Do any of you remember a wrestler named Zack Ryder? Well, the wrestler in him died ages ago after he lost his United States Championship. For those of you who aren’t aware of this name, Zack Ryder is the guy who was in the karaoke contest with the Great Khali and guess what? He beat Khali.
How ridiculous can the WWE get? Ryder has been an internet sensation and has close to a million fans on twitter. How did he build this fan base? All by himself. Ryder’s persona is the main reason why he has such a big fan and his present status in WWE doesn’t in anyway relate to his talent.
It is a known fact that the WWE is now struggling to find useful feuds between wrestlers and the Intercontinental title in particular has no good wrestlers challenging it. Zack Ryder is a wrestler who fits extremely well in here. Wade Barrett, who is now being pitched against Bo Dallas, will find an equally impressive challenge in Zack Ryder who has done more than what is needed to prove his worth inside and outside the ring.
It is extremely sad to see that Ryder has now assumed a comical role and this week’s RAW proved just that. Though I’d prefer seeing Ryder often in both RAW and SmackDown, giving him such meaningless screen time doesn’t make sense at all. Several fans are seen online feeling frustrated and one has to only feel sorry for them. As for the WWE, they are missing out on a cash cow that could help them generate just the revenue that they see from the likes of babyfaces like Cena and Sheamus.
Hopefully, we will get to see Ryder pitched against Cesaro or Barrett or at least against the tag team champions in the near future.