Kendall 'Juice Box' Marie is making a lot of headway in the world of professional wrestling as a referee at only 18 years of age. Given her age, one would not expect much, but she has already taken great strides to advance in her career.
She has become a mainstay at the 3-2-1 Battle Promotion and has been making tremendous headway in the world of being a professional wrestling referee. Having worked alongside the likes of Aubrey Edwards, there is no limit to where she could be in a couple of years' time.
I had the opportunity to speak to her recently and she talked about 3-2-1 Battle, Aubrey Edwards, how she got the name 'Juice Box', AEW, WWE, and more!
AB: How was it that you first became a referee?
KM: It was an interesting change that I was willing to make to somehow get my name out there and conquer my goals. Making my debut about a year ago, not expecting what I would get from the crowd, AT ALL. It was very interesting. I'm just beyond grateful that I was welcomed by the Battalion, along with other companies in the Pacific Northwest!
AB: Was being a referee something that you always wanted?
KM: Honestly, reffing matches was not my first choice, but it was somewhere in mind. Growing up as a kid who loved wrestling, I have always wanted to do it, no matter the cost. It was something that helped me gained my confidence and I am very glad that I chose this route first a lot more than others that I already had in mind.

AB: At your age, you’re already making comprehensive strides as a referee. Are there any obstacles that you have faced trying to make it in the business?
KM: Yes, there were so many obstacles. It was a difficult road to go down. Very frustrating at times, and sometimes ending up doubting that I would ever get better. Especially around every time I've injured myself or had to be out due to medical emergencies. So far I've dealt with twisted ankles, a dislocated knee, dislocated shoulder, and a recent emergency surgery to get my appendix out. My main obstacles have just been injuries. But others have been my mental health and cardio.
Continue to read about how Aubrey Edwards influenced Kendall, how she met Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan, and being a female referee

AB: In wrestling, growing up who was someone that you looked up to the most?
KM: I really looked up to Chris Jericho, Chyna, Daniel Bryan/ The American Dragon, and Jon Moxley. I've actually met 2 out of the 4. Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho. I was able to tell them both that I did. I was beyond honored and grateful to tell them that.

AB: You have been public about your praise of Aubrey Edwards. What role did she play in your life and career?
KM: Aubrey Edwards was there for me since day one. She has helped me get better as a referee, a hopeful future wrestler, and a person. Training along with her and our trainer Chris Samuels, helped me gain a lot of confidence. She also has taught me to be strong and never back down. She is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. She's my ref mom. I'm beyond grateful to know someone like her. Anyone who has worked with her would know exactly how much of a sweet and genuine human being she is.
AB: Going forward, with AEW appearing on the scene, is that a place where you’d like to referee?
KM: I personally feel like it is on the top of my list, but I'm not too sure if I would be ready for that, I still have a long way to go in my career before anything huge.

AB: You’ve made great strides as a female referee in a mainly male-dominated job. What has that been like?
KM: It has been very intimidating at times, but I know where to be at the right time. Sometimes, it's difficult, but even then I know how to be, I know how to act, I know when to call things down the line and I know how to count to three. Also never backing down is my main thing, always go strong with the decision and roll with it, even when there's a mess up.
Continue as Kendall Marie talks about WWE, being knocked out, 3-2-1 Battle, how she got the name 'Juice Box' and more

AB: At 3-2-1 Battle, you’ve done a tremendous job and are one of the mainstays. Would you like to talk about your time in working for the promotion?
KM: I've been with 3-2-1 BATLLE for a year now. I debuted with them on September 22nd, 2018. It has been one of the greatest things that I have ever done. 3-2-1 BATTLE is my home. I've had the honor to work 36 matches with them so far. Had the honor to ref a match for the Tag Titles and the Seattle Underground Wrestling Championship. I've even got my moniker from there, which started brewing up at the 2018 BattleRumble. All the refs had to have some type of drink. Chris Samuels and Jimmy Jameson had their beers, Aubrey Edwards had wine, and then they all looked at me, realizing that I didn't have a drink. Aubrey pulls out a flashlight and cards me, I hand her my ID, and she says "Nope! She's not 21, she's not 21!" and right after that, Chris Samuels hands me a juice box, the crowd loved it and started chanting "Juice Box". I've kept it ever since.
AB: What is it like taking a bump as a referee and having to sell it? Has there been any bump that has been a bit more serious than others?
KM: I just go with the flow, it's always in the moment. The one I had at BattleMania was one that really concerned a lot of people, to the point to where I couldn't finish the match. Eddie Van Glam vs Pitfall Jones for the 3-2-1 Battle Medallion, Eddie had a Solid Steel Trouser Snake and used it on Pitfall, who is absolutely horrified of snakes. Pitfall got over to the ropes and I was telling Van Glam to let go, by the time I got to three, he let go and from that moment, that was the only thing I remembered.
AB: As a referee, a big part of your job is to make sure you avoid accidentally colliding with the wrestlers. How difficult is it in the heat of the moment?
KM: It's never difficult in the heat of the moment. I just know where I am and where the placement is.
AB: WWE is expanding and have made great strides in recent years. Is going to WWE a dream that you have?
KM: I feel like eventually, I'll get there, it's just not at the agenda at this moment. If the opportunity comes along, then I'll definitely take that chance.

To Kendall Marie, her fans mean a big deal. In the above picture, she is pictured with Shay (right). Kendall said that it was because of fans like her, that she has been doing what she has been doing.
KM: She’s the first one fan that I had who had really made me realize this is why I’m doing this, kids like her and Jamisen are looking up to me. I’m willing to be a role model for them.
AB: Finally, do you have a message for your fans? Also where can readers find you on social media?
KM: For my fans, I'll see you all around soon. It won't be for long that I'll be out. I'm going to be coming back stronger than I ever have. Once I do, I'll be happy to make some rounds back and to completing more of my goals, and then some. There is going to be a lot of change coming up in the next few months heading into 2020 — some won't even know what is coming.
Everyone can find me at @JBKKendallMarie on both Twitter and Instagram. I also have a YouTube channel where you could find right here.
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