#2. WWE NXT Champions Seth Rollins
When the history book is written for Seth Rollins, he will likely be best known for his highly successful run with The Shield. Needless to say, Rollins has enjoyed much more success than just being a part of The Shield.
When Seth first started his WWE career, he was assigned to the FCW developmental brand. While on the FCW roster, Rollins became a household name rather quickly and became the first-ever FCW Grand Slam Champion.
He didn't slow down once FCW was rebranded to NXT as he would become the inaugural NXT Champion, defeating Jinder Mahal for the title. Seth held the title an impressive 133 days before finally losing his championship to Big E, which was a catalyst for his main roster debut.
As we now know, Rollins was destined for greatness and his main roster career has been just that, great. Seth has held way more main roster championships than we can even begin to mention and he has consistently kept his spot at, or near the top, his entire career.