WWE Hall of Famer JBL looked back on his wrestling career recently, including some of the regrets that he had along the way.
John Bradshaw Layfield carved out a legendary career for himself in the WWE. The former WWE announcer achieved tag team success with Ron Simmons as the Acolytes and later as A.P.A. During the early 2000s, he created the money-obsessed Texan that was JBL.
In a recent interview with Inside The Ropes, the former WWE Champion spoke of how he wasn't ready for a big run as a singles performer at the start of his WWE career.
“I wasn’t ready when I came into the WWE for a big-time run. I thought I was, but I was overwhelmed by the system and, you know because you’re a champion in different places and you’ve been successful in places you’ve been you think you can go up to the big stage and you’re automatically going to be a champion and be successful.” H/T Inside The Ropes
Layfield went on to say how his big singles push as WWE Champion came at a time when his body was starting to give up on him.
"I had that run and right when I kind of figured the business out, my body gave out on me, and that’s the only regret I have.” H/T Inside The Ropes
JBL went into WrestleMania 21 as the WWE Champion.
Although his singles run was short, Layfield created a strong enough legacy to go down as one of WWE's best performers of the 21st century.
JBL on the two WWE Superstars he would never mess with
In the late 1990s, Bradshaw and his tag team partner Ron Simmons were considered two of the toughest superstars that WWE had backstage and in front of the audience.
However, in his interview with Inside The Ropes, JBL stated how superstars like Ken Shamrock and Haku were two of the toughest guys in the WWE locker room at the time.
"Yeah, we had Ken Shamrock in our locker room. He won the UFC. I think you know him or Haku." Bradshaw added: "All the boys were kind of standing around. Of course, nothing happened and we just always joked about it. They said, Haku over. We’re just going to send Shamrock out and we’re going to watch them fight for the next 10 years because that would be the greatest fight in the history of the world.” H/T Inside The Ropes
Shamrock has had a legendary career in both MMA and wrestling as he was inducted into both the UFC and Impact! Wrestling Hall of Fame.