Recently, TNA aired the much anticipated ‘Final Deletion’ match between the former TNA World Champions and brothers, Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy. The match received mixed reviews . Although, the fans and many critics agreed to the fact that it was a ‘unique pro wrestling segment’ and will be remembered for a long time.
The match was won by Matt Hardy and as per the rules, Jeff Hardy is ‘deleted’. This new gimmick of the veteran Matt, referred as ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy has also garnered mixed response. While some praised Hardy for trying to renovate his gimmick, others criticised this disheveled man persona.
Till date, no WWE Superstar had remarked about this new gimmick of Matt Hardy. But it seems, the 15 time WWE World Champion John Cena decided to mock the ‘sole owner of the Hardy brand’.
As reported by, Cena posted an image on his Instagram today that looks a lot like the ‘broken’ Matt Hardy.
Cena often posts random photos on his social media accounts, but there are a lot of occasions where there is a deeper layer to them. He even posted an image of AJ Styles, a few weeks prior his WWE debut was announced.