#3 John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena (WrestleMania 21)
John Cena vs. JBL wasn't a great match in terms of in-ring ability, but that wasn't what this was about. This was about Cena finally claiming his spot as one of the top guys in the company and it was a great moment to see. The feud was built brilliantly with The Cabinet constantly thwarting Cena, and JBL is one of the best heels you could have had in this role.
The length of his title reign prior to this made it feel all the more special, and that night in Los Angeles the business truly changed as we know it. It may not have been pretty, but it launched Cena into that level of superstardom that only comes along once every so often. Now, twelve years on, we can see what a huge impact that night had on his career.
We move on to one of the best blow offs to a feud in the history of WWE.