Jon Moxley sat down with radio station 101WKQX to discuss AEW, the movie that he's working on, and what he thinks of the supporting characters in AEW. Moxley expanded by saying that there is no formula and guys like Orange Cassidy are getting Road Warrior pops and that anything can happen on Dynamite, whereas WWE is very predictable.
Moxley believes that AEW Dynamite has something for everyone, whether that includes the sports-entertainment vibe, serious pro wrestling or even comedy-type wrestling. Essentially, he was speaking of the variety that AEW Dynamite brings to the table and that it's unpredictable. On WWE and other promotions, he said,
"It can be very predictable. Because they have a formula. Show opens, guy comes out with a mic, talks, other guy's music hits, comes out with a mic, talks, we made the main event for tonight or whatever. There's these patterns of formula that you see and subconsciously you know as a fan, what's happening and you can predict stuff."
The segment starts at 11:00 in the video below:
Moxley further said that AEW doesn't have any fixed pattern or formula and that changes week to week, especially when the show opens. He even insitutes that they open with a world title match on the next AEW Dynamite. To summarize, Moxley is basically saying that anything could happen in AEW.