Your recent run with WWE I think allowed everyone to see your in-ring work properly showcased. How do you look back on it - with fondness or regret?
No, man. No regret. No regrets whatsoever. You know, I feel, through it all, I stayed true to myself and I've been honest, I showed people the real me off-screen. I did my job on screen, which was awesome. I did my job. I can truly say that I did my job and I tried my best, and my best was enough... Enough to get me over but not enough to keep me in the company, obviously!
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But, yeah, I feel good about the whole thing, man. I feel like I accomplished so much in the short three years that I'd been there. A lot of things that are things that people 10-15+ years in the company haven't even reached yet so I feel like I did my job, I feel like I accomplished something. I feel like I've carved my name in the WWE history books and it's never coming out, so I feel good about it, man.
I honestly... I got to win my Championship. I got to be a manager, I got to be on commentary, I got to be at the Royal Rumble, got to be at WrestleMania, NXT, 205 Live, Mixed Match Challenge, Monday Night RAW. I got to invade Friday Night SmackDown on a D-X tank. I got to have the first NXT victory at the first point in the Survivor Series stand-off. Man, I did everything and I'm glad. I'm glad.
What's the aim for Ever After? If you look back in two or three years, what do you want this album to represent?
Like, I touched on the subject before but I really tried to focus on my vulnerability with this album and it doesn't get any more vulnerable than now with the position that I'm in, the story that I'm telling with the album, with my love life and stuff like that, so I definitely think that this is something that's going to be really special.
Now, we know you have a new album on the way, and I’m sure music will be something you’ll concentrate on, but will we see you in the ring again? If so, where would be the ideal place for you?
Yeah, that's a really tough question. I think that just goes back to my tweet. It's going to take a lot for me to just put myself back in that situation, not even just financially. I think I'm just going to have to cross that bridge when I get to it.
You can follow Lio Rush on Twitter here, and listen to Lio's new album 'Ever After' here.