Tonight, Impact Wrestling delivered the seventeenth Slammiversary event in the company's history. The Impact World Champion, Brian Cage, would defend his belt for the first time against the Unbreakable Michael Elgin. Elgin sent Cage to the hospital the night Cage captured the gold and has since been on a rampage, running through the likes of Willie Mack and Rich Swann.
Speaking of Swann, his incredible X-Division Title reign was in jeopardy tonight, as he faced former world champion Johnny Impact. With John E. Bravo at his side, the Mayor of Slamtown hoped to ruin Swann's night and leave with his wife as two of Impact Wrestling's top champions.
The Knockouts Championship was also on the line tonight, as Taya Valkyrie would defend her precious belt against Rosemary, Su Yung, and Havok, four former champions, in the return of the Monster's Ball. Su Yung and Havok, according to James Mitchell, were working towards the same goal; making Havok champion. But as we've seen, their personalities haven't meshed well, and we may see them turn on each other tonight.
LAX lost the Impact Tag Team Titles to the North during a special broadcast on Impact+, Bash at the Brewery. The Rascalz were set to challenge Santana and Ortiz tonight as the #1 contenders, and after that change, their match was in jeopardy. However, LAX and Dez & Wentz would get their shots at Slammiversary, taking on Ethan Page & Josh Alexander in a three-way match.
All that and much more tonight on Slammiversary XVII!
#1. X-Division Open Challenge: TJP vs Trey Miguel vs Jake Crist vs Willie Mack
Crist shoved the faces of all three men, leading to a double superkick from TPJ and Trey. TJP stunned Mack with a kick and tossed Trey aside with a head scissors. Mack and TJP then went after Trey, who managed to fight them off, sending Mack outside with a head scissors and flipping TJP across the ring with a springboard armdrag.
Mack rolled back inside, slapping Trey across the face, sending him to the ground. TJP rushed in but was met by a Samoan drop and a standing moonsault. TJP kicked out, and Jake Crist jumped Mack. With Mack and Trey on the outside, Crist took advantage of the situation, going after TJP, who was still recovering.
Crist bullied TJP in the corner, but the former X-Division Champion trapped him in an Indian Death Lock. While he fought Crist, Mack and Trey came inside the ring. TJP brought Mack in for a DDT, and was dropped by a neckbreaker from Trey.
Trey avoided a tornado DDT spot, but was caught in an octopus stretch by TJP, who also held Crist. Mack rocked TJP with the elbow to the back of the head, and after Perkins was knocked to the outside, Mack dove onto him. Crist followed up with a suicide dive on Mack.
Trey leapt onto all three men off the second rope with a corkscrew splash. He rolled TJP inside, but Mack got himself up to the top of the turnbuckle. Trey and Jake TJP tried to stop him, leading to a Tower of Doom. Trey backflipped to avoid the powerbomb from TJP while Mack knocked Crist onto the top rope.
TJP trapped Trey in the Romero Special, and Crist covered him for the pin. But a leaping double foot stomp from Mack broke up the spot, crashing onto all three men. TJP avoided a powerbomb from Mack only to be turned inside out with a shoulder tackle. Trey took out Mack with a dropkick to the back of the head.
Jake Crist caught Trey coming into the corner, launching him into the turnbuckle with a powerslam. Trey kicked out, and Jake went to work on TJP, rocking him with a spinning back kick. He then spiked Mack on his head with the Death Valley Driver, but TJP managed to break up the pinfall.
Crist and TJP traded elbows, leading to a kicking combination and a back suplex from the former Manik. Locking in the TJP Clutch, he had Crist trapped in the middle of the ring. Trey broke it up with the diving Meteora, landing on TJP's face.
Crist followed him up as he went to the top yet again, dropping him with a super cutter. Before he could go for the pin, Mack dropped from the heavens with the frog splash for the victory.
Result: Willie Mack defeated Jake Crist via pinfall

Melissa Santos interviewed the North backstage. Santos said that the world was surprised that Page & Alexander won the titles on Friday. Page said that no one should've been surprised, as they've been saying from day one that they were the greatest tag team on the roster. Tonight, when all is said and done, they'll still be the champions.
#2. Impact Tag Team Championship Match: The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz) vs. LAX w/Konnan vs. The North (c)
LAX sent the North to the outside, leaving themselves in the ring with the Rascalz. The former champions launched them across the ring, sending them diving onto the North with a pair of suicide dives. Back inside, Santana avoided an enziguri from Dez, hitting Wentz instead. LAX planted Dez with the double powerslam.
Wentz tried to take on LAX, but in a two-on-1 situation was outclassed. A cutter dropped Dez back to the mat, and the North rushed the ring, using Wentz as a weapon to take down Dez while Page dropped Ortiz with a shoulder tackle. Santana, Ortiz, and Dez were kept on the apron by Page while Alexander wrenched the ankle of Wentz.
Wentz managed to send Alexander into Page, with Dez following up with a massive kick. Wentz was launched into Page by Dez, wiping him out, then setting their eyes on Alexander. A series of kicks to the head nearly gave them the victory, but Alexander managed to break out of the pin.
The Rascalz chased Page up top. Alexander sent Dez down, where Ortiz laid him out. LAX then spiked Alexander with a modified facebuster. Before they could make the pin, Wentz was launched onto them from up high by Page.
The North found themselves up top with Dez again, with Alexander leaping off with a moonsault powerslam. Page followed up with a senton bomb, and Alexander held LAX back. Dez kicked out regardless.
LAX dropped Alexander and took their anger out on Page, as Ortiz elevated himself off the back of Santana with a running cannonball splash. Alexander tried to rush them, but was dropped by a double spin out facebuster.
Ortiz planted Page with a powerbomb while Page knocked Santana off the top rope. Konnan screamed for some medical attention, throwing up the X. Ortiz was left on his own to fend off the reigning champions. They dropped the former champ on his face with the double Neutralizer. Wentz broke up the pin and chopped the chests of both Page and Alexander. As they finally set up to retaliate, Dez leapt over the ropes with a senton.
Dez and Wentz hit the White Hot Fire on Ortiz, but as Dez tried to hold Page back, he was dropped on top of Wentz with a powerbomb. The North then rolled him up for the win.
Result: The North defeated the Rascalz via pinfall
Alexander and Page celebrated as Konnan and several backstage officials checked on Santana. Ortiz, Dez and Wentz assisted him to the back as we cut away to a promo from Sami Callihan.
Callihan said that tonight, she's doing what most people want. He's going to treat Tessa Blanchard like his equal, and that means carnage and blood for her. Yet, now he's seen as the bad guy. Tonight, they would be making history, and he would be walking out with his arm raised.

#3. First Blood Match: Killer Kross vs. Eddie Edwards
Edwards started the bout with Kenny, striking Kross across the sternum. A suicide dive to the outside sent Kross into the barricade. Impact's resident Hardcore Hero then pelted Kross with chops before picking up a steel chair. As Edwards pandered to the crowd, Kross recovered, rushing Edwards and spiking him on the apron with a double-handed choke bomb.
Inside the ring, Kross stalked Edwards, but the former world champion tossed him overhead with a belly to belly suplex. Kross responded with a suplex of his own. Edwards took him outside and set up for another suicide dive, but Kross tossed a chair into his head, leaving him dangling in the ropes.
From the apron, a gut wrench suplex drove Edwards onto a pile of chairs, leaving him struggling to move as Kross picked up another chair. He went for two shots on Edwards, only to ricochet off the steel barricade and ring post. Edwards picked up a chair of his own, launching it into Kross's head and forcing him to roll inside, hiding his face from the referee.
Luckily for Kross, he wasn't busted open and caught another chair from Edwards. Edwards let go and brought him down with a Blue Thunder Bomb. A series of mounted punches left Kross dazed, but he fought Edwards away as he got back to his feet, connecting with a boot and roundhouse kick. Edwards was launched into the turnbuckle, landing on his neck.
Edwards strained, trying to get to Kenny. Kross tossed it outside after watching him crawl towards it for a few seconds. Placing Edwards on the top rope, he tried to drive Edwards into the ramp with a back suplex. Edwards broke away following a few palm strikes and an enziguri.
Edwards knocked Kross onto the ropes, crotching him, following up with a Boston Knee Party. He then circled the ring until he found Kenny, rolling in and hoping to make Kross finally bleed. Kross ducked, going for the Kross Jacket. Edwards smacked him overhead twice, but Kross held on. The two fell to the outside, where Edwards avoided another Kross Jacket for a tiger driver on the mat outside.
Another pair of Boston Knee Parties on the inside left Kross nearly unconscious. The referee checked but saw Kross was still clean. Edwards picked up Kenny, snapping it across his knee and stabbing at his forehead and mouth with the splintered bits of the kendo stick. Kross's mouth was sliced open, leading to the end of the match.
Result: Eddie Edwards defeated Killer Kross
Backstage, Tessa Blanchard was met by an interviewer, asking about her main event match with Sami Callihan. She shoved him against the wall before walking away.

Backstage with Melissa Santos, Rob Van Dam discussed the mind of Moose. He said that Moose has had his eyes on him since RVD returned earlier this year, and he knows where the money is, setting up a match with a legend. However, there are consequences to all actions, and he'll face his tonight at Slammiversary.
#4. Moose vs. Rob Van Dam
Moose laid out RVD with a shoulder block. Van Dam took him down to the mat and attempted a Rolling Thunder. Moose rolled to the outside, but couldn't escape RVD's springboard senton.
Moose shook off the cobwebs while Van Dam was interacting with the crowd, landing a bicycle kick on the Hardcore Icon. He managed to counter a powerbomb into a hurricanrana, though and leapt off the apron with another rolling senton.
Inside the ring, Moose was placed in the corner where he was met by a series of shoulder thrusts and a rolling roundhouse to the head. As he ran across the ring, Moose followed up with a running boot and a delayed dropkick. RVD was tossed outside after a suplex, with Moose looking for the count-out victory.
Van Dam made it back inside, only to face the power of Moose, launching him hard into the turnbuckle, damaging his back. Moose used RVD's taunt, much to the chagrin of the Impact crowd. A rear chin lock took Mr. Friday Nights to the ground. As he got back to his feet, Moose planted another bicycle kick on his jaw. Some more taunting from him allowed RVD to shake off the daze he was in, sending him spine first onto the ramp outside.
Moose came back in to retaliate but was dropped by a pair of clotheslines. Moose caught him with a poke to the eye, only to be met by a leaping back kick to the face. A split-legged moonsault earned Van Dam a two-count.
Van Dam went up top, where he was followed by Moose with a standing dropkick. The Go To Hell planted him square in the middle of the ring, but he managed to kick out regardless. The two men traded punches, with Moose avoiding a kick for a DDT. After a nip-up, he went up top for the Five Star Frog Splash. Van Dam rolled away, seeing Moose crash into the ground. A spinning back kick to the gut from him set up for a DDT.
The referee checked on Moose. As RVD came over to continue his assault, he was hit by a low blow through the ref. Moose rolled outside and grabbed a chair. The ref stopped him, allowing Van Dam to get back to his feet and hit the Van Daminator. Moose was able to get his leg across the rope before the pinfall.
A drop toe hold to the chair allowed Van Dam to go up for the Five Star Frog Splash. Moose rolled away, sending Van Dam into the chair. A spear from the big man sealed RVD's fate.
Result: Moose defeated Rob Van Dam via pinfall

Taya Valkyrie shoved Melissa Santos out of the screen, taking the mic and verbally running down Rosemary for not ridding her of Su Yung and Havok. Tonight, she'll have to defend her Knockouts Championship against all three women in a Monster's Ball match tonight. However, Wera Loca believes that she'll still leave with the gold tonight.
#5. Monster's Ball for the Knockouts Championship: Su Yung vs. Havok vs. Rosemary vs. Taya Valkyrie (c)
Yung went for her old rival Rosemary as Havok targeted the champion. Rosemary locked Yung in the Upside Down while Valkyrie stomped Havok out in the corner. A double knee strike from Valkyrie crushed Yung's skull into the turnbuckle. Rosemary, Yung, and Taya rolled outside for weaponry while Havok watched on. Yung grabbed a trash can full of weapons while Rosemary and Valkyrie grabbed chairs.
The Demon Assassin sent Havok to the outside with a trash can. Yung sent Rosemary out as well, leaving her inside with Valkyrie, who hit her with a pair of kicks before stapling her in the back several times. She then grabbed an 8x10 of herself, stapling it to Rosemary's face. A knee to the jaw sent her crawling to the outside.
Havok rolled in as Valkyrie was celebrating, taking her out with a backbreaker and setting her up in the tree of woe. She placed a chair under her, driving her skull first into the steel with an elbow drop, bending it. A pair of running boots in the corner left her on the verge of consciousness. Rosemary came in at this point, hitting Havok with a missile dropkick and taking her down with a steel pan.
Yung lept inside with the dog collar, latching both herself and Rosemary together. Rosemary tried to send her into a chair that was set up in the corner. Yung countered, tossing her head first into it with a head scissors. Yung got the glove, looking to take out Rosemary with the Mandible Claw.
Valkyrie grabbed a ladder and took them both out, then sent Havok into it face first with a body scissors takedown. Havok was left on top of the ladder while Valkyrie set up for a dive. Rosemary stopped her, putting her in the tree of woe again. Rosemary then climbed up, and with Valkyrie launching Rosemary backwards, sent them crashing onto the ladder with a superplex. Havok barely managed to roll away in time.
As Valkyrie finally recovered, she turned into a spear from Rosemary. Rosemary then brought in a bag of thumb tacks, pouring them out in the corner. Valkyrie attempted the Road to Valhalla, but Rosemary blocked it. A German suplex however allowed Valkyrie to driver her into the tacks with a curb stomp.
Havok broke up the pin, and tossed Valkyrie outside. Yung tried to pin Rosemary, leading to Havok picking her up by the hair. Mitchell and Havok demanded answers from Yung, leading to her spitting the mist on the Sinister Minister. Havok bit through her Mandible Claw, but was taken down by a second attempt. Outside, Rosemary and Valkyrie were fighting on the apron where a table was set up.
A German suplex from Rosemary was blocked, and Valkyrie took her through the wood with a Side Effect. Yung locked the Mandible Claw in on Havok again. Havok made it to the top rope, and planted Yung with a Super Tombstone into the tacks. Before she could pick up the win, Valkyrie bashed her head in with a chair, pinning Yung to retain.
Result: Taya Valkyrie defeated Su Yung via pinfall

#6. X Division Championship Match: Johnny Impact w/John E. Bravo vs. Rich Swann (c)
Impact and Swann wrapped up in the middle of the ring, with Swann locking on a headlock. Impact sent him into the ropes and rolled outside, where he met with Bravo. He came inside but was forced to retreat once again after avoiding a standing double stomp.
Bravo polished Impact's abs as he got some air and Impact went in once again. With a distraction from Bravo, Impact picked Swann's leg, but the champion came back with an arm drag and a dropkick to the face. Bravo gathered all the thumbtacks around the ring, tossing them inside and forcing the ref to clean the ring. This allowed Impact to catch Swann with a cheap shot, and hung him up on the top rope, crotching him.
Swann was knocked to the outside with the Disaster Kick. Impact dropped him face-first onto the guard rail. He picked up the belt and climbed the apron. The referee demanded he drop the belt while Bravo kicked Swann in the face. A neckbreaker on the inside set Impact up for a side headlock on the champion.
Swann escaped, and caught Impact with an enziguri on the apron. This allowed him to connect with a rolling DDT, spiking Impact. The former world Champion chased Swann up to the second rope, attempting the Spanish Fly. Swann swept his legs, sending him back first onto the turnbuckle and following up with a spinning back kick-superkick combination. A rolling handspring corkscrew splash wasn't enough for the pinfall, as Impact kicked out.
On the outside, Impact was met by a corkscrew plancha from Swann. The X-Division Champion brought him inside, and hit a picture perfect elbow drop from the top rope. Impact kicked out and planted Swann with Johnny's Edge, but couldn't get the pinfall.
Impact set up for the Moonlight Drive. Swann escaped but was forced to chase Impact in the ropes. Impact shook him off, looking for the slingshot spear. Swann saw it coming, countering with an uppercut, leaving both men on the apron, opposite ends of the turnbuckle.
Impact looked for the Spanish Fly to the outside. Swann fought him off and both men knocked each other to the ground with a series of right hands. Bravo wiped the sweat from Impact's face. When the ref looked away, he slid Impact inside at the eight count. Swann beat the count at nine.
A straight right hand in the corner finally allowed Impact to hit, not one, but two Spanish Flies. One from the top rope, and another from a standing position. Swann still kicked out. The champ ran off the ropes, though he was tripped up by Bravo. Dodging a pair of clotheslines, he dove onto Bravo with a senton and avoided a dive from Impact. He chased Impact around the ring, meeting him back inside with a springboard cutter attempt.
The Disaster Kick, however, took out Swann. Starship Pain connected, and Swann still, somehow, found enough energy to kick out. A series of spinning back fists and kicks from Swann were followed up by a pair of handspring cutters. The Phoenix Splash put away Impact, with Swann retaining his X-Division Championship.
Result: Rich Swann defeated Johnny Impact via pinfall

#7. Impact World Championship Match: Michael Elgin vs. Brian Cage (c)
Elgin and Cage rushed each other, with the Machine getting the advantage early. A trio of boots stunned the champion, but he came back with a shoulder tackle, dropping the challenger to his back. Cage picked him up, and continued to tank the elbow strikes before driving Elgin into the corner with a series of shoulder tackles. Repeated close-distance clotheslines rocked Elgin.
A running back elbow, enziguri, and finally, a German suplex sent Elgin outside. Cage dove onto the Unbreakable One with a rolling senton over the ropes. The Impact World Champion set up for the F-5, but Elgin escaped. He dodged a discus clothesline, following up with a dragon suplex. In the corner, Cage was met with a series of running clotheslines and an enziguri at the top of the rope. A superplex took Cage all the way to the other side of the ring.
The champ kicked out, but it was clear his old spine injury was acting up following that move. Elgin hammered his back and drove him into the corner again. Cage was tossed across the ring, bouncing off the turnbuckle while grasping at his back. Elgin dragged him outside, forcing him into the steel barricade. A backbreaker onto the apron left Cage nearly unable to move.
Big Mike climbed the ropes, and after a delay attempted a twisting senton. Cage somehow managed to roll away, but his back was still hindering his movement. A boot from Cage was caught by Elgin, dropping him with another backbreaker. A kneeling Cage caught a boot to the face, hitting Elgin with a superkick and spiking him with a springboard tornado DDT. The Tiger Feint Kick set up for a spinning facebuster. Elgin kicked out.
In the corner, Elgin tried to send Cage away, but he pulled Elgin under the top turnbuckle for the package superkick. Following an electric chair facebuster, Elgin broke out at two. Cage tried for a powerbomb, but Elgin rolled through. He then managed to hit a deep-squat powerbomb, planting Cage spine first. Elgin picked him up, and the two men began trading big strikes. He blocked a discus lariat, levelling him with a running clothesline.
Michael Elgin hit the Elgin Bomb in the middle of the ring. The Machine refused to give up, managing to kick out just before three. A third powerbomb sent him into the corner, but he responded with a discus clothesline, turning Elgin inside out. They both made it to their feet at the same time, running into each other with clotheslines.
Elgin hit Cage with a series of elbows, but was caught with a superkick. A jumping high knee stunned Elgin, but he was able to connect with a superkick and high boot. Elgin set up for another Elgin Bomb. Cage countered, tossing him into the turnbuckle with a powerbomb. Cage's F-5 was turned into the Canadian Destroyer, but the Machine kicked out once again.
Big Mike attempted at Torture Rack. Cage slipped out, striking him with another knee and a powerbomb. The F-5 connected but Elgin kicked out. Cage's back went out as he set up for the Drill Claw, allowing Elgin to pick up the pieces. A superkick to the back and a lariat rocked him. A spinning back fist and a powerbomb into the corner set Elgin up for another Elgin Bomb. Cage countered, rolling him up for the win.
Result: Brian Cage defeated Michael Elgin via pinfall
Following the match, Elgin bashed Cage over the head with the Impact World Championship. He got in the face of Don Callis once again, and Callis said that he failed to get the three count. He patted Elgin on the shoulder, which sent him into a rage.
Inside the ring, Elgin set up for another Elgin Bomb. Before he could connect, a masked man speared Elgin, saving Don Callis. The crowd chanted Gore as the masked man rushed through the crowd.

#8. Sami Callihan vs. Tessa Blanchard
Blanchard and Callihan met each other step from step to the middle of the ring. Callihan tried to get into her head, but was shoved off and tossed on his back with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. A springboard dropkick to Callihan knocked him off the apron.
Blanchard launched herself into him with two suicide dives. A third dive saw Callihan catch her, slinging her headfirst into the steel barricade. A Death Valley Driver sent Blanchard crashing into the floor.
Callihan rolled inside, expecting a count-out victory. Blanchard beat it by seven and was driven into the apron on the other side of the ring with a powerbomb. Blanchard made the count at eight while Callihan insulted the crowd. He descended the ropes, strolling over to Blanchard and kicking her in the head. An elbow to the back revealed how damaged her spine was, but she responded with a running neckbreaker.
The Draw shook that off, crushing her with a boot as she ran off the ropes. He then stomped on her ankle, slowly torturing her while exclaiming, "This is what happens when a man wrestles a woman!" He then tossed her onto the ramp, demanding the fans to move. She tried to powerbomb her onto the floor, only for Blanchard to escape and drop him with a cutter.
Blanchard and Callihan crawled towards the ring, trying to beat the ten-count. They both made it just before ten. Meeting eye to eye as they rose back to their feet, Callihan demanded Blanchard hit him. She rocked him with two right hands and a series of elbow strikes. Callihan put an end to her flurry with a punch to the gut, but was brought down by a Samoan drop. Blanchard went up top, looking for Magnum. Callihan rushed the ropes, forcing her to leap off to avoid his attack.
A tilt-a-whirl DDT gave Blanchard the two-count. Callihan avoided the Buzzsaw DDT and dropped her with the Get Out of Here shoulder breaker. A knee and a powerbomb set him up for the win, but he turned the pinfall into an STF. Blanchard crawled to the ropes with Callihan holding her down. The former Knockouts Champion managed to reach the bottom rope, breaking the hold. Callihan brought her up top for a top rope piledriver.
Blanchard jumped down, kicking his legs out and leaving him on the ropes. A springboard DDT drove him onto the side of the ring, but he was still able to kick out of the pinfall. Back in the corner, Callihan demanded to be hit again. Blanchard pushed the ref off when he tried to drag her away, allowing Callihan to strike her with the Callihan Slugger. A second ref rushed the ring, but Blanchard broke out.
Callihan dropped that ref after he failed to make the count. Blanchard spat in Callihan's face, and when he went for another shot with the bat, she went in for the low blow. She picked up her own bat, hitting his gut. Blanchard then connected with Magnum. When Callihan kicked out, Blanchard locked in the crossface, rolling to the middle of the ring when he got near the ropes.
Callihan fought out, planting Blanchard with a package Tombstone Piledriver. Blanchard kicked out, with Callihan dumbfounded. Blanchard gave him the thumbs down in defiance. Callihan pulled her in, spiking her with the Cactus Driver.
Result: Sami Callihan defeated Tessa Blanchard via pinfall
Following the match, Callihan tossed the ref to the side and picked up both bats. He handed Blanchard's to her as a sign of respect, then left, allowing her to get to her feet as he walked up the ramp.
Also Read: Best and worst of Impact Wrestling Slammiversary- WWE legend returns, Major injury