Glenn Jacobs has had an incredible career in WWE, lasting over 20 years in his current role as Kane after quick runs as Issac Yankem DDS and Fake Diesel. With a truckload of striking moments and memories, he has enjoyed some great times while donning the famous red mask.
It is no secret that the former World Heavyweight Champion is currently serving as the Mayor of Knox County, TN. He has also released a book recently, titled "Mayor Kane".
Jacobs appeared as a guest on the Jim Norton and Sam Roberts Show to promote his book, as well as talk about politics and his wrestling career. When asked about his favorite era as Kane, he quickly pointed out the two which stood out for him.
"The original, the first incarnation in 1997 through 1998 and then also with Daniel Bryan as Team Hell No. Because those are about as far apart as you can get. You have one, the dark mysterious character then the other one, the funny comic relief on the show," Jacobs said.
These were two of the numerous highlights of Kane's WWE career for sure. His first few months in WWE saw him look every bit as dangerous as the Undertaker, if not more. From the famous moment where he ripped the door off the Hell in a Cell structure all the way through his legendary feud with the Deadman, the Big Red Machine rarely looked stronger.
While that initial run is a more obvious choice, Kane's reasoning for choosing his run with Daniel Bryan perfectly illustrates why he has been able to stick around for two decades.
"I think if you'd ask people in the year 2000 or earlier than that, you tell 'em Kane's gonna be the comedic relief on the show, people would've looked at you like you were nuts. It was fulfilling for me to be able to pull that off and also hopefully, I showed people that I have some versatility as a performer.
Kane and Bryan shared some hilarious moments, as well as some great matches during their extremely fun reign as the WWE Tag Team Champions. Those anger management segments showcased Jacobs' adaptability and versatility within the company.
The sheer entertainment value of Team Hell No helped to make his late-2011 return with the mask a rousing success.