Violent By Design w/Eric Young vs. Beer Guns w/Jake Something on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice
Deaner kicked things off with multi-time IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion Chris Sabin. The "cured" Deaner worked over Sabin's arm for a bit but was caught with a series of arm drags, sending him to his corner to speak to Eric Young.
Joe Doering tagged in and easily sent Sabin into his own corner. Sabin went at the knees of the big man, hoping to chop him down and set up for a sunset flip. Doering's base wasn't weak enough, forcing Sabin to tag out to James Storm.
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IMPACT Wrestling's Cowboy and Sabin were leveled by a double clothesline from Doering, who sent Deaner in. Storm eventually recovered from those heavy shots from Doering, taking Deaner over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Sabin moved in, keeping Deaner away from his hoss-like partner.
Storm and Sabin took turns firing up on Deaner, but when Storm was near the ropes, he got caught with another big clothesline from Doering. He tagged back in for a lariat/elbow drop combination. Violent By Design cut the ring off, keeping the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion away from Sabin.
Deaner sent Storm to the floor, but was dragged out by The Cowboy. Storm rushed in to tag out to Sabin, who rocked Deaner with a series of strikes while also knocking Doering off the apron with a dropkick to the knee. Deaner struggled to keep up with Sabin, who caught him with a great missile dropkick.
We got some great Beer Guns tandem offense as Sabin and Storm teamed up to take Doering out once again. The fisherman buster from Sabin set Storm up for a diving elbow drop. Deaner kicked out, and was finally saved by Doering.
Doering cut Sabin in half with the running cross-body, setting Deaner up for his diving headbutt. It wasn't enough to put Sabin away. After Deaner sent Sabin into the ref, Young ran in for the piledriver. Jake Deaner nearly decleated him with a clothesline to attempt to save the match-up.
Joe Doering eliminated James Storm, and Young managed to drop Jake with a neckbreaker. In a three-on-one situation, it wasn't looking good for Sabin. However, Rhino ran in for the save.
At least, that's what it looked like. The IMPACT Wrestling legend cut Sabin in half with the Gore, giving Deaner the victory.
Results: Violent By Design defeated The Beer Guns via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: A-
With Rhino joining Violent By Design, IMPACT Wrestling's locker room has been put on notice.