IMPACT Wrestling presented Sacrifice tonight on the IMPACT Plus and Fite apps. Every single championship was on the line tonight, including a unification match for the TNA and IMPACT Wrestling World Championships. Moose and Rich Swann delivered a phenomenal main event.
Deonna Purrazzo faced ODB in a title bout, looking to strengthen her legacy with a defense over a living legend. NJPW's FinJuice aimed to take the IMPACT Wrestling tag team titles back to Japan. Ace Austin faced off against TJP with the goal of becoming a two-time IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion.
The IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts tag titles were also on the line, as Fire 'N Flava faced off against the challengers Jordynne Grace and the legendary Jazz. All that and much more on this action-packed event. We kicked things off with Decay and Reno Scum.
Decay vs. Reno Scum on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice
Black Taurus was the clear problem for Reno Scum here. Whenever Crazzy Steve entered the ring, Adam Thornstowe and Luster the Legend were able to take over. However, the new powerhouse of IMPACT Wrestling's Decay was incredibly dominant. That was, until Luster distracted the behemoth, allowing Thornstowe to bring him down for a double-foot stomp.
Eventually, Taurus was able to break away from Thornstowe, finally tagging in IMPACT Wrestling's crazed clown, Crazzy Steve, who managed to take on both Thornstowe and Luster on his own.
Steve avoided a big knee from Thornstowe, sending him into Luster. On the floor, Steve dove onto Luster, who caught him. Rosemary blinded him with some mist as the referee was focused on the action in the ring.
Taurus dropped Thornstowe with the Taurus Driver for the win.
Results: Decay defeated Reno Scum via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: B-
Decay are a force to be reckoned with, especially with a new bruiser in Black Taurus. How long will it be until they begin looking toward the IMPACT Wrestling tag team titles?

Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K vs. Havok and Nevaeh on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice
Nevaeh locked up with Tenille Dashwood in this IMPACT Wrestling mixed-tag team match. Dashwood tagged out to Kaleb, who dropped Nevaeh with a big slam. Nevaeh avoided the elbow drop and tagged out to Havok, who immediately went to work on him.
An STO backbreaker/seated clothesline combo from the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion nearly broke the man in half. Havok and Nevaeh then squashed him in the corner with a series of body splashes, giving Nevaeh a two-count.
Kaleb managed to yank Nevaeh down by her hair, managing to finally get out of harm's way by tagging in Dashwood. Nevaeh was cut off from her partner for a while at this point, with Dashwood and Kaleb tagging in and out and wearing her down.
Nevaeh eventually made it back to her corner after laying out Kaleb, tagging in a fresh and furious Havok. IMPACT Wrestling's Kaiju Queen laid waste to her opponents, then set Nevaeh up for the backbreaker/running clothesline combination on Dashwood. Kaleb broke up the pin and distracted the referee, allowing Tenille Dashwood to steal a pin from Nevaeh.
Results: Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K defeated Havok and Nevaeh via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: B-
Backstage, Rich Swann got a pep talk from his friend and former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Eddie Edwards. As the current champion walked into a title unification match with Moose tonight, he looked to keep his head in the game to hopefully face Kenny Omega in a month's time.
Violent By Design w/Eric Young vs. Beer Guns w/Jake Something on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice
Deaner kicked things off with multi-time IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion Chris Sabin. The "cured" Deaner worked over Sabin's arm for a bit but was caught with a series of arm drags, sending him to his corner to speak to Eric Young.
Joe Doering tagged in and easily sent Sabin into his own corner. Sabin went at the knees of the big man, hoping to chop him down and set up for a sunset flip. Doering's base wasn't weak enough, forcing Sabin to tag out to James Storm.
IMPACT Wrestling's Cowboy and Sabin were leveled by a double clothesline from Doering, who sent Deaner in. Storm eventually recovered from those heavy shots from Doering, taking Deaner over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Sabin moved in, keeping Deaner away from his hoss-like partner.
Storm and Sabin took turns firing up on Deaner, but when Storm was near the ropes, he got caught with another big clothesline from Doering. He tagged back in for a lariat/elbow drop combination. Violent By Design cut the ring off, keeping the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion away from Sabin.
Deaner sent Storm to the floor, but was dragged out by The Cowboy. Storm rushed in to tag out to Sabin, who rocked Deaner with a series of strikes while also knocking Doering off the apron with a dropkick to the knee. Deaner struggled to keep up with Sabin, who caught him with a great missile dropkick.
We got some great Beer Guns tandem offense as Sabin and Storm teamed up to take Doering out once again. The fisherman buster from Sabin set Storm up for a diving elbow drop. Deaner kicked out, and was finally saved by Doering.
Doering cut Sabin in half with the running cross-body, setting Deaner up for his diving headbutt. It wasn't enough to put Sabin away. After Deaner sent Sabin into the ref, Young ran in for the piledriver. Jake Deaner nearly decleated him with a clothesline to attempt to save the match-up.
Joe Doering eliminated James Storm, and Young managed to drop Jake with a neckbreaker. In a three-on-one situation, it wasn't looking good for Sabin. However, Rhino ran in for the save.
At least, that's what it looked like. The IMPACT Wrestling legend cut Sabin in half with the Gore, giving Deaner the victory.
Results: Violent By Design defeated The Beer Guns via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: A-
With Rhino joining Violent By Design, IMPACT Wrestling's locker room has been put on notice.

Holds Harmless Match: Brian Myers vs. Eddie Edwards on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice
The multi-time IMPACT Wrestling Champion looked to tear apart Brian Myers tonight. Eddie Edwards went right after the eyepatch, looking to gouge the eye out. Myers escaped to the floor, but a slingshot cross body took him down.
A suicide dive sent Myers up the ramp and almost into the IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice set. However, Myers turned things around when he sent Edwards into the steel steps, knocking the top set over. He drove Edwards' arm into it, looking to create a weakness in the armor. A trash can lid battered Edwards, and after several shots it looked like he may have been concussed.
A jawbreaker seemingly set Edwards up to build some steam, but Myers caught him running in for a slam on the lid. Edwards managed to catch Myers climbing up to the top of the rope, bringing him down on a pile of chairs and other weapons.
A blue thunder bomb planted Myers, only giving The Heart of IMPACT Wrestling a two-count. At that point, Eddie decided to bring in something more violent. He pulled out a table and cracked a wicked grin. However, Hernandez came in to make the save for Bad Mood Brian. Before he could throw Eddie through the table with the Border Toss, Matt Cardona ran on and broke it up.
Cardona took care of Hernandez while Edwards grabbed his kendo stick, known to long-time fans as Kenny. Myers crawled under the IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice ring curtain, and baited Edwards in to yank him throat first into the apron. A flatliner on the ramp left Edwards dazed, and Myers left him on the table.
Myers climbed to the top, but was rocked by the kendo stick. Edwards then took Myers through the table with the Backpack Stunner. However, Eddie took too long to get off the floor, and when he brought Myers in he was rocked with a superkick.
Edwards woke up and stopped Myers from loading his arm, using the device to load his knee instead for the Boston Knee Party.
Results: Eddie Edwards defeated Brian Myers via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: A

IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match: Jordynne Grace and Jazz vs. Fire 'N Flava (c)
Former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace ran right through the tag champion Kiera Hogan, forcing her to tag out immediately. Next up was Tasha Steelz wrapping up with the legendary Jazz.
A headbutt to the gut and a tilt-a-whirl dazed Jazz. However, Jazz was able to turn things around with a sit-out powerslam. Grace tagged back in, pelting Steelz with a series of elbow drops, focusing on her back.
Steelz drew Grace in, playing possum to the point that the ref had to check on her. A pop-up codebreaker dropped Grace, giving Steelz the opportunity to tag out. The IMPACT Wrestling Knockout Tag Champions ran in and out, chipping away at Grace. However, Grace was able to lift Steelz up and drive her into her corner where Jazz was waiting.
Jazz rocked Steelz with her punching combination, but a distraction from Kiera Hogan gave Steelz the chance for the cutter. Jazz kicked out. Tasha Steelz attempted to trade shots with Jazz, which was a major mistake. Jazz won that trade and tagged out to Grace just as Steelz made it to Kiera Hogan.
Grace hit the running double knees and running hip attack in the corner, following up with the second-ropes splash. Before she could secure the pin, Tasha Steelz dropped from on high with a frog splash.
Hogan stunned IMPACT Wrestling's Thick Mama Pump with a boot, but was driven into the mat with a double stomp. With the ref not paying attention, Steelz was again able to run interference. A double stomp/neckbreaker combo from Fire 'N Flava would've won the match, but Grace made it to the ropes. A wheelbarrow facebuster spiked Hogan's face into the mat, but she was able to kick out.
Grace lifted Hogan up for a powerbomb for Jazz. Hogan kicked out but was trapped in the STF. Jazz saw Steelz running in and broke the hold, sending Steelz onto her own partner. Grace moved back in and set Hogan up for the Muscle Buster. Hogan broke away and rocked Grace with a roundhouse.
Steelz hit the Crucifix Bomb, and Hogan finished the job with the swinging fisherman's neckbreaker to retain the IMPACT Wrestling Knockout tag team titles.
Results: Fire 'N Flava defeated Jordynne Grace and Jazz via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: A

IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship: Ace Austin w/Madman Fulton vs. TJP
The IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion focused on Ace Austin while also keeping his eye on the behemoth stalking the ring. Austin took TJP down with a side headlock, but it was quickly turned into a standing octopus stretch. Austin made it to the ropes and spoke to his partner at ringside before locking up with TJP again.
TJP sent Austin to the floor, but the dive didn't hit the intended target as Madman Fulton pushed Austin out of the way. Austin caught TJP with the Fosbury Flop, and landed on his feet thanks to Fulton. Ace Austin rocked TJP with a boot in the ropes, and a double springboard roundhouse nearly left the champion down for the count.
IMPACT Wrestling's Inevitable One slowed things down, locking TJP in a dragon sleeper. TJP broke out, and caught Austin with a springboard DDT. Austin fell to the floor, where a triangle dropkick knocked a few screws loose. Back in the ring, a big cross body and a pair of running boots left Austin in a world of trouble. A tornado DDT spiked him for a near fall.
TJP was caught with a rolling kick in the corner, allowing Austin to hit his springboard fameasser. TJP, somehow, kicked out of that. Ace set up for The Fold, but TJP fell on his face. The referee claimed that TJ could continue.
Austin could've gone for the pin, but wanted to make statement. That allowed the multi-time IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion to lock in the TJP Clutch. Austin was locked in it for quite a while, but was able to get to the ropes before tapping. TJP rocked him with a series of kicks and set up for the Detonation Kick. Ace countered, but was again caught in the TJP Clutch.
The former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion broke away but was slammed with a back suplex. TJP went up or the Mamba Splash, only for Austin to rock him with a rolling wheel kick.
The double stomp facebuster and The Fold dropped TJP for the win, giving Ace his second reign as the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion.
Results: Ace Austin defeated TJP via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: A+
Ace Austin is back on top in IMPACT Wrestling. What's next for Austin and Madman Fulton?
IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Championship: ODB vs. Deonna Purrazzo (c) w/Kimber Lee and Susan
The IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion took ODB to the corner but was shoved almost across the ring by her challenger. ODB ran in, getting caught with a drop toe hold, and Deonna Purrazzo nearly locked in the Fujiwara Armbar.
ODB broke away and set up for Bam. Though Purrazzo escaped, she was tossed across the ring with the fallaway slam. As Purrazzo escaped to the floor, Susan distracted the referee. Kimber Lee caught ODB with a roundhouse kick to the face, but she was seen by the referee. Instead of disqualifying Purrazzo outright, he sent Lee and Susan to the back.
In the ring, a running knee and side Russian leg sweep dropped ODB for the Fujiwara Armbar. ODB was stuck in the middle of the mat, and the four-time IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion was in a rough way. She broke away, and chased Purrazzo up the turnbuckle.
Purrazzo caught a right, bringing ODB halfway over the ropes with an armbar. Still, ODB was able to sling The Virtuosa of IMPACT Wrestling off the top across the way. ODB built up steam, running through the champ with some big shoulder blocks. A running powerslam planted Purrazzo for a close call.
ODB moved up for the Dirty Dozen, but Purrazzo countered for the Fujiwara Armbar. She managed to trap ODB in the Venus Demilo, and forced the legend to tap almost instantly.
Results: Deonna Purrazzo defeated ODB via submission on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: B

IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship Match: FinJuice vs. The Good Brothers (c)
IMPACT Wrestling's Karl Anderson squared off with NJPW's David Finlay in the opening of this title bout. FinJuice took Anderson down with some quick tandem offense, but Anderson quickly drove Juice Robinson into The Good Brothers' corner.
The Big LG battered Robinson with some big punches to the body and a heavy clothesline that almost knocked the challenger out right then and there. The Machine Gun moved in, slowing things down and wearing down his opponent. He couldn't prevent the tag, though, allowing FinJuice to drop Anderson with a Russian leg sweep/running dropkick combination.
David Finlay moved up top but was yanked off the turnbuckle, sending Finlay's head into the top of it. The IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions took advantage of the seriously dazed Finlay. Doc Gallows tagged in for a series of elbow drops, leaving Finlay beaten and broken in the middle of the ring.
Finlay seemingly gave himself some breathing room when Anderson tagged in, and nearly got to Juice Robinson. Gallows tagged back in and hit Finlay with those titanic right hands. More elbows to the chest and a knee to the gut left Finlay almost out on his feet.
Anderson tagged in, but couldn't stop Finlay from getting to his partner. The IMPACT Wrestling Tag Champs were in serious trouble as a fresh Juice Robinson laid out both of The Good Brothers. Anderson ducked a series of haymakers, but was planted with a full nelson slam.
Robinson ran in for the cannonball, but Anderson rolled away just in time. Doc Gallows moved in for the kill. A nasty roundhouse laid out Robinson, but he kicked out. Anderson sent Finlay off the apron, and The Good Brothers dropped Juice with the backdrop/neckbreaker combo. Finlay broke it up, and was sent to the floor.
The Magic Killer was set up, only for Finlay to make the save once again. A roundhouse sent him to the floor, but The Big LG was rocked by Robinson. As Juice Robinson went for the kill, he was planted with a perfect spinebuster from Anderson. He nearly had the IMPACT Wrestling tag team titles secured, but Robinson kicked out.
A haymaker left Anderson down, allowing Finlay to tag in. The backbreaker/elbow drop earned a two-count for FinJuice. After dumping Gallows to the floor again, FinJuice took Anderson out with the Doomsday Device.
Results: FinJuice defeated The Good Brothers via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: A
A New Japan team is now holding the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championships. What does that mean for the tag division? What does that mean for IMPACT Wrestling?

IMPACT Wrestling and TNA World title Unification Match: Moose (c) vs. Rich Swann (c)
The IMPACT Wrestling World Champion rushed Moose with a running dropkick, and caught Moose running in with a series of kicks. Moose set up for Go To Hell, but Rich Swann was able to escape.
Mr. IMPACT Wrestling set up for a powerslam, but again failed to get a hold of Rich Swann. On the floor, Moose caught Swann's cannonball senton, attempting to slam him into the apron and ring post. Swann avoided his grasp again, sending him into three ring posts.
Moose finally got some offense in after hot-shotting Swann onto the top rope. Swann was driven chest first into the top turnbuckle, sending the champ to the floor. Swann responded with a few basement dropkicks to the TNA World Champion. However, a third one was turned into a vicious back body drop that forced Swann into a 450 before landing on his face.
Moose cranked the neck of the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion, wearing him down. Swann eventually broke away but was spiked right on his neck with a uranage slam. Moose forced a chair into the corner, but the referee wouldn't allow him to toss Swann into it. Instead, a fallaway slam sent Swann to the floor.
In the ring, Swann was trapped in an abdominal stretch, but broke away by snapping and biting the fingers of Moose. Mr. IMPACT Wrestling responded with a military press gutbuster. Moose moved to the top, but somehow Swann was able to get up in time to send him crashing to the mat with a hurricanrana.
The two world champions traded strikes. A nasty series of kicks left Moose out on his feet. Moose booted Swann out of his handspring cutter. However, as Moose went for the step-up diving crossbody, he was caught by Swann's cutter. Somehow, some way, Moose kicked out at one. The Phoenix Splash connected, and Moose still kicked out.
The IMPACT Wrestling World Champion blocked a superplex at the top, elbowing, headbutting, and biting the head of Moose. Eventually, Moose crashed onto the mat, leaving Swann at the top. Moose quickly shot to his feet and hit a fallaway moonsault slam off the top rope. Swann kicked out, leading Moose to go to the floor, throwing a temper tantrum.
Swann bounced from corner to corner, forcing Moose to drive himself into the ring posts. He eventually found himself bouncing off the steel chair in the corner. Swann managed to roll up Moose for the victory, unifying both the IMPACT Wrestling and TNA World Championships.
Results: Rich Swann defeated Moose via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: A+
Rich Swann's work was not done, though. On April 24th, Rich Swann will defend his Unified IMPACT Wrestling World Championship against the AEW World Champion Kenny Omega.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.