#1 Bret Hart
This match could have easily have happened, had Bret Hart not had to retire during his time in WCW. Too many concussions took their toll on The Hitman and ended his career before he could have had some of the best matches in the company.
Bret Hart himself said he would have loved to wrestle Kurt Angle if he had another chance to do it all over again. The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best there ever will be. Bret Hart was all of those things. He himself came from a technical wrestling background and was definitely the excellence of execution.
People should look into his matches with Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, and even Chris Benoit to see what kind of pedigree he brings to the ring. Had the Montreal Screwjob not happened, Bret Hart could have great matches and ended his career on a high.
The Excellence of Execution vs The Olympic Gold Medalist. Dream match, Indeed!
Anyone else you wished Kurt Angle could have faced?