IMPACT Wrestling Results (September 29th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

Ken Shamrock is back? The IMPACT Wrestling tag team division implodes
Ken Shamrock is back? The IMPACT Wrestling tag team division implodes

While Bound for Glory is a month away, IMPACT Wrestling built up a huge card for their upcoming IMPACT+ exclusive, IMPACT Wrestling Victory Road. Title matches and more were announced tonight, as the company quickly surprised its fanbase with a sudden PPV extravaganza airing this Saturday.


IMPACT Wrestling was all about tag team action this week. While we got an incredible rematch between Jordynne Grace and Tenille Dashwood, the focus this week was on what has turned into one of the greatest tag team divisions on the planet.

The Good Brothers battled The Rascalz, and The North took on Ace Austin & Madman Fulton in two spectacular tag team contests. With so many stellar teams vying for the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship, one has to wonder who will get a shot at The Motor City Machine Guns.


We kicked off the night with another tag team match, this time involving the Knockouts. With the Knockouts tag team division reviving over the summer, one has to think that we'll see the return of Knockouts Tag Team Titles in the future. If we do, these two teams could serve as the inaugural IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Champions.

Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary vs Havok & Nevaeh on IMPACT Wrestling


Nevaeh and Taya Valkyrie started the match, with the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion getting the best of Nevaeh. Havok and Rosemary tagged in, and Rosemary took Havok down with a rebound shoulder block off the corner.

Havok booted Rosemary into the corner and followed up with a running splash. Rosemary was able to avoid a chokeslam and uranage and brought the Kaiju Queen to the corner of the Bridal Party.


Havok caught Valkyrie with an STO/clothesline combination, taking out the longest reigning IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion with ease. Nevaeh tagged in, and the duo took turns splashing Valkyrie.


A backbreaker/sliding clothesline tandem combination took Valkyrie down for the pin, but she broke out at two. Wera Loca drove Havok into the corner with some strong elbows, and made it to Rosemary for the tag.

The Demon Assassin brought down Havok with a pair of slingblades. Nevaeh rushed in only to get caught in an exploder suplex. Havok escaped the same fate, but was trapped in the Upside Down in the ropes.


A diving crossobdy connected, and Rosemary tagged Valkyrie for the double spear. As they celebrated their teamwork, Havok tagged out to Nevaeh. Rosemary was planted with a German suplex, but Valkyrie managed to save the match with the Road to Valhalla.


Results: Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary defeated Nevaeh & Havok on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B

During their celebration, Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary were attacked by Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan. Havok and Nevaeh made the save.


The Good Brothers and the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions met backstage. Tensions have been high between the two teams for months, as both veteran duos have taken to "mentoring" the IMPACT Wrestling tag division in their own unique ways.

The Guns felt that Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows were just getting paid to sit backstage and tell stories. Will The Good Brothers earn the respect of MCMG? What will happen when these two legendary tag teams clash?

Did Jordynne Grace put Tenille Dashwood away in their rematch?
Did Jordynne Grace put Tenille Dashwood away in their rematch?

Gia Miller revealed to Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee backstage that the Virtuosa will defend her IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Championship at Victory Road this Saturday against Susie.


The World Class Maniac Eric Young will also put his IMPACT Wrestling World Championship on the line when he faces Eddie Edwards at Victory Road.

Tenille Dashwood w/Kaleb vs Jordynne Grace on IMPACT Wrestling


Jordynne Grace was in for some much needed revenge after Kaleb and Tenille Dashwood stole one from her last week. The former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion came out hard and fast, bowling over Dashwood, hitting a slam and a running senton for a nearfall.


Grace had the upper hand for a while, but Kaleb again allowed Dashwood to take control with a hanging neckbreaker in the ropes. Dashwood followed up, beating down Thicc Mama Pump and stretching her out in between the ropes.

Dashwood kept up the pressure with a series of kicks and chops. Grace eventually hulked up, rocking Dashwood with a right jab and a boot to the jaw. In the corner, Dashwood was slammed with a running double knee to the back and a running hip attack, squashing Dashwood. Grace followed that with the Vader Bomb for a nearfall.


Dashwood managed to avoid the Grace Driver but was caught by an impromptu hammerlock lariat. Grace wouldn't hold the upper hand for long, though, as Dashwood avoided another running attack in the corner, setting her up in a Tree of Woe from Bret's Rope. Dashwood's sliding crossbody connected for two.

Grace countered the Spotlight Kick, and after a back elbow set up for another Grace Driver. Kaleb distracted her again, but couldn't save Dashwood from a Rear Naked Choke.


Results: Jordynne Grace defeated Tenille Dashwood via submission on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A

Moose found EC3's locker room and attacked what he thought was the former IMPACT Wrestling/TNA World Champion. It was just an employee, sadly, who threatened to go to HR over the incident.


EC3 appeared on the wall, revealing that they were going to have a funeral for the TNA World Title on IMPACT Wrestling next week. EC3 followed up, saying that he'd be setting the title ablaze.

The Rascalz struggled against the Big LG
The Rascalz struggled against the Big LG

We got a highlight package of Rich Swann working on rehabbing his ankle. At IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory, he'll challenge Eric Young for the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship. The doctor checked over his ankle and determined that he was ready to compete.


At IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory, Rich Swann will get a chance at gold, but more importantly, a chance at revenge. Will Swann be able to shut down The World Class Maniac next month?


Heath and Rhino were celebrating the success of the #HEATH4IMPACT campaign when Heath revealed he didn't actually use Hernandez's wad of cash. He'd actually maxed out his credit cards but would use the money to pay them off. Unfortunately, that wouldn't happen, as they were blindsided by Reno Scum.


Hernandez oversaw the beatdown before regaining his money. What does this mean for Heath's credit? Rhino met Scott D'Amore backstage and talked him into a tag team match at Victory Road. Rhino and Heath would take on Reno Scum in an unsanctiond match this Saturday.

The Rascalz vs The Good Brothers on IMPACT Wrestling

Dezmond Xavier started the bout off with Karl Anderson. Dez disoriented Anderson with a leaping headscissors and an enziguri. However, when Zachary Wentz tagged in, Anderson forced him to the corner of The Good Brothers.


Doc Gallows tagged in and demolished Wentz with a series of nasty, heavy punches. When Anderson became legal, The Rascalz turned things around. Wentz and Dez lit him up with a kicking combination.


Anderson had to bail out Gallows again, and The Big LG nearly decapitated Dez with a clothesline. The Good Brothers took turns tearing Dez to pieces. Gallows hammered Dez with a few elbows to the neck and chest before trapping him in a sleeper.

Dez's arm dropped twice, but held the third time. As Dez fought to his feet, he planted the big man with a wheelbarrow bulldog. Wentz and Anderson tagged in, with Wentz hitting a big striking combo. A rolling snapmare into a penalty kick set The Rascalz up for a slingshot into a superkick. Dez held onto Anderson, and Wentz followed up with a big diving double stomp.


Anderson managed to put the knees up to avoid the Hot Fire Flame. Dez rocked Anderson again, but a dive to Gallows proved to be a fatal error, as Gallows hoofed him into Wentz on the floor.


Back inside, Anderson planted Dez with the Double A spinebuster before they finished the bout with The Magic Killer.

Results: The Good Brothers defeated The Rascalz via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A


The Good Brothers called out the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions after the match. Karl Anderson and The Big LG came here for two things.

-- Big paydays

-- The IMPACT Wrestling World Tag Team Titles

The Good Brothers challenged The Motor City Machine Guns to a title bout at IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory.

Brian Myers and Tommy Dreamer met backstage in a standoff. Myers reminded Dreamer what was said last time, demanding the ECW legend walk away the next time they saw each other. He went for a cheap shot but it was blocked.


Myers screamed "Be Professional" while being choked on the wall. Dreamer backed off, stating that they'd meet at IMPACT Wrestling Victory Road this Saturday.

Rohit Raju has a great plan for the X-Division Championship
Rohit Raju has a great plan for the X-Division Championship

Kaleb with a K put his foot in his mouth when he challenged Jordynne Grace on Tenille Dashwood's behalf to a match at IMPACT Wrestling Victory Road. Dashwood was furious, as she didn't want to face Grace again.


Johnny Swinger vs Fallah Bahh on IMPACT Wrestling

The ring was surrounded by the Wrestle House competitors, as both men went to war for the opportunity to be John E. Bravo's best man. Swinger's offense didn't seem to do much to Fallah Bahh, as he seemed relatively unaffected.

A big leg drop hit Swinger for a two-count. Swinger set up a distraction, stomping Cody Deaner's finger. When the ref checked on him, Swinger grabbed Crazzy Steve's monkey and laid Bahh out.


Swinger got the pin, but was reversed when Bravo revealed what happened and threatened the referee. Bahh dropped on top of Swinger with the Banzai Drop for the win.


Results: Fallah Bahh defeated Johnny Swinger on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: C

Fallah Bahh will be the Best Man at the biggest wedding in IMPACT Wrestling history.

Rohit Raju revealed the "Defeat Rohit Challenge" and said that he'd be putting the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship on the line against anyone who dared challenge him at IMPACT Wrestling Victory Road.


When TJP came into the frame to challenge Raju, he said that he'd love to give him an opportunity. However, this challenge was for anyone who hadn't already had a shot at Raju, meaning no TJP, no Chris Bey, and no Trey Miguel.

Who attacked Eddie Edwards on IMPACT Wrestling last week?

What is Ken Shamrock doing here?
What is Ken Shamrock doing here?

Eddie Edwards will challenge Eric Young for the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship on Saturday at IMPACT Wrestling Victory Road. However, tonight, he was here to find out who attacked him last week.


Edwards said he knew for a fact that it was Eric Young. When he called Young out, he was interrupted by Sami Callihan. The Draw appeared on the stage, sitting in a chair. Edwards said he should've known it was Callihan, but the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion denied it.

Callihan then revealed Edwards' attacker, and it was none other than the future IMPACT Wrestling Hall of Famer, Ken Shamrock. Callihan and Shamrock had teamed with one another throughout the summer, and it seems that they've developed a rather psychotic bond.


Shamrock attacked Edwards and trapped him in the Ankle Lock as Callihan gave his longtime rival the thumbs down.

Backstage, Eric Young said that he wouldn't be surprised if Eddie Edwards didn't show up at IMPACT Wrestling Victory Road. However, he knows Eddie would, and looked forward to dishing out some severe punishment. As far as Bound for Glory, he'll be putting Rich Swann down for good.

The North had a serious problem with Ace Austin and Madman Fulton
The North had a serious problem with Ace Austin and Madman Fulton

Kylie Rae met Susie backstage to give her a special gift for her upcoming IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts title opportunity at IMPACT Wrestling Victory Road. Susie was afraid that Kylie would be upset at her getting an opportunity against Deonna Purrazzo before her, but Kylie was just excited to see her best friend get her shot at the belt.


Of course, Kylie is unaware of Susie's past as Su Yung and doesn't know that her mild-mannered friend was once the most sadistic wrestler in IMPACT Wrestling history.


She gave a pair of kick pads to Susie, believing that they would make a huge difference in the match this Saturday. As she left, she said "Your time has come" which seemingly set off Susie, who nearly slipped into Su Yung before we cut away.

The North vs Ace Austin & Madman Fulton on IMPACT Wrestling

Madman Fulton took on Ethan Page in the opener of the IMPACT Wrestling main event. All-Ego tried to bring Fulton down with a sleeper, but was sent into the turnbuckle with snake eyes.


Josh Alexander and Ethan Page managed to catch Fulton on the floor, battering him and setting up for some tandem offense inside. That didn't exactly go to plan, though, as Fulton sent Page to the floor with a shoulder block and drove Alexander into the middle of the mat with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam.

Ace Austin tagged in, leading to a deadlift pumphandle drop/springboard legdrop combo on the Walking Weapon. Alexander struggled to get out of his opponnet's corner. He struggled to escape Fulton's grasp, and was again battered down by Austin. However, as Austin set up for a springboard maneuver in The North's corner, Page held Austin in place.


The former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions planted him with the Murder-Go-Round, but Page failed to follow up with the dive into Fulton, as the monster terrified him. Page tried to keep Ace Austin out of his corner, leading to a picture-perfect standing dropkick that hit Page right on the jaw. Josh Alexander and Madman Fulton tagged in, with both teams heavys going to blows.


Fulton launched Alexander upwards for a pop-up palm strike. Alexander responded with a German suplex, a roaring elbow, and a Finlay Roll. Ethan Page and Ace Austin were back in soon, and a double springboard leg drop to a bent over Page nearly got the win.

Alexander broke up the pin but felt the wrath of Madman Fulton. Austin then stood on top of Fulton's shoulders for a big body splash. The North responded, launching Austin into Fulton before sending him to the floor. Fulton tried to get back up on the apron, but Page launched Alexander into his knee.


The North finished off Ace Austin with The Northern Assault.


Results: The North defeated Ace Austin & Madman Fulton via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A+

After the match, The Good Brothers and The North met in the middle of the ring. Fulton and Austin teamed up with The North to take out Karl Anderson and The Big LG. The IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions rushed the ring, and the Motor City Machine Guns joined The Good Brothers in the war.

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Edited by Nishant Jayaram
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