was a pre-recorded explanation from Rob Van Dam who explained why he turned on Rhino at Bound for Glory. Van Dam said that if it wasn't for him, wrestling wouldn't be what it is today. He was the blueprint for guys like Kenny Omega, Daniel Bryan, and all the other performers who have a mix of high-flying and fast-paced striking styles.

We saw some highlights of the Elgin/Marufuji match at Bound for Glory, a heavy-hitting battle between two of the best pro wrestlers in the world. Next week, Fallah Bahh will get his shot at redemption, as he goes one-on-one with Big Mike yet again.
Desi Hit Squad w/Gama Singh vs Rich Swann & Willie Mack
The Squad launched a sneak attack on their opponents but were taken out quickly by Rich Swann and Willie Mack. Rohit Raju was met by a spear/flying clothesline combo while Raj Singh was dropped with a flapjack/bulldog attack.
As the match officially started, Raju hit Swann with a knee to the back, allowing Singh to drop Swann with a fisherman suplex. Swann fought out of the Squad's corner only to be dropped with a flatliner by a legal Raju. Singh tagged in as Raju knocked Mack off the apron.
A backbreaker/boot combination earned Singh a two-count. Swann escaped the neutral corner, sending Singh into the turnbuckle and knocking Raju to the mat with a flying clothesline.
Mack tagged in and set up the Desi Hit Squad in opposite corners, laying into them with body splashes and cannonballs. Raju was dropped with a Samoan drop and a standing moonsault, but managed to kick out.
Raj SIngh dragged Mack outside and, with Raju, managed to spike Swann with a wheelbarrow DDT. Mack broke up the pin and Swann connected with a springboard cutter to Raju. Mack tagged in, and he and Swann ended the bout with an elevated neckbreaker.
Results: Willie Mack & Rich Swann defeated the Desi Hit Squad via pinfall.
Backstage, Rhino was looking for Rob Van Dam. After he was told he wasn't around, the War Machine said that he'd tear Mr. Tuesday Night apart at Turning Point.

Moose cut a promo from a golf course. After proving that he's the best wrestler and MMA fighter of all time at Bound for Glory when he defeated Ken Shamrock. He looked to prove that he could conquer yet another sport by hitting a hole in one.
Ken Shamrock entered the ring to a warm welcome from the crowd. The former NWA World Champion said that he knew he would win at Bound for Glory, and was deeply hurt when he failed to accomplish that.
When it came to what was next for him, Shamrock wasn't able to make his announcement, thanks to the entrance of Joey Ryan, who came out to challenge Shamrock.
The UFC Hall of Famer said he had no idea who Ryan was, but after a moment, remembered that he was the "penis guy." When asked if he was a fan, Shamrock said they probably shouldn't go that far. The difference between the two of them is that Shamrock is a fighter, and Ryan is just a gimmick.
Ryan responded, claiming that touching him would tap Shamrock out faster than a Gracie choke. Shamrock revealed that he wasn't coming to IMPACT to retire, and decided to put the entire locker room on notice.
The two agreed on a match next week. As Joey Ryan called it, we'll see the World's Most Dangerous Man vs the World's Most Dangerous Manhood. Ryan tried to trick Shamrock with a handshake, but the former champion shoved him off and took a swing. Ryan rolled out and backed up the ramp.

At Bound for Glory, Ace Austin captured the X-Division Champion in a five-way ladder match, dethroning Jake Crist and defeating three other competitors, including Tessa Blanchard. Dubbing himself the "XXX" Champion, Austin faced Eddie Edwards tonight in a Street Fight.
Ace Austin vs Eddie Edwards
Ace Austin exited the ring to catch Eddie Edwards who was rushing down the ramp. The former World Champion moved past him, using the ropes to bounce back for a suicide dive. Austin was then suplexed on the ground near the ramp. As the champion tried to recover, Edwards walked to the back to bring in two trash cans.
Edwards was hit with a shot from Austin's cane, cutting off IMPACT's Resident Hardcore Hero and bashing a trash can over his head. However, he managed to drop Austin on the apron with a back suplex. A few shots to the X Division Champ's dome with a trash can lid left him in a heap on the floor.
Austin broke away from Edwards' grip, leaping up to the apron for a superkick. Inside the ring, Austin slowly made it to his feet as Austin rolled in with a steel chair. Another shot with the trash can lid leveled the Ace of the X-Division. Edwards then brought in a table, but was taken down with a lid from Austin.
Austin set up the table in the corner, looking to finally rid himself of Eddie Edwards. As he turned around, a superkick rocked him. Edwards set up for a piledriver, but was instead attacked by Reno Scum.
Adam Thornstowe was launched into the table with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex while Luster the Legend was knocked off the apron. Austin took advantage of the distraction, springboarding across the ring for a fameasser through trash can. Edwards kicked out at two, leading to another commercial break.
Back from the break, Austin rocked Edwards at the top rope with an enziguri. Setting up a chair below, the champ looked for a superplex. Edwards slipped through his legs and crotched him on the turnbuckle and connected with a chair to the back. A back suplex from the top left Austin writhing in pain.
Edwards rolled out and picked up Kenny. As he rolled in, Austin blocked the kendo stick with the X-Division Title. A second shot with the championship took Edwards to the mat. Somehow, Edwards kicked out.
Austin pelted Edwards with Kenny before snapping it over his leg. He went for the Fold, but Edwards picked up the trash can, sending Austin sliding into it. Now trapped, Austin had no way to protect himself as he was rocked with a steel chair.
Edwards brought another table into the ring, setting it up near the corner while Austin tried to take the trash can off. Edwards dragged him out of the can and to the top rope. Austin raked the eyes of Edwards and loaded his wrist brace with steel.
One backhand set up for the Fold from the top rope, sending Eddie Edwards through the table.
Results: Ace Austin defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall.

After seeing Su Yung's death and resurrection, we saw "Suzie" a cute young woman in a wedding dress walking around backstage. The Deaners were mortified, looking as if they'd seen a ghost. Suzie said she didn't know why she was there, but felt it's where she needed to be.
Backstage, Alicia Edwards was being hit on by Johnny Swinger. Ace Austin came backstage to shoo away the Swing Man and asked Alisha out to dinner, just as co-workers. Alisha accepted. Next week, Austin would finally get his chance with Alisha.
Steel Cage Match for the Impact World Championship: Sami Callihan vs Brian Cage
Brian Cage rushed the ring, ready to rip his challenger limb from limb. Sami Callihan dropkicked the cage door, but Cage shook it off, powerbombing him into the cage. Callihan's face was then raked across the steel before being bounced off the ring bell.
Callihan escaped Cage's hands, rushing into the ring and locking himself in. Cage climbed the structure with ease and bounced the Draw off several walls. Callihan escaped a powerbomb attempt and hit a pump kick before going for a shot with the Callihan Special, his trusted bat.
Cage was busted open, and Callihan smelled blood in the water. Clawing at his forehead and headbutting the champion wasn't enough. Callihan bit into Cage's wound and covered his own face with Cage's blood.
Callihan pounded Cage into the steel, but the Machine only grew angrier. Cage avoided a spear from Callihan, bouncing the challenger face first off the steel. Both men made it to their feet and traded blows. Callihan stopped a discus lariat with a handful of slaps. Ducking a second one, he leveled Cage with a rebound lariat.
Cage kicked out at two. Another massive clothesline still saw Cage escape at two. After a third, the Cactus Special connected. Cage kicked out at one, just like at Bound for Glory. A pop-up powerbomb and a buckle bomb left Sami Callihan doubled over. The Drill Claw was countered by a roll-up, and Callihan took Cage's knee out when he attempted another discus clothesline.
Nearly a dozen superkicks and three more Cactus Specials later, and Brian Cage still powered out of Callihan's pin at two. The fifth piledriver was countered with an Alabama Slam, and the discus clothesline finally turned Callihan inside out. However, the Callihan Death Machine kicked out.
Cage ascended the top rope, but was rocked by Callihan before he could hit a dive. The two traded headbutts at the top, with Cage getting the better of Callihan. However, the challenger dropped to the floor and hit an enziguri. A top rope Cactus Special finally ended the reign of the Machine.
Results: Sami Callihan defeated Brian Cage via pinfall.
Callihan wasn't able to celebrate long, as his longtime rival Tessa Blanchard rushed the ring. The new champion held the title high above his head as Blanchard stared him down.
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Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.