AB: In wrestling, growing up who was someone that you looked up to the most?
KM: I really looked up to Chris Jericho, Chyna, Daniel Bryan/ The American Dragon, and Jon Moxley. I've actually met 2 out of the 4. Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho. I was able to tell them both that I did. I was beyond honored and grateful to tell them that.
AB: You have been public about your praise of Aubrey Edwards. What role did she play in your life and career?
KM: Aubrey Edwards was there for me since day one. She has helped me get better as a referee, a hopeful future wrestler, and a person. Training along with her and our trainer Chris Samuels, helped me gain a lot of confidence. She also has taught me to be strong and never back down. She is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. She's my ref mom. I'm beyond grateful to know someone like her. Anyone who has worked with her would know exactly how much of a sweet and genuine human being she is.
AB: Going forward, with AEW appearing on the scene, is that a place where you’d like to referee?
KM: I personally feel like it is on the top of my list, but I'm not too sure if I would be ready for that, I still have a long way to go in my career before anything huge.
AB: You’ve made great strides as a female referee in a mainly male-dominated job. What has that been like?
KM: It has been very intimidating at times, but I know where to be at the right time. Sometimes, it's difficult, but even then I know how to be, I know how to act, I know when to call things down the line and I know how to count to three. Also never backing down is my main thing, always go strong with the decision and roll with it, even when there's a mess up.
Continue as Kendall Marie talks about WWE, being knocked out, 3-2-1 Battle, how she got the name 'Juice Box' and more