#6. X Division Championship Match: Johnny Impact w/John E. Bravo vs. Rich Swann (c)
Impact and Swann wrapped up in the middle of the ring, with Swann locking on a headlock. Impact sent him into the ropes and rolled outside, where he met with Bravo. He came inside but was forced to retreat once again after avoiding a standing double stomp.
Bravo polished Impact's abs as he got some air and Impact went in once again. With a distraction from Bravo, Impact picked Swann's leg, but the champion came back with an arm drag and a dropkick to the face. Bravo gathered all the thumbtacks around the ring, tossing them inside and forcing the ref to clean the ring. This allowed Impact to catch Swann with a cheap shot, and hung him up on the top rope, crotching him.
Swann was knocked to the outside with the Disaster Kick. Impact dropped him face-first onto the guard rail. He picked up the belt and climbed the apron. The referee demanded he drop the belt while Bravo kicked Swann in the face. A neckbreaker on the inside set Impact up for a side headlock on the champion.
Swann escaped, and caught Impact with an enziguri on the apron. This allowed him to connect with a rolling DDT, spiking Impact. The former world Champion chased Swann up to the second rope, attempting the Spanish Fly. Swann swept his legs, sending him back first onto the turnbuckle and following up with a spinning back kick-superkick combination. A rolling handspring corkscrew splash wasn't enough for the pinfall, as Impact kicked out.
On the outside, Impact was met by a corkscrew plancha from Swann. The X-Division Champion brought him inside, and hit a picture perfect elbow drop from the top rope. Impact kicked out and planted Swann with Johnny's Edge, but couldn't get the pinfall.
Impact set up for the Moonlight Drive. Swann escaped but was forced to chase Impact in the ropes. Impact shook him off, looking for the slingshot spear. Swann saw it coming, countering with an uppercut, leaving both men on the apron, opposite ends of the turnbuckle.
Impact looked for the Spanish Fly to the outside. Swann fought him off and both men knocked each other to the ground with a series of right hands. Bravo wiped the sweat from Impact's face. When the ref looked away, he slid Impact inside at the eight count. Swann beat the count at nine.
A straight right hand in the corner finally allowed Impact to hit, not one, but two Spanish Flies. One from the top rope, and another from a standing position. Swann still kicked out. The champ ran off the ropes, though he was tripped up by Bravo. Dodging a pair of clotheslines, he dove onto Bravo with a senton and avoided a dive from Impact. He chased Impact around the ring, meeting him back inside with a springboard cutter attempt.
The Disaster Kick, however, took out Swann. Starship Pain connected, and Swann still, somehow, found enough energy to kick out. A series of spinning back fists and kicks from Swann were followed up by a pair of handspring cutters. The Phoenix Splash put away Impact, with Swann retaining his X-Division Championship.
Result: Rich Swann defeated Johnny Impact via pinfall