IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Championship: ODB vs. Deonna Purrazzo (c) w/Kimber Lee and Susan
The IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion took ODB to the corner but was shoved almost across the ring by her challenger. ODB ran in, getting caught with a drop toe hold, and Deonna Purrazzo nearly locked in the Fujiwara Armbar.
ODB broke away and set up for Bam. Though Purrazzo escaped, she was tossed across the ring with the fallaway slam. As Purrazzo escaped to the floor, Susan distracted the referee. Kimber Lee caught ODB with a roundhouse kick to the face, but she was seen by the referee. Instead of disqualifying Purrazzo outright, he sent Lee and Susan to the back.
In the ring, a running knee and side Russian leg sweep dropped ODB for the Fujiwara Armbar. ODB was stuck in the middle of the mat, and the four-time IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion was in a rough way. She broke away, and chased Purrazzo up the turnbuckle.
Purrazzo caught a right, bringing ODB halfway over the ropes with an armbar. Still, ODB was able to sling The Virtuosa of IMPACT Wrestling off the top across the way. ODB built up steam, running through the champ with some big shoulder blocks. A running powerslam planted Purrazzo for a close call.
ODB moved up for the Dirty Dozen, but Purrazzo countered for the Fujiwara Armbar. She managed to trap ODB in the Venus Demilo, and forced the legend to tap almost instantly.
Results: Deonna Purrazzo defeated ODB via submission on IMPACT Wrestling Sacrifice.
Grade: B