#3 Dean Ambrose
The Lunatic Fringe. The Ironman of the WWE. Dean Ambrose always put on great matches. Considering that he's more or less leaving WWE after WrestleMania 35, It's unfortunate that was no place on the match card for him. Should have Dean Ambrose been Kurt Angle's last opponent?
Their styles are very unlike each other. Dean Ambrose brings a street approach to his wrestling which is a counterbalance to Kurt Angle's technical prowess. Dean Ambrose has the ability to bring in-ring psychology to his matches and can raise the tempo at will. Kurt Angle has everything in his possession and matches wits with anyone one-on-one.
Who would have gone over? Had this been early on when Kurt Angle returned, probably Dean Ambrose in this instance. But it's up to Vince McMahon himself. Sadly, the WWE Universe will never know who would have come out on top.