Karrion Kross has absolutely demolished the landscape of NXT. There's never been a single NXT Superstar who has withstood his brute strength and devious, sinister mind. Tommaso Ciampa and Dominik Dijakovic, two of the Black and Gold brand's top stars, fell to Kross.
At NXT TakeOver: XXX, Kross looked to do the same to NXT Champion Keith Lee. As expected, he was in for the fight of his life, as the Limitless One had a lot to prove. Even after Kross and Scarlet tried to blind him with fire weeks ago, Keith Lee came to TakeOver ready to prove a point.
New NXT Champion crowned in Karrion Kross
For the first time in his NXT career, Karrion Kross found someone not only willing to go blow-to-blow with him, but completely capable of that feat. Many times, the NXT Champion left Kross on spaghetti legs.
Both men showed the ability to withstand quite a lot of punishment. Spirit Bombs, Doomsday Saitos, strong elbows and boots; the two men threw everything at one another. Kross was consistently dumbfounded, as the same devastating shots that put out tough competitors like Tommaso Ciampa, Danny Burch, and Dominik Dijakovic didn't do the trick for Lee.
The first-ever NXT double champion was even able to overcome the Kross Jacket, much to the dismay of the Doom Bringer. Still, Karrion Kross' streak did not come to its end.
As the two monsters brawled on the top rope, Kross was able to bring Lee down with a devastating Avalanche Doomsday Saito for the win.
Who can stop Karrion Kross? Is there anyone in NXT who can put an end to his path of destruction?