#3 Kurt Angle American Badass on a Scooter

This segment happened on WWE Raw back during The Attitude Era. This was during the time of The Undertaker's biker gimmick. More precisely, the American Bad Ass version.
Taker comes out hopping mad, gets on the mic and complains that Kurt Angle dropped milk and food on his prized motorcycle or chopper. He demands a match with Angle. The American Hero comes out to apologize, which leads to him offering a scooter to The Undertaker as a gift to make amends with The Dead Man.
Seeing The Olympic Gold Medallist coming out on a scooter, complete with a helmet and goggles is downright hilarious. As mentioned before, Kurt Angle did his best work when he played up his goofiness to perfection.
Of course, as the segment ends, The Undertaker proceeds to chase Angle on his own motorcycle which leads to him running away like a scared child. Undertaker throws the scooter off the ramp to the delight of the crowd.