The Deaners (Cody Deaner & Cousin Jake) vs Halal Beefcake (Joel Coleman & Idris Abraham)
Jake started off with the Sultan of Shawarma, Idris Abraham. Idris attempted to rock Jake with a few shots to the jaw. Jake was unfazed and sent him into the corner. Coleman tagged in but was dropped with a body slam from Jake. Jake slammed Cody on top of him. Cody tagged Jake back in and Coleman was dropped on Cody's knee for a gutbuster.
The Deaners had Coleman on the ropes for a while, but a stun gun to Cody left him gasping for air. Coleman tagged in Beefcake, and the two set their feet up on Cody's back, putting out a set of pushups. He was launched into the corner but came back out with a double clothesline.
Jake tagged back in and Coleman was launched outside. Jake and Cody then planted Idris with an assisted Hellivator slam.
Results: The Deaners defeated Halal Beefcake via pinfall.